a little about myself and my journey from Milana's blog

hi there everyone.

i'm going to try to share a little about me on this blog, so you all can gain a better understanding of who i am, my past, and why it's lead me to be the person i am now and my desire to be a sister wife.

I'll try to write a little each day in an ongoing way, but let me start by saying a grew up in a very liberal and highly educated household. I love my parents deeply. They raised me in the things they believed, which were things like compassion for those less fortunate, empathy, and honesty.  They are feminists and also more left-learning, but they never demanded I be so as well.  They encouraged me to keep core values of love and faith, but to allow them to manifest however my beliefs evolved.

As it became clear to me, as i tried hard to fit in as a hair-under-the-armpits feminist that it just wasn't for me, they supported my decisions to become more involved in the christian church, to seek strong men who set the tone for me and our relationship, to be more conservative in my politics, and eventually to find my journey here, where i hope to find a loving Husband and His alpha wives where i can serve in a beta role. While they are proud of my career and support me, i don't think this is where they anticipated their daughter ending up.  But they love and support what i choose to be. And what i choose to be is a subservient and devoted wife to a King who can ensure my role is cherished but also i doing things in my proper place, at the feet of the Man i'm devoted to.

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Apr 25 '2020, 1:06 AM
I wrather enjoyed your post. Life is such an interesting journey isn't it?
Oct 17 '2020, 11:32 AM
i'm sorry Polywifen, if my post screams kink. i was just trying to say what i felt, but maybe i didn't say it very well.
Oct 18 '2020, 12:18 AM
It was a beautiful post and you shared your feelings in an expressive and colorful way.
Apr 17 '2021, 12:50 PM
Been trying very hard to reach you Milana, you seem like everything I have been looking for.
Jul 10 '2021, 12:59 PM
I guess I took it a different way. “Hair-under-the-airport feminist” is a (IMO eloquent) way to describe one part of the feminist movement. While it does represent the core values of feminism, it may describe what type of feminists her parents are.

While her desire to be a good wife could be her desire to be the sub in a dom/sub relationship; it also could be her way of expressing her desire for a scripture-based role of men and women having separate but equally important roles in a marriage. While she certainly could want to be a sub, I did not assume this is the case.

As to whether the dom/sub relationship is kink; I think it I s a matter of your perspective. It seems a bit outside the norm to me but others may not agree. I think it also depends on how far it is taken.
I guess I took it a different way. “Hair-under-the-airport feminist” is a (IMO eloquent) way to describe one part of the feminist movement. While it does represent the core values of feminism, it may ...See more
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By Milana
Added Apr 21 '2020, 7:11 PM


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