The future wish from pesky's blog

Good morning, its late and i am about to go to bed.

I decided i would write a little about my hopes.  I hope to meet a family that one to add another.  That want a lifelong commitment.  Not a passing fad, and nothing that will be instanst, but taking the time to know me as i learn about them.  adding to one another, building a future together is my dream.

I know im older than most girls, im 47 now, but i hope im not too old.  I would never be happy as just a single couple and i dont want that.  I need a family.  i am too old to have children, my about to hit menapause.  I have no children.  I have no debts, other than my student loan but thats not a big issue.  My degree should allow me to move anywhere easily.

I have pets.  I have a dog and two cats who i adore.  I am a confident girl, I have travelled a lot.  I think I have a lot to offer, if nothing else than my knowledge of backgammon.

I used to be in a poly, but sadly he died or i would still be there.  Being poly was the happiest time of my life.  It truely is an amazing way to be.  I love having sister wives i can speak with and make friends with.  

I hope one day perhaps with this web site i will connect with a new family.  Tread once more upon this path.

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By pesky
Added May 3 '2023, 7:17 PM


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