minko's blog

What is a man's estate? his wife or wife's. Why ? because the very foundation of an estate is the earth and the woman is the natural earth that produce the natural heirs of the earth estate. Without the woman there is no continuation of the estate. Now look at this closely, if we don't operate from the foundation of an estate our natural heirs, children become the property of someone else's estate by default. What am I talking about, in the natural system of the estate children are the natural production, property and labor of the estate of which become the natural heir of the estate within a constant cycle of the continuation of life. This is the family bloodline estate. Mostly supper wealthy people are known by their family name because to truly be wealthy you must function as a family unit like the Rothschilds, Dupont's etc
Family it's passed time to get our house in order. Family must operate as it's own governing body or some other governing body will by default. It is time to clan up! and rebuild our family institution. Civilization is built around commerce and the fundamental aspects of commerce is labor to develop good and perform services which is used to trade or barter. The woman is the key figure that equates to the family estate or estates because she produce the natural value of family commodities called children. Just as stocks, children are investments that has to mature in order to cash in on their labor which is a system and cycle of family enterprise that is pass down from generation to generation. If we fail to organize our children to work for us they will work for others by default and contribute to the wealth of another family estate and not truly benefit from their own labor as the heirs of their natural family estate.

Thoughts from Minko Yakaba


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