Site for the future from LetsdoLove's blog

It's great to have a site like this. Let us all keep supporting it because this is the first stage of socialization and normalization. Monogamy as law came as force upon the world just like slavery, forced not a choice. Over 90% of nature shows polygamy, the rest is cheating and animals that stay for short while. They often say the fox and wolf and some others are monogamous, many researchers state that this is incorrect as many of these male animals are territorial; which means they mate with other females that come into their territory. Polygamy was the choice of many human society for thousands of years until Rome and Christianity force it unnaturally upon the world. The bible even agrees with polygamy and Christians today fight it. So I know many of us here are excited about what you think is the newest lifestyle and all but this is not new and in a lot of ways it is not even to be considered old, but rather plain and simply the way of the earth! The way nature says it should be. 

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Mar 9 '2020, 10:28 PM
I'd go one step further and say that cheating is the taboo of monogamy. When divorce was not legal and we had no contraception monogamy and marriage made a lot of sense as it encouraged people to consider the outcomes of their sexual activity. These days we are more "individual". Instant pleasure-seekers seeking that "perfect partner" because we deserve it as an "individual" who has a worth above that of their community. So "cheating" is justified in so many ways, including when they no longer see their partner as perfect or have "fallen out of love". In some cases, promiscuity is encouraged, particularly in order to find that "perfect" partner! Fidelity suffers since we no longer learn skills to negotiate and enjoy the happiness of others. Nobody is perfect. We need to work on ourselves and do good so that we can see ourselves mirrored in the actions of others.I'd go one step further and say that cheating is the taboo of monogamy. When divorce was not legal and we had no contraception monogamy and marriage made a lot of sense as it encouraged people to cons...See more
Mar 9 '2020, 10:30 PM
Like I said in another post, a person who is "good" at monogamy is highly likely to be "good" at polygamy also!
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By LetsdoLove
Added Mar 4 '2020, 9:22 PM


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