MarkNiwot's blog

...and single mothers with children, especially young ones...

Hopefully by now you can see what's coming.  Myself and others have been warning about it for a long time now, and we're there.

You have probably already seen empty shelves.  It will get worse - much worse.  And if you thought the riots were bad before, wait until this country sees genuine widespread hunger for the first time in its history.  The major cities will be a nightmare.

Which is why I am thankful many here are able to see the benefit of a larger loving family.  ESPECIALLY in a more rural area - and the further from major populations, the better.

I also encourage people to understand the fragility of the power grid (as an electronic engineer, this has been on my mind for well over a decade now).  It's why we are 100% off-grid here, in every way (solar, primarily).

Be thinking now about what is coming, and what you are able to accomplish.  By the time most people wake up to what has already happened, it will be too late.


It was a study of marriage that was primary to my coming to see that, not only may a man take more than one wife, but we "have inherited lies" in a number of areas, as the prophet Jeremiah said we would one day come to understand.  And as the Messiah, Yahushua (or Yeshua, but His mother never once called him 'jesus' -- and neither did anyone else on planet earth for about 16 centuries) put it - what we have "heard it says," is too often really not at ALL what He actually Wrote.

And the way we can discern the 'truth from the lies' about what the Bible really says is CONSISTENCY.  If we see what looks like a contradiction, it's either our misunderstanding, or even the translator's, but not His.  Often those 'apparent contradictions', BTW (as in the case of marriage) are where we can find the greatest insight into distinctions we might otherwise miss.

Much of the 'twisting', however, is deliberate.  Too many men in positions of power (even if not real Authority) believe they know better than the Author of Scripture what He SHOULD have written, if He was as smart as they think they are.    That's the history of much of the 'sunday church' -- that outlawed and changed much of what He Wrote.  Prohibition of polygyny about 800 years after they killed Him was followed by 'priestly celibacy' less than a century later, for obvious reasons, that have now reaped a nasty fruit.

And all of that, by the way, is why the whole world is such a Steenkin' Mess today - it's not just society having utterly twisted the concept of marriage, but everything from diet to what is "money" (and what is not - which is why we have the biggest debt bubble and coming collapse of the 'global reserve currency' in human history.)  Yeah, ultimately they call evil, 'good,' and good, 'evil'.   They're proud of it, too.

Some, hopefully even many, here, may understand that they have been "called to polygyny by God," which might well be true.  If so, then He will also call you to study and understand the rest of what He Wrote for us as well.  The tremendous beauty of that is, once you see how the "pieces fit together" -  they will ALL fit together!  Every "yod and tittle", from Bereshiet or "In the Beginning" of the Book to Maps at the end...

For anyone who's gotten this far - I do a number of radio shows every week, both live and podcasted later.  One is a daily news summary and commentary, from a Scriptural perspective; the are Torah/Bible teachings, and my longest-running show, called "Come out of her, My people".  (All available at: )

Many here might find a teaching I did recently from the Book of Exodus particularly interesting, even challenging, but it will certainly make this whole topic more clear:

Back to Slavery - but NOT the Exodus 21 Kind!

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