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We probably should have named this one Choosy Lovers or If we can't be lovers. Polygamy is a topic of hit debate nowadays. Join us as we discuss the fascination with people having more than one lover. The good, bad, and ugly. Is it selfish? Is it custom? Is it being open and honest? Is this what faithful is? We will have special guests from on to speak to us about the concept and construct of how polygamy works.

robyn Apr 10 '2018, 7:25 AM · Comments: 2 · Tags: sister wives, sisterwives, gumbo talk
Comment with your favorite vacation!!! 

My favorite are cruises...I've been on 4 and plan on going on a ton more!! -- rhyme kinda just happened

Ma77ory Apr 1 '2018, 10:43 AM
We aren't really available right now as we in the trenches of fight a religious free exercise battle in the courts. If fighting evil is part of your thing then checkout our FB group "Law Geeks".
qwnsknight Feb 17 '2018, 2:30 PM
      my name is Heidi I have been married twice before but both marriages failed for one reason or another.I have some mental disability as well as physical ones that most cant handle and I was wondering does anyone have any advice for some one who really knows nothing of this life style has only seen or heard about it on tlc's sister wives.I am lonely and tired of being that way!
countryangel1 Feb 5 '2018, 11:29 PM · Comments: 1
Hello Everyone,

As most of you guys Know, me and Robyn Own and Run Sister Wives.

A Problem we run into while matchmaking, is Games....

Listen, I will be the first to tell you, we are not immune to anything at all. The facts are, A Lot of Couples and Groups met their match here on sister wives, it makes us happy to know that we do help the community, and Help many people seeking a sister wife find their matches...

Anyways I will share some of our Professional Advice with you guys to help minimize heartache. 


Note: THESE are Time Frames everyone should be aware of.

1. If He/She will not Hop on a Phone Call with you within a Day or 2, STOP Wasting Your Time. NEXT.

2. VIDEO Chat, by 2 or 3 days of Talking, 1 week max, if He/She will not video chat, STOP Wasting your Time, You Might be getting Cat fished or played.

3. This is the Big one, If He or She is not willing to Meet you within 1 Month, STOP Wasting your Time, By now there will be some heartache, but you can not have a virtual relationship. It is time to move to the next step in the relationship, and that includes proper courting/dating.

and Finally the Last

4. By 2 - 6 months if He or She is not willing to move closer, or at least plan to... You Probably Wasted your Time. Sorry

I base this off my relationship, and in my experience with poly matchmaking.

Best of Luck to you all.

Chris Jan 25 '2018, 5:33 PM · Comments: 3 · Tags: seeking sister wife, polygamy match making, matchmaking
It's hard to keep the faith when you put your heart and soul into finding that special person, things start to look promising, you are starting communication, or maybe taking that next step to meeting that person, or have met and are looking toward the future and things are looking bright, only to have communication stop dead, they start drama and or games, or decide that this lifestyle isn't for them, or just completely take your heart and crush it into a million pieces just for the fun of it. If it weren't for the unexplainable feeling of being called to live plural marriage, I would give up searching and just say I'm done. But I feel this so strongly that I can't stop hoping that our special sister wife is out there somewhere. 

If you are out there, and you just might happen to read this, and are truly serious and committed to living plural marriage, we would love to get to know you! All we want to do is find that special person for us, just like everyone else on this site. We are real, we are 100% all in! Talk with us, give us a chance, I can promise you that we will give that to you as well. We really, honest-to-goodness want to live plural marriage. All I'm asking for is to be given a chance. 


countryfamily08 Nov 22 '2017, 10:53 PM · Comments: 5
We have been searching for a long time, not as long as some couples/families, but for several years, and we have met many who are curious, like the idea, want to try it, say they are all about communication but then never communicate, only to decide the lifestyle isn't for them, or they don't like us, or have lied, cheated, used us, or just disappeared, tried to drive a wedge between husband and wife to be monogamous with just the husband. Is there anyone out there who truly wants to live the plural marriage lifestyle, who will truly communicate, won't play games, won't lie, cheat, use us, try to steal the husband away, who desires to live in harmony as a plural family?! If so, where are you?! We have been searching for you!
countryfamily08 Sep 12 '2017, 1:36 AM · Comments: 1

When a couple or a single man/lady takes the journey of Polygamy sometimes if not almost every time it takes a while. Sometimes this can be as short as a few weeks or as long as a few years. As a couple looking think about the time when you were single and found your mate, It may have been difficult to meet that special person your with because of “matching Preference” think about all the others that you dated in the past that were not the right match. As a single looking think about the same and your own desires as to what you seek. When you enter into the Poly world, you need to match with your sister wife and husband. As a couple you have your spouse and now a new member to worry about, her likes, dislikes, hobbies, food preference, habits etc. Depending on your family, you may want to move fast or slow, but the balance falls between where you all feel comfortable. Wanting a Poly family and rushing to quickly could result in a disaster if not everyone involved is on the same page.

A few tips to help you move forward on Make sure your profile is filled out correctly, and fully, add photos and maybe some fun ones.  Be active, Log in often to check your messages and respond, if you are not interested in a family or a single that is messaging you should be honest and let them know so either party can move on. Be honest in what you are looking for this can be added in your profile. has added new features including chat and video chat that makes it easier than having to use outside video programs.

Most of all have fun with your search, stay positive and keep moving forward in the end you will match with the prefect person for your family. Having a Sister wife or a family is important, and creating the environment that you see in polygamy is important.


Source: Sister Wives

Chris Jun 29 '2017, 11:24 PM · Tags: sister wives

A lingering question why can we not live in a polygamous relationship? Believing in the true meaning of love, who has the right to decide whom or how many people that is and what it looks like. There are all types of relationships in the world, monogamous, open relationships, homosexual relationships, transgendered, Gay, bisexual, straight, Etc. So why as a consenting adult is this allowed and accepted and not Polygamy?

I am free to choose whom to love and marry, Regardless of if it offends anyone because it is not the norm. If you remember correctly people in the LGBT culture back into the 80’s since that is as far back as I can remember, were not out in the open. Homosexual people were looked at as wrong, bad, weird and all other sorts of things.

Being in a LGBT relationship is finally accepted into our society, but not without a huge struggle to get there. Surely, there are still struggles with values that families hold at times, the judgement of others that do not agree with their lifestyle and many many other things. Nevertheless, they are free, free to be out in the open, free to love whom they choose, free to not hide and free to live their lives and there is nothing wrong with that.

So why is being in a polygamous relationship against everyone? Being Poly is not anything different than above, yet polygamists hide, shelter themselves, their children for fear of prosecution, Losing their children, careers, homes, friends, family. Why because others see it is wrong, disgusting, cheating, against the grain of what our society deems “normal”. Being in a committed relationship with one or multiple people is not wrong in any way if everyone is on the same page.

If everyone in the specific relationship, agrees and is ok with bringing in another partner weather male or female what is wrong with that? When a person is in a sound mind, not under the influence of a substance, and clear in the decision chosen he/she should be free to make that choice. Whos right is it to tell you that you cannot have that. Why is it up to the “system” to say no it is against the law, and you can be prosecuted, why when you are a legal abiding citizen this is the risk because of who you love?

The term Polygamy in itself is not all a bed of roses; there are a few things in my opinion that are a problem. The compounds/sects with multiple FLDS members, who follow some of the “profits” that are marrying off young minor children. The abuse that takes place in those situations is not ok, that is not Polygamy it is abuse and extremely wrong on every level.
Polygamy is a choice or a calling for many and as an individual you need to make that choice for yourself by being of legal age to do so, Polygamy should never be forced on anyone due to religion or beliefs. This should be on the individual making that sound choice.

Any polygamist family who has multiple partners and children because let us be honest many families in this world have quite a number of children, which is great if you can afford them. Applying for Governmental assistance as a poly family is not something that should be taking place.
As a family, decisions such as these need to be discussed as a group before having multiple children; if you cannot afford 10-20 children, you should not be having them. Adding children should be discussion in which every adult member is comfortable. These are two of the biggest issues I feel need to be addressed in polygamy.

However, many blessings come along with living in a plural marriage/commitment, multiple people for household duties, Lots of laughs, Commitment, Child rearing, and additional income for necessities. Being in a plural relationship can be a very magical thing. On the other side, if something devastating happened in the family and there was a death, there would be more than one parent that truly cares and loves each other to raise the children as a team. Having a best girlfriend an additional spouse that you are able to share your, thoughts, feelings, family, children and spouse with does work for many families.

When will it be that Polygamy is accepted as a personal choice? What is it that needs to take place, rallies, protests, and appeals to senators? Remember what the LGBT had to go through, maybe in the coming days, months, and years polygamy will be viewed as a choice, a free choice. As law abiding, tax paying, working citizen’s polygamists deserve the right to be happy, fulfilled, out of hiding, and free to make this choice. If you are looking for a Family or a female to join your family, or are just starting out visit there are many wonderful people there. is a great place for community support, knowledge, a great platform for friendship and your potential forever family.


robyn Jun 15 '2017, 6:37 PM · Tags: polygamy

What are you considering?! Is it true that you are insane?!?

Alright, simply joking. As insane as this truly sounds to the world, or to anyone that is first dealing with this question, those of us who have been through the move and lived to tell have taken in a couple of things, and in all actuality on the off chance that you can ace your weaknesses and venture up to this way of life, you will be luxuriously remunerated. You will be all the more liberated to act naturally and to seek after your interests. You will share the highs and lows of your existence with more individuals that genuinely cherish you and need the best for you and are on your side. Furthermore, you will be free from the annoying trepidation that your better half will abandon you some time or another for another person.

There's a considerable measure to consider, a great deal of issues. Numerous advantages and disadvantages to be weighed. Take as much time as is needed.

On the off chance that you are as of now wedded, and you and your significant other have begun discussing this, DON'T accept that your better half is quite recently searching for more sex, or is exhausted with you, or in any capacity considers less you a man and as a spouse. We can't represent precisely what's experiencing your better half's brain, however consider the accompanying cases:

A lady who has had a child, and that infant is currently two or three years of age, may wind up needing another infant. It doesn't mean she doesn't love her first tyke. She simply needs a greater amount of what she has, and to the degree she is a decent mother and is generally benevolent, she simply needs to dispatch all the more balanced youngsters into the world.

A business person who has enlisted a worker, whose business is as yet developing, may choose to enlist another representative. It doesn't mean there is anything amiss with the execution of the main worker. It just implies that the business is developing and needs more hands to deal with the work process.

An undergrad who has a companion she invests a great deal of energy with may meet another companion—somebody fascinating and invigorating that she needs to become more acquainted with better and thinks might be a decent long haul companion. The 'old companion' could get desirous and possessive and attempt to undermine the new relationship, or she could value the new companion, maybe build up her own relationship, and to the degree them three all appreciated each other's conversation and delighted in doing things together, they'd all be wealthier for it.

Clearly none of these cases hits precisely being a spouse. In any case, each in its own specific manner hits a piece of being a spouse. Regardless of whether it's the arrangement and insurance that a spouse offers a wife and a mother offers a youngster, or the feeling of cooperation and fellowship that describes solid business connections, or the basic fraternity of a decent companion, none of these connections is essentially debilitated by the expansion of more connections. When they're set well, "the more, the merrier".

In the event that you are thinking about turning into a man's second or third spouse, your circumstance is comparable in some ways, and diverse in others. You're measuring whether to surrender trusts and dreams in some relationship that hasn't happened yet; the primary spouse is managing feeling deceived, similar to some person changed the arrangement on her without inquiring. You're feeling sort of exceptional that your man would need to add you to his family; she's fondling somewhat utilized and dismissed that he would need to add you to the family, which is her family, as well, coincidentally. In any case a similar question presents itself: Where does your self-esteem originated from? What makes you like yourself and gives you seek after what's to come?

That is a ton to consider. Gone up against with the likelihood that what God needs for your life is drastically not quite the same as what you have been directed to expect, it's reasonable this would be a troublesome and some of the time enthusiastic process. Be that as it may, don't stop. Try not to surrender. What you're experiencing now will pass. Concentrate on what's valid about the affection for God and the will of God, "and reality might make you free".

Jojo Jun 5 '2017, 3:26 PM · Rate: 4.88 · Comments: 6 · Tags: biblical polygamy
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