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I'd just like to say hi to everyone here. As much as we believe polygamy is in itself a very good option according to biblical faith, in much the same way as monogamy, but to the next level, I must admit we are quite intimidated by the unknown and quite timid. 

However since we do hold this conviction yet are in a geographic location where polygamy is pretty much unheard of, especially Christian polygamy, I am looking for like minded friends. If God clearly leads us to someone one day, that would be a blessing, but honestly our primary objective right now is just to make a few more lasting friendships.

I'd love to hear the story of your faith journey and how polygamy became acceptable and desirable to you. If you are in a polygamous relationship I'd love to hear your story and how things are going. So whether you are a couple or man or woman, feel free to look me up and introduce yourselves.

Lorne May 6 '2020, 6:04 PM
This site along with certain tv shows is the foundation of the future of Sisterwifehood. I believe things will only get better for this beautiful life and its influence in society. When you meet people on this site it gives you an opportunity to change your perspectives on relationships and life. We are so influenced by society and often those influences are filled with unfair judgements. I am friends with many people who are on this site and who are no longer on the site and that is the beauty of all this; its not just about finding a wife or husband or partner. One of my best friends that came from this site is so sweet. She decided poly is not for her but we remained great friends. We talk everyday and we have encouraged each other during the covid 19. Make great friends everyone!
LetsdoLove May 2 '2020, 8:25 AM
i have been an inactive member for some years now (actually) and i have not drawn much attention to my profile either. i am not particularly extroverted for one ... the poly community is fickle for another, i know it well, as i am not new to the poly experience. that said, i feel like i am new to the site; i think i started as a paid member around the beginning of this month. 

judging by whether or not i am able to connect with people, obviously, determines whether or not i remain as a paid member ... i expected to be having lots of inviting and intelligent conversation ... in fact i came here looking for consensual relations, to build my family and to enlighten anyone that i can as per my experience, study and perspectives ...

so then, using my subscription and taking a forward step towards meeting people, seems like a good idea to me ...  

Fall in love with the process of being strict with who you allow in your life. You must be very selective with who you choose to give access to. The energy you take in says a lot about how you will feel, how you will think and who you will become.

I retired from dealing with fake versions of people. I only want your authentic self, nomater how dark or deep it is. I dont expect perfect from myself or you, but I do expect real, I do expect honest.

To ones moving for a poly family, Sometimes, moving gives you the total freedom and fresh start you deserve. 

Dear (Brian)

Dearandlove May 1 '2020, 10:13 AM · Tags: moving, authentic self

 Seduction was on my mind today. Is it the same for men and wemon? To seduce in its basic definition is to attract powerfully. Our understanding and subsequent caring out of this seduction usually interacts with sex in some shape or form. We are taught that in order to utilize seduction effectively, actions that are rooted in sexuality must be weaponized to achieve a goal. Usually that goal is realized by getting another human being to comply with our wishes by motivating them sexually , be it sincere or not. Seduction isnt bad , I'm just reflecting on what we call in to make it happen. 

I believe the ability to weaponize sexuality with is auxiliary components like good looks is like a privilege in a way. And since many privileges are advantages not shared by all. In a society that tries it's best to make us feel bad about ourselves and our life style choices, appearances , status and personality.  The ability to feel you are ABLE to seduce is lost to many.

I think that attracting powerfully is more than sex and that if we had a heavier for who we are as people , feeling like one has the ability to seduce would fall more so in the nuances of the human experience .

Would you wrather call on the fleeting aspects of your existence or with who you are as a person.

Your amazing,  I'm amazing. Let's all be swayed by those who are dope, kind and are trying to make the world brighter

Brian (Dear)

Dearandlove Apr 30 '2020, 11:08 AM · Tags: seduction, society, humanity
Hi I'm  Brian, the Dear half of dear and Love. I'm uncertain what happened to my last introduction blogs but here we go again. I'm not sure where the nicknames came from but literally everyone knows us as that.

I'm certain love will post her own intro later

I'm 6'2 35year old bear of a man. I can talk about anything from astrophysics to child psychology to the perfect pokemon deck but I'm in finance by trade. I love 80s movies and black and white movies from like the 40s. Though i look quite intimidating, I'm very gental. I'm an anime gamer nerd daddy dom 3rd dan in judo

I've been told I'm not what someone would have expected in a dom. There are many misconceptions about BDSM and kink. I have no tattoos or piercings and I don't wear leather.  Primarily I'll be blogging about my experiences that brought me to BDSM and kink.  I claim no expertise only experience and what it means to be a daddy dom.

You will have to get through Love to talk to me until you connect enough. After all you sisters must get along. But I might say hi


Dearandlove Apr 28 '2020, 10:15 AM · Tags: #kink #domsub #bdsm
Hello Everyone, hope you are all keeping safe during these uncertain times. Just wanted to briefly say a few words about community building and friendships with those who seek this similar life of polygamy. Polygamy is found more in nature than monogamy (which barely exist). This means nature has a reason why this life of polygamy is innate and effective, However, we have for thousands of years been influenced by many philosophies and social behaviours that might not aid in a polygamous life. Many times the women or men we meet on here just do not work out because of those philosophies and social behaviour.  Don't expect to always find someone quickly. Build a mental community. Build bonds with people who know that you like this life. Figure each other out and get to know ways in which you can create a new path from the many different paths you are all coming from. My wife and I came from different paths, and we are able to be fully united and free from arguments because we got to know each other's path and form a new path. Monogamous relationships sometimes are painful and a lot of that has to do with the influence of society. Society transforms us into what it wants and oftentimes that conflicts with nature. This brings the many complex problems relationships face today. Polygamy is a beautiful but nature strategic way of living. It can be powerful, it can be effective, but should be done with joy and patience as we learn this new/old and natural way of living. 
LetsdoLove Apr 23 '2020, 4:40 AM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 1
hi there everyone.

i'm going to try to share a little about me on this blog, so you all can gain a better understanding of who i am, my past, and why it's lead me to be the person i am now and my desire to be a sister wife.

I'll try to write a little each day in an ongoing way, but let me start by saying a grew up in a very liberal and highly educated household. I love my parents deeply. They raised me in the things they believed, which were things like compassion for those less fortunate, empathy, and honesty.  They are feminists and also more left-learning, but they never demanded I be so as well.  They encouraged me to keep core values of love and faith, but to allow them to manifest however my beliefs evolved.

As it became clear to me, as i tried hard to fit in as a hair-under-the-armpits feminist that it just wasn't for me, they supported my decisions to become more involved in the christian church, to seek strong men who set the tone for me and our relationship, to be more conservative in my politics, and eventually to find my journey here, where i hope to find a loving Husband and His alpha wives where i can serve in a beta role. While they are proud of my career and support me, i don't think this is where they anticipated their daughter ending up.  But they love and support what i choose to be. And what i choose to be is a subservient and devoted wife to a King who can ensure my role is cherished but also i doing things in my proper place, at the feet of the Man i'm devoted to.

Milana Apr 21 '2020, 7:11 PM · Rate: 4.75 · Comments: 5
I need some advice, what’s the best way to bet for a Queen to add to our family how can jealousy be elevated?
QueenKitty Apr 21 '2020, 11:19 AM

Why is it so hard to find a woman who is serious about joining our family. So many times we have came across fakes and spam bots. were is the lady for us.
devinm Apr 8 '2020, 6:31 PM · Tags: poly
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