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Tag search results for: "seeking sister wife"

This is certainly something that you must have thought about over and over again and every single time you probably came up with a different answer. Let’s be truthful: love, relationships, and people – a mix of all three is difficult as it is, not to mention trying something different that is not always seen as the norm by the society in which we live in. Nevertheless, we are able to offer you the opportunity to make things easier for yourself when you are Polygamy Dating.

If you have just admitted to yourself that you prefer being in a relationship with more than one person, then everything might seem incredibly overwhelming. But, keep in mind that it does not have to be this way. Take the time to look over our website. Our social network was specifically designed to help you find companionship, love, fun and everything that you are looking for when it comes to your love life. The best part about it is that all the individuals you will find here are polygamists. This means that there is no need for any big reveal regarding your personal preferences.

Every single one of our members have a few essential details about themselves, especially the reason why they are here and what they are looking for. Some might be looking for men, while others are interested in being a sister wife. If you are still uncertain whether to create your own account or not, here’s something interesting: we make your life easier when it comes to finding a match. How? Our social network will allow you to look for people that share the same or similar interests to yours. Starting up a conversation with a few of them is going to be a matter of a few short clicks.

The same comes with finding love. When you think about the fact that you might be just a click away from coming across that special someone that can make you and your current partner feel complete, you must be feeling butterflies! Why wait any longer when you could seize up all of these opportunities now? Not tomorrow, not next week, not when you are rejected by someone that does not understand the concept of Polygamy Dating. There is no real reason why you should not get out there and start dating as soon as possible.

We make this entire process simple because we want you to find the perfect match in any situation! You have a few simple options on our website: create your own profile and then browse through the profiles of our other members as they appear on your screen or perform a search using the search bar and type in the keywords that you are interested in. You will come across more than a few profiles that match your description. Dating has never been easier! You can find new matches every single day and talk to as many members as you would like.

If you want to meet in real life, so be it. Our purpose is to simply put our social network, this dating platform at your disposal so that you can meet the people you are looking for without dealing with any unwanted complications. When seeking a sister wife, you must avoid regular dating sites, especially if you have already been there before and have chatted with a few people that might have seemed open minded, but were not. It does not really matter where you find that special someone if they are not open to being part of a more interesting combination.

It is difficult to explain to others that do not already live a polygamous lifestyle what it means, what it implies, what sort of rules need to be set from the beginning and so on. But, our website saves you from all this trouble. If you are wondering how difficult it might be to actually find someone new, the answer is pretty straightforward: it’s not. This can happen in seconds. Maybe you just finish creating your profile and start up a conversation with someone new who turns out to be exactly the person you were looking for.

It can be that simple. Or, you might need to chat with a few different people before you get the feeling that you have met the right one. Either way, it is simpler here because there is no need to give out any additional explanations about who you are, what you want in matters of relationships and even why you might be Seeking Sister Wife. This is certainly not something that you can blurt out the second you meet someone who you were set up with or that you have stumbled upon in a pub.

The problem with society is that the people you come across will always judge you, no matter what you do. If you are different and do not hide this fact, they will judge you even harsher. That is the way things work. The good news is that the members that are on our platform will not do that when it comes to your relationship preferences. At the same time, you should expect our website to offer you the privacy that you might be looking for. You can chat with all kinds of individuals here and not worry about your personal life being exposed.

After all, you do not have to meet anyone in real life if you do not want to do so. Take a few minutes of your time to create your account and see how accessible love can be. But, how can you get started. First, you might want to look around and check out a few profiles. That is possible and not complicated at all. After that, you can create your account and edit a profile within minutes. You just have to decide what bits of information you want to share about yourself with the members of our social network. The last step is the most exciting one. Start mingling! Chat with new people today!


It does not really matter if you are new to this world or if you have been in polygamist relationships until now. The truth is that every single one of the people that are trying something different than a monogamous relationship feels the need to talk about rules. The good news is that you can decide on them with the individuals that you meet on our website.

Some might prefer having a few specific dating rules while others will not ask for anything other than just respect and honesty. It is a known fact that even monogamy can be challenging, not to mention being in a relationship with more than one people and having to set different boundaries with each of them. At the end of the day, it is your life and you are the only one responsible for your happiness.

What we can guarantee is that you will find countless possible matches that you can start talking to right away. What happens after that and how you decide to carry on a possible fling or even a serious relationship is all up to you and the person that you are chatting with. Our website will allow you to meet people that have the same interests as you do and even attend events that make dating even easier.

If you are on your phone all the time and prefer this entire Polygamy Dating process to be even further simplified, you could try our dating app. You can be certain that you will not miss out on any new notifications regarding possible matches or people that have contacted you. Take control of your love life and opt for our reliable network where every single profile is verified so that you do not have to worry about talking to individuals that hide behind fake profiles!


Being true to who you really are might mean that you are not meant to be in a monogamous relationship, which can be quite frightening at first. However, when you realize that you can always try Polygamy Dating, the situation becomes a bit easier to handle. The most important question that you need to ask yourself in this case is regarding meeting new people: where can you even start looking for another partner?

In this specific aspect, you could say that dating multiple people can be quite complicated because you never know how and when you can bring up this specific status of your relationship. Some might be ok with you meeting others and even spending time with them, while some individuals prefer to have you for themselves. The problem is that the situation can become challenging pretty fast if you are not honest from the beginning.

But how can you get things to be simple from the get go? Well, you sign up on a website where you will find only people who are into polygamy. You could say that this is one of the best ways of getting this major issue out of the picture. When talking to people that are alright with multiple partner dating, you can skip this step and go straight to the fun part.

You can rely on our website to help you find the best matches and groups where you can actually meet people who share your interests. To ensure that you are always up to date with the latest possible matches or even notifications from individuals that have contacted you, consider downloading our dating app. See for yourself how simple it can be to begin dating more people at once with a few simple clicks! Sign up and complete your profile first!


When you are used to being in monogamous relationships, you are used to having all sorts of rules that prevent you from being who you truly are. Even if this might sound a bit confusing at first, when it comes to Polygamist Dating, the best idea that you could have would be to forget about setting so many boundaries that make you feel in control. Of course, there are situations where you need to talk about your expectations, but when it comes to dating more than one partner, being open minded is key to actually enjoying this experience.

What you need to understand is that treating others with respect is one of the most important rules that you should have, regardless of your current relationship status. Even if you are dating two people at the same time and are looking for a third, this does not mean that you should forget about the feelings of their other partners and just think about yourself. This is definitely a more profound aspect that you should always keep in the back of your mind, even when you are just dating new people.

If you would like to find a way to make things easier, the best idea you could have would be to sign up on our website and see for yourself that dating people who enjoy being in polyamorous relationships is not that challenging. When you know that everyone on this website is open minded, you no longer have the same inhibitions you would when you tried to meet another partner on a regular dating site. Your next step should involve making your own profile where you share information about yourself.

This will make it much easier for us to send possible matches every week so that you can see what your options are without actually needing to use the search function. We make things so simple that you will not need to do anything other than just sign up. In real life, Polygamist Dating can be quite hard, especially in the beginning when you do not know whether the person you are talking to is open to having another partner or would rather prefer exclusively dating you. This is the kind of issue that we have gotten out of your way.

When you use our website for checking out Polygamist Personals, the people you contact are already open to meeting someone that shares their interests. At this point, it is all a matter of seeing how you hit it off, if you are compatible and what sort of boundaries you might need to make it all work. There are certain rules that will make every relationship easier. For example, if you are married and have children with a man but are also dating another man that is in a childless marriage, there are a few aspects you need to discuss.

Obviously, the father of your children is the one who decides the activities with you and them, but the second one can be involved in said activities if the first one agrees. This is a situation where mutual respect is a priority and where the opinions, rights and feelings of all the people involved are taken into consideration. You should not forget about the wife of the second man that you are dating and ensuring that her feelings are nor hurt by anything that you might do. Personal space and every couple’s space must be respected. It is always a good idea to check out various scenarios before you even consider being in a polyamorous relationship.

It can be a bit overwhelming at first because you might not really know how to behave. As long as you have found someone that is a polygamist like you are, you should have an open conversation about what you both want from this new possible romance. While being on our website, meeting new people is easier than you might think because new matches are always a simple click or tap on your phone away. It all depends on whether you are currently relying on our website or dating app.

Either way, you will have access to your profile, to making any changes you want to it, to contacting new people that seem to be interesting and a great match and even starting dating them. If you are worried that the Polygamist Personals might be fake, this is not something that would happen in our community. That is because of the fact that we check all of our new members so that we can ensure a pleasant experience for everyone. Meeting new people is always a hassle, especially if you are already in a relationship. But, that should not stop you from trying.

Our website is designed to make this entire process more appealing and less complicated. We have managed to get a variety of obstacles out of the way. You will no longer have to break it to someone new that you are polygamous. They will already know because they are part of the same community. You will not need to look for new matches if you do not want to or do not have the time to do so. We can do it for you and send you possible matches each week. You will not have to worry about talking to people that are not who they say they are in their profiles.

We check everyone. Now, when it comes to the rules that you should have in any new relationships, this is the kind of topic that you should talk about with these new people you meet. Every single one of our members is special and has his or her individual’s needs and expectations, just like you. It is up to you and those to set any boundaries that will make this new relationship more comfortable. If you would like to benefit from additional features that will make your dating life even more fun, you should consider opting for a premium membership and become a VIP!


Hello Everyone,

We hope this message finds you well. For those who may be unfamiliar, my partner Robyn and I are the proud owners and operators of Sister Wives, a dedicated platform designed to foster meaningful connections and facilitate successful matchmaking. Over the years, we have witnessed countless couples and groups find their perfect matches through our community, and it brings us immense joy to support individuals seeking a sister wife or expanding their family through our services.

However, like any matchmaking service, we encounter certain challenges along the way. One significant issue that frequently arises is the prevalence of games—both intentional and unintentional—that can complicate the matchmaking process. Today, I’d like to share some of our professional advice to help you navigate these challenges and minimize potential heartache.

Understanding the Landscape of Online Matchmaking

Online matchmaking offers a unique opportunity to connect with individuals you might not encounter in your everyday life. While this broadens the pool of potential matches, it also introduces complexities that require careful navigation. One of the most common obstacles we observe is the tendency for individuals to engage in games—whether through delayed communication, reluctance to move the relationship forward, or other behaviors that can stall the matchmaking process.

Our Commitment to Authentic Connections

At Sister Wives, we are committed to fostering authentic and sincere connections. We believe that transparency and prompt communication are foundational to building lasting relationships. Based on our extensive experience in poly matchmaking, we have developed a set of guidelines to help you identify and avoid common pitfalls that can lead to frustration and heartache.

Professional Advice to Minimize Heartache in Matchmaking

Below are four essential time frames and corresponding actions you should consider to ensure a healthy and progressive relationship development:

1. Prompt Communication: The Importance of Timeliness

Time Frame: Within 1-2 Days

Guideline: If your potential match is unwilling or unable to engage in a phone call within a day or two of initiating contact, it may be time to reassess the viability of the connection. Prompt communication is a strong indicator of genuine interest and commitment. If someone consistently delays or avoids phone conversations, it could signal a lack of seriousness or other underlying issues that may hinder the relationship’s progression.

Action: Don’t hesitate to move on if timely communication is not forthcoming. Your time and emotional energy are valuable, and it’s essential to invest them in relationships that show mutual respect and eagerness to connect.

2. Transition to Video Chat: Building Trust and Authenticity

Time Frame: Within 3-7 Days

Guideline: After exchanging messages for a few days, transitioning to a video chat is crucial. Video communication adds a layer of authenticity and helps in assessing compatibility beyond textual interactions. If your match hesitates or refuses to engage in a video call within a week, it might be a red flag. This reluctance could indicate potential catfishing or manipulative behavior, where the individual may not be who they claim to be.

Action: Prioritize moving to video chats to ensure that you are interacting with a genuine person. If resistance persists, it is advisable to discontinue the interaction to protect yourself from possible deception.

3. Meeting in Person: The Cornerstone of a Genuine Relationship

Time Frame: Within 1 Month

Guideline: The ultimate goal of any matchmaking process is to establish a meaningful, real-world relationship. If, after a month of communicating, your potential match is not willing to arrange an in-person meeting, it’s a clear indication that the relationship is stagnating. Virtual relationships, while convenient, lack the depth and connection that face-to-face interactions provide. Without taking the next step to meet in person, the relationship cannot fully develop or thrive.

Action: Encourage a meeting within the established time frame. If your match is hesitant or continuously postpones, it’s best to consider moving forward without them. Embracing the next step in courting and dating is essential for building a solid foundation.

4. Commitment to Proximity: Planning for the Future

Time Frame: Within 2-6 Months

Guideline: For relationships that progress beyond the initial stages, it is important to discuss and plan for future proximity. If, within six months, your partner is not willing to consider moving closer to you or making concrete plans for your future together, it may indicate a lack of long-term commitment. Successful relationships, especially in the context of polyamory and polygamous arrangements, require clear intentions and mutual effort to maintain closeness and unity.

Action: Evaluate the long-term potential of the relationship. If your partner is not ready to plan for a shared future, it might be time to reassess the relationship’s viability. Ensuring that both parties are aligned in their goals and willingness to make necessary adjustments is crucial for sustaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

Drawing from Personal Experience

These guidelines are not just theoretical; they are grounded in my personal experiences and the numerous relationships I have witnessed through Sister Wives. Managing a polyamorous matchmaking service has provided me with invaluable insights into human behavior and relationship dynamics. I understand firsthand the emotional investments involved and the importance of clear, honest communication in preventing unnecessary heartache.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Embarking on a matchmaking journey can be both exciting and daunting. By adhering to these professional guidelines, you can navigate the complexities of online matchmaking with greater confidence and clarity. Remember, your time and emotions are precious—invest them wisely in relationships that show genuine potential and mutual respect.

Final Thoughts

At Sister Wives, our mission is to support and guide you in finding meaningful connections that enrich your life. We are committed to continually improving our services and providing valuable resources to help you succeed in your matchmaking endeavors. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Best of luck to you all in your search for love and companionship.

Warm regards,

Christopher Alesich


Matchmakers Inc

Sister Wives

Chris Jan 25 '2018, 5:33 PM · Comments: 3 · Tags: seeking sister wife, polygamy match making, matchmaking
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