5 Polygamy Dating & Relationship Rules

Jan 22, 1:16 PM | By Chris
5 Polygamy Dating & Relationship Rules

Be clear about what you want, use protection, remember about your partner’s consent and boundaries, and communicate your issues and expectations clearly, does it feel like a list of “to-do’s?” It should, as these are some of the most important polygamy relationship rules. In this article, we look at them (and several others) in more detail. We invite you to read on.

The ABC Rules of Polygamy: 5 Principles You Should Follow in a Poly Relationship

Whether you regularly use a poly dating app or are in a committed poly relationship and don’t look for other partners, there are some ground polygamy rules that you need to follow, for everyone’s sake. What are they? We’ve gathered the most important ones here, take a look at them below.

1. Consent and Boundaries Are Key

The first rule is simple and will help you manage your expectations and fulfill all your poly relationship goals: be mindful of your partners. They have their own boundaries and might not always be up for the same things as you are.

For starters, if your partner does not agree to polygamy or polyamory, don’t ignore it. They won’t feel comfortable in such a setup, so you need to make a hard decision, either to leave them and go poly or to stay monogamous. The same goes for partners who agree to a polygamous relationship but with certain limitations, don’t do more than you’ve agreed to.

Secondly, each partner will have their own boundaries, so not all relationships will be equal, and that’s completely fine. You should remember that and treat your partners’ boundaries properly. 

For instance, one partner might want you to meet their family, while the other doesn’t.In such cases, you shouldn’t remind the latter about that and hold a grudge against them; it’s their right to set such a boundary.

2. Communicate Your Issues and Expectations Clearly

The second crucial polygamy dating rule is to be clear about your expectations and issues. After all, to know which boundaries not to cross, you first need to be aware of what boundaries exist. This is why, when a problem arises, you shouldn’t get angry or store it in you, talk about it with your partner.

3. Always Use Protection

Did you know that… the STI rates in polygamous relationships are lower than for those in monogamous relationships? Do you know why? Because of this crucial polygamy relationship rule: use protection at all times.

Even though people in poly relationships have more sexual partners on average, they are more cautious when it comes to physical intimacy. The truth is that you are more exposed to STIs when being poly, so you should ensure that you and your partners are always protected from them.

4. Establish Ground Rules

The fourth polygamy dating rule on our list is quite simple. You need to establish ground rules with each partner at the beginning of your relationship. This way, you will avoid misunderstandings that could lead to jealousy or even break-ups.

5. Don’t Take Things Personally

Sometimes, your partner just doesn’t have time to meet you; it’s not that they don’t want to. A busy schedule is a characteristic trait of many poly people. At other times, your partner might break up with you, it doesn’t mean you’re any lesser, but they might just be looking for something else or even find it hard to maintain a relationship with all their partners. Hence, you shouldn’t take such things personally, they might happen, and it is fine.

Time to Put These Principles into Practice!

The above 5 rules are the ABC of polygamy, so remember about them when dating. They will help you build stronger relationships but also avoid disappointments and dangers. Thus, we believe that it’s crucial to follow them!

You might also read: Financial Etiquette in Polygamous and Polyamorous Dating

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc


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