User blogs

Tag search results for: "life"

I awake from my slumber deep

Pulse quickening

Blood thickening

Restraints from days gone by chafe

Anchored to toil; lack of sleep

Resisting time to keep them safe


Whirring thoughts come back to life

New elevator music plays

Commitments engage; unsheathed knife

Heart ember glows

Vent system blows

Smoldering passion becomes a blaze


Producing sounds of snapping ropes

Courage slices

Slothful vices

Willpower prevails against the clock

I don the day’s armor, gird with hopes

Feet set firmly upon this Rock


Gathering morsels of stable fuels

I fill my lungs with fresh ambition

Pockets and sacks with trusty tools

Cold machines

Backlit screens

Embrace the challenge of the mission


Putting out fires and filling cups

Strengthened muscle

Daily bustle

Inspiring others and crafting thoughts

Feeding birds and watering turnips

Cooking love in boiling pots


Patching up holes and building bridges

Chastening children to stay in form

Conduits, lights, fans and fridges

Sharpening skills

Picking up spills

Maintenance of a healthy norm


I reach the end of journeyed day

Remember blessing, and thankful, pray

Basking in joy and purpose found

Exemplify peace and order all around

Firmly planted roots will stay

Treasure in heaven will abound

And myself a moment, if I may

Cry tears in song

Teach right from wrong

And bring your willing heart along

As I write my story through text, scene and sound


It's been a while since my last blog post. And I tell you that all is going great, I have started my own realestate business and now have living with me the first of two wives and her child. This has brought me new happiness. And in a week the second will be here to start a new life as well. 

There is nothing more satisfying as having everything come together.

I hope you all are living life wonderfully and happily together.

Thanks for all your support 

PapaPanthers Oct 23 '2016, 8:55 PM · Comments: 2 · Tags: life
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