User blogs

After reading through a few blog posts on the site, I noticed that they all seem to come back to this idea that it's god's will or Christ's teachings that are guiding people to this path.  That's all fine and good, but I'm curious if there are others out there that are looking at this type a family unit from a more reasoned approach.  Just for clarification, I'm not suggesting that making choices based off of religious doctrine is impractical or unreasonable or whatever, but more that you are following a path that has been laid out before you.  Not having ever been religious, nor athiestic, I only have a layman's understanding of religion, so I can't and won't judge others based on their beliefs.

As for the practical side of things, I'm refering to basic pros and cons of this type of family.  The biggest appeal to me is the idea of 'more'.  More members of your tribe.  More real coonections.  More skills and ideas in your household.  More people to back you up and for you to back up.  More family members to share the challenges/burdons of child-rearing, home-ownership, and general living.  Now, the 'more' I speak of sounds self-serving, but it's a means to an end.  It allows you to have more time to devote to your loved ones, raise you children into better people, enjoy life, and help your family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers to enjoy their lives more too.  With mre people, each of you requires less time to devote to the ratrace of life, and therefore, more time to devote to yourself and each other.

In a world filled with societies that are seeming more and more predatory, there is strength in numbers, in unity.

Dani37 May 12 '2021, 2:04 PM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5
Websites like this gives us the opportunity to build networks and relationships with people who are like minded with us. It is understood that we are here to find a match first and foremost, but we also have an opportunity to build networks and give support to each other. Don't be afraid to reach out to someone just to say hi, how is your search going? Platonic friendships here can also go a far way and lead to powerful relationships. 
LetsdoLove Mar 28 '2020, 8:55 AM · Rate: 5
In this time of uncertainty; My wife and I are wishing all of you safety and freedom from sickness and the Coronavirus. This polygamy community is important to us and we want you all to be well in this time. Stay safe everyone. 
LetsdoLove Mar 16 '2020, 11:51 PM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2
I just found this site today after trying others. Please don't anyone judgeme. Like I said I'm very new to this and still learning. On another site I did begin to talk to another couple. I started having feelings for the husband. Then I had a wake up call. It was not the marriage for me and I almost came close to packing up my bags and moving out of state to be with them. The reason I said it was not for me because that marriage was not about me being equal to the husband and first wife. Joining there family would have required me to change myself completely to fit what they desired and for me to be miserable because basically I had to fake it to be with them. It seemed like with the husband it was more about sex. I was considered selfish and unsubmissive if I didn't perform sexually the way he wanted. The wife....i was required to stay home, clean, cook and tend to their children while they worked. That's not what I had planned for myself, even in a monogamous relationship. I wss considered selfish and unsubmissive for not wanting to. Also I had to change my eating, my physical appearance, etc to suit him. I was not allowed to go anywhere outside the house without a family member. The excuse was that wanting to do things on my own was saying I didn't want to be with family. I felt like that was an excuse for just keeping me under watchful eyes. I mean every marriage is different. Some might be willing. I woke up and realise I felt like it was controlling, they was selfish, I was going to be a sex slave, maid and nanny. I was just a grown child. I had no say so, no compromising so I could be happy, nothing about that relationship included me in it. I might be wrong for feeling that way but I experienced other couples only about sex and wanting me to be bisexual. So can someone teach me the true marriage of Poly and set my mind at ease that this is the right thing for me. That all couples are not like that. 
latonyal Apr 25 '2019, 8:39 PM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 6
To each their own and all...

That being said, one of the things that is jumping out to me a fair amount is just how many profiles demonstrate that several people are here looking for a good time, for new partners for sexual liaison or seeing the plural marriage pop culture boom and thinking it would be some kind of yolo adventure and that it might be cool for a while. That is what I see in the single women's profiles. In some of the couples profiles however it is far more of the predatory to desperate spectrum and I do not even slightly wonder at the fact that many are mystified by the lack of any response. In other couples profiles you will see the it is all about the ego stroke for the man equation being played out.

At the end of the day, personally I don't particularly care about being perceived as judgemental when so many are approaching plural marriage for all the wrong reasons. All that it will end up with is games being played, hearts being broken and families pulled apart. 

Plural marriage is first and foremost a marriage. It is about love, permanence, giving each other support and the bonds of family. Plural marriage is not about jumping on the latest fad, it is not about your sexual fantasies or pumping up your ego. 

Yeah yeah... standing on my soap box and preaching to an empty room. I know. Lame and pointless. It is frustrating though to browse through the site and see a handful of those who clearly take the idea of polygyny seriously and who are seeking their family or their new wife that are clearly having to wade through a sea of those who might be more suited to plenty of fish or some other hookup app. 

This is supposed to be about love and family not being part of a fad.

Familyfocused Feb 21 '2019, 9:29 AM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: family, familynotfad, notabouthookups

There are actually so many challenges when you consider being in a polygamous relationship, that it would be great to just get a break every once in a while. For example, one of the most unpleasant situations that you could deal with when meeting people any other way rather than online would be being rejected when you tell them that you are looking for Sister Wives or that you are interested in having more than one loving partner. Rejection is the worst and can do a number on your self-esteem.

That is exactly why you should be thinking about choosing a far superior alternative to regular dating. The good news is that now you can decide to search for another woman or another man or maybe even a couple that you can start a new relationship with. It would be even better if you simply relied on a social network just like ours where you can find proper profiles of people that have similar interests. Especially when talking about your amorous beliefs, it is better to stay away from regular dating sites. This is how you can avoid disappointment after disappointment.

The individuals that do not have the same expectations and desires when it comes to their love life are not a good match, especially if they only believe in what is considered to be the norm – that a couple should be a connection between two persons and that is it. Most probably, you telling them that you are already in a relationship and that you want to add someone new in the mix is going to make them judge you and will hear all sorts of remarks. If you have tried this before on regular dating sites, you have probably already dealt with such a situation.

The same happens when you meet people the regular way, in a restaurant, on your way to work and so on. The hard part here is telling them that you prefer polygamous relationships. Fortunately, when you visit our website, you know exactly what kind of persons you will comes across here. Forget about them judging you for your preferences and be yourself. You will feel so relaxed knowing that there does not need to be an elephant in the room. Here everyone already know a bit you and what you want because these bits of information are available on your profile. 

If you are interested in being one of the Sister Wives that are already involved in a relationship or would like to find one, you can sign up on our website and create a profile. After sharing a bit about yourself, you can perform a simple search and see which of the existing members could be a perfect match. It might take a short while before you find exactly what you are looking for, depending on your preferences. Nevertheless, the entire process of chatting with all kinds of new people will be more than exciting and fun.

When it comes to Polygamy, you need to set some basic rules based on what you want and share them with the people that you meet. The best part about looking for these new matches online is that the entire process is simplified. Of course, the most important advantage in this case is that every single person that you are going to find on our website is looking for a polygamous relationship, one way or another. Some will be interested in starting a relationship with another woman or another man, while others will want to do that with a couple. 

Another major advantage that you will enjoy when you look for dates online, on our website would be the fact that you can flirt regardless of your location. You can be in the same country as the person that you are contacting or you can be half a world away. It does not really matter. Our site will allow you to talk to them for as long as you want. If you are wondering how you can get started, you should know that it is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3. 1 – Visit our website and create your account, 2 – Edit your profile and add a photo, 3 – Perform a search and contact the members that you like.

You might also want to keep in mind the fact that you can keep up with your notifications such as any messages that you might have received from people who you have already talked to or that have just contacted you for the first time. You would just need to log into your account on our social network on a daily basis. Regardless of your current location – you might be at home, at work, on the train or even in a park. As long as you have an internet connection, you can flirt away.

It is interesting to know that one of your soulmates might be a few clicks away. The question that you have to ask yourself is: why wait? Instead of wasting any more time that you could otherwise spend having amazing conversations with people that understand you, it would be a much better idea to just create your account. You will not believe just how many dating opportunities you will have once you have the option of contacting our members. 

At the same time, you might not even finish editing your profile and might get contacted by someone that shares your Polygamy values. Truth being told, the chances of finding love here are much greater than anywhere else. Why? Because in today’s society it is much easier to find someone who understands your principles if both of you meet in a place that was specifically created for individuals just as open minded as you are. Even if you have tried other social networks, you should give ours a try and see for yourself what makes us so different. If you have any additional questions regarding our social network, do not hesitate to leave us a message!


What are you considering?! Is it true that you are insane?!?

Alright, simply joking. As insane as this truly sounds to the world, or to anyone that is first dealing with this question, those of us who have been through the move and lived to tell have taken in a couple of things, and in all actuality on the off chance that you can ace your weaknesses and venture up to this way of life, you will be luxuriously remunerated. You will be all the more liberated to act naturally and to seek after your interests. You will share the highs and lows of your existence with more individuals that genuinely cherish you and need the best for you and are on your side. Furthermore, you will be free from the annoying trepidation that your better half will abandon you some time or another for another person.

There's a considerable measure to consider, a great deal of issues. Numerous advantages and disadvantages to be weighed. Take as much time as is needed.

On the off chance that you are as of now wedded, and you and your significant other have begun discussing this, DON'T accept that your better half is quite recently searching for more sex, or is exhausted with you, or in any capacity considers less you a man and as a spouse. We can't represent precisely what's experiencing your better half's brain, however consider the accompanying cases:

A lady who has had a child, and that infant is currently two or three years of age, may wind up needing another infant. It doesn't mean she doesn't love her first tyke. She simply needs a greater amount of what she has, and to the degree she is a decent mother and is generally benevolent, she simply needs to dispatch all the more balanced youngsters into the world.

A business person who has enlisted a worker, whose business is as yet developing, may choose to enlist another representative. It doesn't mean there is anything amiss with the execution of the main worker. It just implies that the business is developing and needs more hands to deal with the work process.

An undergrad who has a companion she invests a great deal of energy with may meet another companion—somebody fascinating and invigorating that she needs to become more acquainted with better and thinks might be a decent long haul companion. The 'old companion' could get desirous and possessive and attempt to undermine the new relationship, or she could value the new companion, maybe build up her own relationship, and to the degree them three all appreciated each other's conversation and delighted in doing things together, they'd all be wealthier for it.

Clearly none of these cases hits precisely being a spouse. In any case, each in its own specific manner hits a piece of being a spouse. Regardless of whether it's the arrangement and insurance that a spouse offers a wife and a mother offers a youngster, or the feeling of cooperation and fellowship that describes solid business connections, or the basic fraternity of a decent companion, none of these connections is essentially debilitated by the expansion of more connections. When they're set well, "the more, the merrier".

In the event that you are thinking about turning into a man's second or third spouse, your circumstance is comparable in some ways, and diverse in others. You're measuring whether to surrender trusts and dreams in some relationship that hasn't happened yet; the primary spouse is managing feeling deceived, similar to some person changed the arrangement on her without inquiring. You're feeling sort of exceptional that your man would need to add you to his family; she's fondling somewhat utilized and dismissed that he would need to add you to the family, which is her family, as well, coincidentally. In any case a similar question presents itself: Where does your self-esteem originated from? What makes you like yourself and gives you seek after what's to come?

That is a ton to consider. Gone up against with the likelihood that what God needs for your life is drastically not quite the same as what you have been directed to expect, it's reasonable this would be a troublesome and some of the time enthusiastic process. Be that as it may, don't stop. Try not to surrender. What you're experiencing now will pass. Concentrate on what's valid about the affection for God and the will of God, "and reality might make you free".

Jojo Jun 5 '2017, 3:26 PM · Rate: 4.88 · Comments: 6 · Tags: biblical polygamy
hi there everyone.

i'm going to try to share a little about me on this blog, so you all can gain a better understanding of who i am, my past, and why it's lead me to be the person i am now and my desire to be a sister wife.

I'll try to write a little each day in an ongoing way, but let me start by saying a grew up in a very liberal and highly educated household. I love my parents deeply. They raised me in the things they believed, which were things like compassion for those less fortunate, empathy, and honesty.  They are feminists and also more left-learning, but they never demanded I be so as well.  They encouraged me to keep core values of love and faith, but to allow them to manifest however my beliefs evolved.

As it became clear to me, as i tried hard to fit in as a hair-under-the-armpits feminist that it just wasn't for me, they supported my decisions to become more involved in the christian church, to seek strong men who set the tone for me and our relationship, to be more conservative in my politics, and eventually to find my journey here, where i hope to find a loving Husband and His alpha wives where i can serve in a beta role. While they are proud of my career and support me, i don't think this is where they anticipated their daughter ending up.  But they love and support what i choose to be. And what i choose to be is a subservient and devoted wife to a King who can ensure my role is cherished but also i doing things in my proper place, at the feet of the Man i'm devoted to.

Milana Apr 21 '2020, 7:11 PM · Rate: 4.75 · Comments: 5

"Man, you should be some sort of pimp!"

"I don't know how you do it. I can scarcely take great care of one!"

Those are the two sorts of reactions (other than the clear gaze) that are run of the mill when a man is 'turning out' to somebody about having a plural family. The littler gathering essentially accept that it's about the sex. The bigger gathering comprehends the duty that a Christian man has for the individuals from his family.

For the most part, in their reactions to the subject of polygamy, both men and ladies uncover something of what they consider the way of marriage and its expenses and advantages. Also, the truth of the matter is, you can't appreciate the diversion unless you concede to the tenets, and there's no reason for belligerence the relative benefits of polygamy with somebody that has a totally extraordinary esteem framework and comprehension of what marriage is than you do.

So in case you're engaging this nutty thought, be prompted that you would be advised to have your own particular esteems cleared up. A few people will acknowledge what you're doing on the grounds that they simply couldn't care less in particular, some have an "incline toward toleration" logic, and some will love you enough to at present love you notwithstanding when they think you've truly lost your brain. Yet, then again, some will believe you're odd funkily, some will believe you're irregular scarily, some will believe you're risky, and some will detest you.

All in all, our families and families we know have been tossed out of houses of worship, disregarded in their nearby groups, lost kids in care fights, had first spouses leave after it gets hard, been undermined with criminal arraignment (no feelings yet, express gratitude toward God), had developed youngsters cut us off, and in one case even had a demise risk. Not everyone, not in any case the vast majority, will despise you and attempt to hurt you. Simply enough individuals to keep it truly intriguing.

That is the awful news. The uplifting news is that this will improve you a man, a superior spouse, and a superior father. A superior sibling to other men in the collection of Christ. A more mindful adherent of the lessons of Jesus and a superior audience to the still, little voice of the Holy Spirit. In the event that you need this way of life to work—implanted in 21st century Western culture, with its open antagonistic vibe to and mistreatment of conventional parts and connections—you have no other decision.

Jojo Jun 5 '2017, 3:21 PM · Rate: 4.67 · Comments: 4 · Tags: biblical polygamy

Dear friends,

We have been living this lifestyle for over 30 years and we have found a few things to be true.  I'd like the share them with you in case they could help someone find their perfect match.

1.  If a woman is serious, she will demonstrate that very early in your relationship.  If a relationship goes more than a month or two of online, without recent pics, phone calls, and plans to see you, chances are they are not serious.

2.  If a woman has problems with this lifestyle in any meaningful way, it is not going to get better with time.  Plural marriage is stressful and they at least need to start out well.

3.  If a someone leads with sex, that is automatically suspicious.  Some people just want to hook up and that is their choice, however, if you are wanting a lasting relationship, intimacy should come into play only after their is a heart commitment that justifies it. 

4.  More mature couples are a good choice for younger women, they have figured things out in life, are stable, and often times more patient.  However,  a younger woman will need to consider that they will have to realize that a certain level of maturity is expected of them too.  If both parties are online with that, then all will be well.

5.  Listen very carefully to what people say in the first hour of meeting them.  It is uncanny, but most people will reveal who they are and what they will do within that time.  If you listen well, and do not let the possibility of a relationship blind you, then you can pretty much figure out how things are going to go from the start.  For instance, if someone says they cheated on a former lover in the first hour of conversation, they are giving you fair warning.

Big hugs and lots of love,


michaelk Dec 9 '2020, 10:32 AM · Rate: 4
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