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We probably should have named this one Choosy Lovers or If we can't be lovers. Polygamy is a topic of hit debate nowadays. Join us as we discuss the fascination with people having more than one lover. The good, bad, and ugly. Is it selfish? Is it custom? Is it being open and honest? Is this what faithful is? We will have special guests from on to speak to us about the concept and construct of how polygamy works.

robyn Apr 10 '2018, 7:25 AM · Comments: 2 · Tags: sister wives, sisterwives, gumbo talk
We would love to know, If you had one thing that you really wanted to see or one function you really wanted, What would you want to add to
Chris Jan 24 '2017, 11:08 AM · Comments: 2
*** To search available females, in the search section click "Gender" female and under the first box click "looking for" couple and any search parameters, this will pull up all females, and vice versa, Please let us know if you are having any issues
Chris Nov 2 '2016, 11:43 AM · Comments: 2

It's been a while since my last blog post. And I tell you that all is going great, I have started my own realestate business and now have living with me the first of two wives and her child. This has brought me new happiness. And in a week the second will be here to start a new life as well. 

There is nothing more satisfying as having everything come together.

I hope you all are living life wonderfully and happily together.

Thanks for all your support 

PapaPanthers Oct 23 '2016, 8:55 PM · Comments: 2 · Tags: life
I don't know how many here are interested in paranormal investigations, but my daughter and I sure are. I am going through footage from our trip to investigate the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, WV. Just from the little bit on her phone, we caught what sounds like a "hey" and "Hi!" also some long drawn out sighs after my daughter said she was done for the night. When I started, still have a ways to go, to watch some of her video recording, she caught what looks like orbs and caught on video the necromancer saying the name and age of a possible spirit. So far, all is looking great that we caught some fantastic evidence! I can't wait to finish her recordings and then check out to see what I caught! I do know that I went through at least 4, maybe 5 of my fully charged batteries while there. With one draining almost immediately after I installed it! Can't wait and will update later!
akinyimarie1 Dec 2 '2022, 2:03 AM · Comments: 1 · Tags: paranormal investigations
Join me and Nikke as we go for our morning walk.  

I'll take you go one of my favorite places and show you WHY I like this spot so much.

I hope to see you soon!  Comment and let me know what you think about the Off Grid Homestead in Costa Rica!Would you enjoy being here?

LifeInCostaRica Nov 11 '2022, 12:46 PM · Comments: 1 · Tags: allen, allen richard, off grid homestead

Hi, I'm Allen.

I decided to do a few videos so you can get to know me and find out what I am doing.

Feel free to bookmark my profile, comment and follow along.  I'm sure you will enjoy learning about my Costa Rica Off-Grid Homestead

LifeInCostaRica Nov 8 '2022, 9:06 PM · Comments: 1 · Tags: allen richard, allen
Seeking a lifetime with sisterwives in a Christian household just seems impossible
wmblair2000 Sep 7 '2022, 3:19 PM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 1

...and single mothers with children, especially young ones...

Hopefully by now you can see what's coming.  Myself and others have been warning about it for a long time now, and we're there.

You have probably already seen empty shelves.  It will get worse - much worse.  And if you thought the riots were bad before, wait until this country sees genuine widespread hunger for the first time in its history.  The major cities will be a nightmare.

Which is why I am thankful many here are able to see the benefit of a larger loving family.  ESPECIALLY in a more rural area - and the further from major populations, the better.

I also encourage people to understand the fragility of the power grid (as an electronic engineer, this has been on my mind for well over a decade now).  It's why we are 100% off-grid here, in every way (solar, primarily).

Be thinking now about what is coming, and what you are able to accomplish.  By the time most people wake up to what has already happened, it will be too late.


MarkNiwot Feb 15 '2022, 8:04 PM · Comments: 1 · Tags: markniwot, polygyny, power grid failure, off-grid, rural areas
Quick question do anyone actual use this site?

EL1987 Apr 1 '2021, 9:09 PM · Comments: 1
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