User blogs

Ok, So we have been chatting with someone on this site for about a week. So she is in college supposedly. So i've been texting her and she tells me that i haven't talked to her in 3 days. Well I HAVE! Today she says, I have something to ask you, In school today my professor asked me to pay $550. So can you send it to me and i'll send you the information to where to send it. But I need it by Friday!. That way i can pay it and start my relationship with you. What The H...? Is this normal? I don't know this person except through some text messages. If she was here then I could see helping, or if we WERE in a relationship. But not only after just a week and not really knowing her. Has anyone else been faced it with this and how do you respond? I'm so lost....We have had nothing but bad experiences from these people. We want a honest, committed relationship and we just can't seem to find it in anyone to wont the same. Are we doing something wrong? We need help!
Julie_Robby2603 Mar 13 '2019, 1:45 PM · Comments: 5
To each their own and all...

That being said, one of the things that is jumping out to me a fair amount is just how many profiles demonstrate that several people are here looking for a good time, for new partners for sexual liaison or seeing the plural marriage pop culture boom and thinking it would be some kind of yolo adventure and that it might be cool for a while. That is what I see in the single women's profiles. In some of the couples profiles however it is far more of the predatory to desperate spectrum and I do not even slightly wonder at the fact that many are mystified by the lack of any response. In other couples profiles you will see the it is all about the ego stroke for the man equation being played out.

At the end of the day, personally I don't particularly care about being perceived as judgemental when so many are approaching plural marriage for all the wrong reasons. All that it will end up with is games being played, hearts being broken and families pulled apart. 

Plural marriage is first and foremost a marriage. It is about love, permanence, giving each other support and the bonds of family. Plural marriage is not about jumping on the latest fad, it is not about your sexual fantasies or pumping up your ego. 

Yeah yeah... standing on my soap box and preaching to an empty room. I know. Lame and pointless. It is frustrating though to browse through the site and see a handful of those who clearly take the idea of polygyny seriously and who are seeking their family or their new wife that are clearly having to wade through a sea of those who might be more suited to plenty of fish or some other hookup app. 

This is supposed to be about love and family not being part of a fad.

Familyfocused Feb 21 '2019, 9:29 AM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: family, familynotfad, notabouthookups
It's hard to keep the faith when you put your heart and soul into finding that special person, things start to look promising, you are starting communication, or maybe taking that next step to meeting that person, or have met and are looking toward the future and things are looking bright, only to have communication stop dead, they start drama and or games, or decide that this lifestyle isn't for them, or just completely take your heart and crush it into a million pieces just for the fun of it. If it weren't for the unexplainable feeling of being called to live plural marriage, I would give up searching and just say I'm done. But I feel this so strongly that I can't stop hoping that our special sister wife is out there somewhere. 

If you are out there, and you just might happen to read this, and are truly serious and committed to living plural marriage, we would love to get to know you! All we want to do is find that special person for us, just like everyone else on this site. We are real, we are 100% all in! Talk with us, give us a chance, I can promise you that we will give that to you as well. We really, honest-to-goodness want to live plural marriage. All I'm asking for is to be given a chance. 


countryfamily08 Nov 22 '2017, 10:53 PM · Comments: 5
I don't care which side of the political isle you are on (at least for the purposes of this blog post), we all know the economy is boned. If you don't know that it is going to get substantially worse and that we will be living through events like our great grandparents saw if not worse, then you need to pull your head out and look around. Seriously,  you should  e doing some prepping.

I see the fact that the economy, political divides, food insecurity and all the more chance of truly significant change being forced upon the world by globalist/elites/corporatists or weird mish mashes of communist, fascists and creepy as hell transhumanists all makes people scared for the future. The uncertainty in the world seems like a decent predictor for polygamy becoming a far more palettable choice for single women and couples moving forward. Safety in numbers, economic security and a larger base of support may start to seem pretty attractive. 

I don't know about the rest of y'all but it sure looks to me (in early August of 2022) that the number of women coming to the site seeking or investigating plural marriage seems to going up significantly. 

Yeah the number of established families looking for women may well be going up as well but I am not in as much of a position to notice. Maybe the site admin will see the post and comment about if I am right about the surge in single woman and if the same applies to families. 

Won't pretend that even though I don't want the economy and the world to go to hell, that I am not happy to see more woman considering plural marriage in general terms. It is after all likely the oldest form of marriage and was the most prominent form until semi recently as the history of humans goes (genetic record tells us that there have been far more moms than dads). 

Familyfocused Aug 10 '2022, 1:06 PM · Comments: 4
Okay for those that love breakfast,  let's have debate.  Which breakfast is the best? 

A)  Poptart 

B) Cereal

C) Oatmeal 

D) Sausages/Bacon and eggs

JQueenie20 Mar 7 '2020, 8:32 AM · Comments: 4 · Tags: #breakfastdebate #goodmorning
As people who hope to see wholesome polygamous marriages being normalized we have a vested nterest in sites like this one and others that are less focused on the matchmaking aspect. What we have seen rather a lot of is people who are considering polygyny for what we would consider the wrong reasons. A few but certainly not all of the reasons that I would consider wrong are the couple's who simply wish to find their live in sex toy which will apparently spice up their intimate activities and cure all relationship woes, the horny husband with the grudging wife couples where she is clearly just going along to get along so to speak (lots of these woman are in the position they are in because their religious faith is being used as a lever to force them into agreeing to something they do not want) and the scammer; we have all seen the douchebag guys who will pretend to be anything that will get them at least short term sexual access to any woman, the pure scammer looking for money, the catfish who will pretend to be anything just to keep themselves entertained regardless of the emotional toll they might extract and the busybody who has decided that they know better than you what is right and moral for your family even though you are strangers. All of these will make people cautious about interactions that ideally should be perfectly safe, straightforward and wholesome. Because of the bad actors we all end up being cautious to one degree or another... I personally will council women to be quite cautious in dealings here just like on any dating site nut by the same token I tend to be cautious myself and recommend the same to other plural families. While our vulnerabilities are not the same as single women, nobody wants to get scammed, catfished or worst of all enter into a relationship that is doomed to fail because the person they fell for was approaching this lifestyle as a lark that sounds like fun for a while. Is there a solution? I wish I knew one. In a perfect world I would think that in-person mixers would be great. I like the idea of a large picnic or something of that nature. Lots of fun ideas occur to me but coordinating what amounts to a plural family convention and matchmaking festival. You would probably find me behind the bar.
Familyfocused Jan 21 '2019, 7:47 PM · Comments: 4

"Man, you should be some sort of pimp!"

"I don't know how you do it. I can scarcely take great care of one!"

Those are the two sorts of reactions (other than the clear gaze) that are run of the mill when a man is 'turning out' to somebody about having a plural family. The littler gathering essentially accept that it's about the sex. The bigger gathering comprehends the duty that a Christian man has for the individuals from his family.

For the most part, in their reactions to the subject of polygamy, both men and ladies uncover something of what they consider the way of marriage and its expenses and advantages. Also, the truth of the matter is, you can't appreciate the diversion unless you concede to the tenets, and there's no reason for belligerence the relative benefits of polygamy with somebody that has a totally extraordinary esteem framework and comprehension of what marriage is than you do.

So in case you're engaging this nutty thought, be prompted that you would be advised to have your own particular esteems cleared up. A few people will acknowledge what you're doing on the grounds that they simply couldn't care less in particular, some have an "incline toward toleration" logic, and some will love you enough to at present love you notwithstanding when they think you've truly lost your brain. Yet, then again, some will believe you're odd funkily, some will believe you're irregular scarily, some will believe you're risky, and some will detest you.

All in all, our families and families we know have been tossed out of houses of worship, disregarded in their nearby groups, lost kids in care fights, had first spouses leave after it gets hard, been undermined with criminal arraignment (no feelings yet, express gratitude toward God), had developed youngsters cut us off, and in one case even had a demise risk. Not everyone, not in any case the vast majority, will despise you and attempt to hurt you. Simply enough individuals to keep it truly intriguing.

That is the awful news. The uplifting news is that this will improve you a man, a superior spouse, and a superior father. A superior sibling to other men in the collection of Christ. A more mindful adherent of the lessons of Jesus and a superior audience to the still, little voice of the Holy Spirit. In the event that you need this way of life to work—implanted in 21st century Western culture, with its open antagonistic vibe to and mistreatment of conventional parts and connections—you have no other decision.

Jojo Jun 5 '2017, 3:21 PM · Rate: 4.67 · Comments: 4 · Tags: biblical polygamy

Lol! Pale skinned blond showing tonnes of cleavage in a professional photo is apparently Native American from Nigeria and here looking for plural marriage. Yeeeeah

I am putting the odds at 50/50 as to whether the account will exist by the time I get out of my next appointment and can look again.

I am making fun of the lame nature of some of these efforts at scamming but there are so many people that get hooked by these people and get screwed over in one form or another.

So stop being so thirty and eager to get a hose job.  Be cautious and not so gullible. 

Familyfocused Aug 1 '2022, 1:38 PM · Comments: 3
Many like my family have been looking for a special person to join there family. Before I came into the family my husband and sisterwife had a lot of heartache. Before I joined the family as a single female I ran into one heartache. What was I looking for? I was looking for a man that was gentle, romantic, a protector and someone that would be there for me when I was at my lowest. It's not what's on the outside, But what's in the inside for me. I can't say that's everyone's mentality. We have come across women that didn't like how my husband isn't athletic or poke fun of how he looks. Some women have poke fun at mine or my sisterwife looks. Why? Should men or women be cookie cutter? Are looks better than how someone treats others? The first family I found I thought was my forever family. They were slim. He wasn't bad looking. But his and his wife's attitude toward me wasn't what I was looking for. I was told I needed to communicate more. I did but when I did I was torn down. I needed not only to work but help on the tiny farm. I did that wasn't acknowledged.  I did nothing in their eyes. I helped in the house that wasn't acknowledged either. I helped with the kids and I did that all wrong. There was nothing I could do right. I left because I was being torn down constantly. My self esteem was gone. I hated myself. I didn't see my self-worth. I didn't give up as you can see. If you go off of looks you will not find what you are looking for. If you go off of what's on the inside you will. I get pollical views, religion and smoking/drinking is a deal breaker for some. That's a healthy deal breaker but looks is not. For a reference for single women and families don't judge someone on their appearance judge them on something that is more important to judge on. I don't know what the future hold but hopefully we will find the right person to join the family. Good luck to everyone on their search.   
countryfamily08 Nov 7 '2020, 5:28 PM · Comments: 3
I tend to glance at the list of users who have viewed our profile fairly regularly and saw a profile announcing that the site was full of "fakes and aggressive men" and it inspired me to write a blog post on a topic I have had in mind for a while.

I do not disagree with this person in the slightest in their assessment that the site...and all of the others are likely to be the same realistically... is full of fakes and aggressive men.

The fakes are frequently just simple scammers and honestly you have to be a full on lumphead to fall for the kind of obvious cut and paste from a translator bot message that will pop up. Seriously... does anybody really think that a bunch of girls from Ghana are clambering to get into plural families in the states? Anyway, scams happen all the time and this is the internet boys and girls,  it is part of the environment.  The actual troublesome ones are the fakes from the point of view that they are not serious and are just looking to get an ego stroke or to jack with those plig weirdos or whatever. Tonnes of them on these sites. 

With respect to the aggressive guys, I can just assume that they are the assholes who are either trying to larp polygamy because of some fantasy and again ego stroke issue or they are the sort of douche that has managed to bully or convince their frequently unwilling wives into this search with claims that God is talking to them directly in a big booming voice so he can use her faith against her or some other scam perhaps involving fear of losing financial support for her and her kids. The reason being in the end that he wishes to have regular sexual access to another woman. This sort of beta dickhead is not really going to come in many flavors but aggressive is certainly one of the most popular .

Now don't get me wrong... I am not white  knighting the girls on here at all. They leave so much to be desired that it makes me all the more thankful that I met and married one of the few real gems that really was looking to be part of a plural family. 

The vast majority of woman on here are just simply ill mannered brats that I would not have at all. While a man is absolutely the head of the family, a man should not be forced to reraise a woman he has married and try to undo all of the apparently shoddy work that her parents did in teaching her the bone basics of how to treat people.

I know that just about every serious couple on here who is seeking a sisterwife has experienced the ghosting treatment from the singled women (presuming that they are A. Single B. Women ((what the hell is wrong with people that they have nothing better to do?)) C. Seriously looking for a family instead of screwing around.). They exchange a few messages and or emails and then puff of smoke and the girl is gone. No warning, no 'Thanks but I don't think we are a match' or anything.

Now don't get to thinking I am just being butthurt that some girls ghosted me. A. Noooope. See the profile. Not looking for another wife. Maybe someday but right now we are just trying to network with the community. B. As i previously mentioned, I would not have the ones with such bad manners gift wrapped. I do not wish to spend my life in a contentious marriage with a brat I have to reeducate on courtesy and consideration for others as opposed to the shallow narcissist who can not be bothered considering the time or feelings of others. There are some couples here who really get ahead of themselves emotionally after a few exchanges and while that is not some random girls fault, she should be aware of the effect just blowing them off has. Lots give up just because some woman was not interested in thinking beyond the end of her nose. I/we have been happy to meet and chat with women here but we sure are not going to come out of the gate as anything but plain old friendly and certainly not flirty or whatever.

Yeah I know... 'but a lot of guys are assholes and won't take a polite no'... or 'I get so many emails I am overwhelmed' etc etc. Yeah? Is this your first time on the internet as a female? These are such common issues with such common solutions that I don't see them as valid complaints. Just part of the equation with online seeking of any kind. 

So to my mind the couples who get ghosted by the women with bad manners, just move along and be glad. Glad that you found out about this character flaw after a couple of notes back and forth. Imagine how much worse it would be if it seemed to work out only to have the rug pulled out much further along... I mean that genuinely. It could be so so much worse. Nobody is here, whether it is as a single woman or a couple, to get their emotional guts ripped out. 

Familyfocused May 8 '2019, 2:51 PM · Comments: 3
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