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Hello Everyone,

As most of you guys Know, me and Robyn Own and Run Sister Wives.

A Problem we run into while matchmaking, is Games....

Listen, I will be the first to tell you, we are not immune to anything at all. The facts are, A Lot of Couples and Groups met their match here on sister wives, it makes us happy to know that we do help the community, and Help many people seeking a sister wife find their matches...

Anyways I will share some of our Professional Advice with you guys to help minimize heartache. 


Note: THESE are Time Frames everyone should be aware of.

1. If He/She will not Hop on a Phone Call with you within a Day or 2, STOP Wasting Your Time. NEXT.

2. VIDEO Chat, by 2 or 3 days of Talking, 1 week max, if He/She will not video chat, STOP Wasting your Time, You Might be getting Cat fished or played.

3. This is the Big one, If He or She is not willing to Meet you within 1 Month, STOP Wasting your Time, By now there will be some heartache, but you can not have a virtual relationship. It is time to move to the next step in the relationship, and that includes proper courting/dating.

and Finally the Last

4. By 2 - 6 months if He or She is not willing to move closer, or at least plan to... You Probably Wasted your Time. Sorry

I base this off my relationship, and in my experience with poly matchmaking.

Best of Luck to you all.

Chris Jan 25 '2018, 5:33 PM · Comments: 3 · Tags: seeking sister wife, polygamy match making, matchmaking
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays ???
Polywife7 Dec 25, 3:16 PM · Comments: 2
I didnt know finding a sister wife was going to be this hard! I'm ready to tribe up! Any advice!??
MrsKayJackson Jul 30 '2022, 4:56 PM · Comments: 2

One thing I’ve noticed on “dating” or “meet people” networks over some period of time is that it’s SO easy to “write people off”:

too much this, not enough that.

This site certainly has one major advantage: For those of us who understand the Biblical basis of marriage, and that without question (except by those who mostly won’t be here anyway!) Scripture permits a man to have more than one wife – one of those major hurdles is removed.

Which doesn’t mean there aren’t others. Such as, is this person even REAL? Not just bots or fakes, of course, but scams. And while that’s part of the mix anywhere (perhaps even more so, given an arguably wider audience of dupes) – it’s a major issue when the pool of candidates is smaller, and the real ones are thus even more discerning.

Which is, obviously, both a good thing, and the opposite. But it does mean we have to be more selective, not less.

Which takes me back to where I began.

How much MORE important, then, to not write off the real ones? (After all, we all have our flaws, and are capable of working on them anyway).

On a more personal level, that observation leads me in a different direction. And I hope the connection will be clear.

There are, without question, many here who aren’t looking for marital partners based on an understanding of what I would consider THE most important, even vital, considerations, but something arguably opposite. (Personally, I don’t see the appeal; prostitutes, gay bars, and palaces for ‘pans’ are all over, especially in the cesspool cities some of us have escaped from, so why bother sorting through bots?)

I/we came to an understanding of Scriptural marriage in parallel with realizing that “we have inherited lies from our fathers.” Most of what I’d been told in sun-god day skool was bunk, from Him having “done away with his own Law” (perhaps the biggest lie in human history, right up there with “you can be like god,” and “you will not die”) to having changed His sabbath and feast days that He said over and over again He would not do.

Eventually I realized His mama NEVER called him ‘jesus’ (that word didn’t even exist in the English language until after 1600 AD) and then what Paul (Shaul) was warning about only a few decades after He had walked among us: that they were then, and are still, pushing “another jesus whom we have not preached” (check that out for yourself in II Corinthians chapter 11 if you find that shocking).

If ‘jesus’ “did away with” his own law (actually, “torah” is the real word; it means instruction) and “nailed it to the cross” - then that one is a “liar and the truth is not in him.”

Which makes the point I was leading up to.

I was – like many of us – angry with what I still call the ‘whore church’ (the Bible does, too!) for just how Big that Lie turned out to be. And the lies about marriage (and the curses we now see in societies that swallow them) are just one big part of that.

It’s why I now spend so much time teaching His Word, “as Written,” and advise all with “eyes to see,” and “ears to hear” to “come out of her.” (Revelation 18:4)

But it took me/us quite a while to get from there, and the lies we had inherited, and so much of the baggage of ‘xtianity’ to a place where we understand what He means by “return to Me.”

It’s not easy. And a whole world which literally HATES Him, and all that He Wrote, is making it harder by the day. He says “choose life!” (Deuteronomy chapter 30) - the world demands a choice of death. (Think I’m kidding? Tune into any of my news shows. Today, they want to poison kids under the age of 5. Before they ‘groom’ them, or get them to mutilate their genitalia and destroy their immune system and sexuality utterly.  And from the 'poison poke' to the biggest economic meltdown in history, to the planned famine and next plandemic, the intent is to kill tens of millions.)

I understand that what He is asking us to do is not easy. It never was. But as the world literally becomes a ‘hell on earth’ - it will get far harder. And it was always a matter of life and death.


I/we aren’t looking for a ‘wife’ that already “knows it all.” I don’t claim to, but I do understand what “study to show yourself approved” means, and more than a bit about how that applies to everything from what is ‘money’ (hint: not fiat FRNs, but the Hebrew word ‘qesef’ means BOTH money and silver, just as the Constitution says, too) to what is ‘marriage’. And what’s coming, because He has given us no small amount of warning.

Most importantly, what we need to do now.

I suspect that the concentration of good women who understand that is probably higher than any other such platform around. Understanding something about polygyny is a good start. But only that. A belief in ‘Jesus’ as messiah can be, too, but He is much more, and that’s probably why Paul says “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12. After all – if saying a prayer once and getting dunked was all it took, why would Yahushua Himself say the “path is narrow, and FEW there be that find it”?)

Which leads me to the ‘big finish’. Moses wasn’t so much the “meekest” man ever (‘anav’ in the original Hebrew) – I suggest he was the most “teachable.”

He had a lot to learn. So do we.

And that’s what we’re looking for.

MarkNiwot Jun 20 '2022, 1:13 PM · Comments: 2 · Tags: dating sites, plandemic, poison poke, torah, another jesus, scripture as written
Just a quick topic has anybody met they significant other on this site
Loveme1 Nov 12 '2020, 5:50 PM · Comments: 2
In this time of uncertainty; My wife and I are wishing all of you safety and freedom from sickness and the Coronavirus. This polygamy community is important to us and we want you all to be well in this time. Stay safe everyone. 
LetsdoLove Mar 16 '2020, 11:51 PM · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2
Hey all. Am new to this site and just trying to figure things out on here. If you have any ideas, recommendations or whatever. Let me know. Accepting of all. Just need some new friends who will accept me. Thanks, enjoy your day☺
Mizzy Mar 10 '2020, 7:32 PM · Comments: 2
It's great to have a site like this. Let us all keep supporting it because this is the first stage of socialization and normalization. Monogamy as law came as force upon the world just like slavery, forced not a choice. Over 90% of nature shows polygamy, the rest is cheating and animals that stay for short while. They often say the fox and wolf and some others are monogamous, many researchers state that this is incorrect as many of these male animals are territorial; which means they mate with other females that come into their territory. Polygamy was the choice of many human society for thousands of years until Rome and Christianity force it unnaturally upon the world. The bible even agrees with polygamy and Christians today fight it. So I know many of us here are excited about what you think is the newest lifestyle and all but this is not new and in a lot of ways it is not even to be considered old, but rather plain and simply the way of the earth! The way nature says it should be. 
LetsdoLove Mar 4 '2020, 9:22 PM · Comments: 2
Love is meant to be multiplied not divided by jealousy. This is a calling not a lifestyle for everyone..
Mea2016 Mar 16 '2019, 6:00 PM · Comments: 2
So as one of the owners of I got to thinking: We just got finished with a live broadcast last night on the Gumbo talk show based out Texas. To those of you that listened thanks and for those that missed it it will be in the archives soon. So I got to thinking, Who would be interested in joining an advocacy group to Legalize Poly? I am in the beginning stages of launching a site with information and starting to advocate for this. We need the community's help. Please email me here or at and let me know your thoughts. 
robyn Apr 13 '2018, 1:37 PM · Comments: 2
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