Chris's article

Polygamy, a relationship structure that involves one person having multiple spouses simultaneously, has been practiced for centuries across various cultures and religions. While often misunderstood and stigmatized, many polygamous families have found joy, fulfillment, and a deep sense of community within their chosen lifestyle. In this article, we'll delve into personal stories from polygamous families, offering a glimpse into their unique experiences, challenges, and the joys they find in their relationships.

Understanding Polygamy

Polygamy is often associated with religious beliefs, particularly within certain sects of Mormonism, though it's essential to note that the mainstream Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) has disavowed the practice since the late 19th century. However, fundamentalist groups and individuals continue to practice polygamy, often in the face of legal and societal challenges.

Tom Green's Story

One such individual is Tom Green, a Mormon polygamist who lived approximately 200 miles outside of Salt Lake City. His life, captured in the documentary "My Six Wives and 29 Children," offers a candid look into the dynamics of a large polygamous family. While Tom's story is just one of many, it provides insight into the complexities and intricacies of living a polygamous lifestyle.

The Blackmore Brothers

Another compelling account comes from Merlin Blackmore, a 19-year-old who grew up in a polygamous cult in Canada. Born to Canada's most famous polygamist, 64-year-old Winston Blackmore, Merlin and his brothers, Murray and Warren, have shared their experiences of growing up in a family with 150 siblings and 26 mothers. Their stories, shared on platforms like TikTok, reveal the unique challenges and joys of growing up in such a large family. From attending their own school due to the family's size to the complexities of referring to their biological mothers versus other mothers in the family, their tales offer a rare glimpse into the life of children in polygamous families.

The Brown Family

The Brown family, featured on TLC's reality series Sister Wives, is another well-known polygamous family. Kody Brown, the patriarch, is married to four women: Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn. With 16 children between them, the family navigates the challenges and joys of their chosen lifestyle while living in the public eye. Their story highlights the importance of communication, understanding, and mutual respect in maintaining harmony within a polygamous household.

Historical Context of Polygamy

Polygamy has deep historical roots that span across various cultures and religions. In ancient civilizations, polygamy was often practiced for strategic reasons, such as forming alliances, expanding lineage, or increasing workforce. Many ancient scriptures and texts, including the Bible and the Quran, have references to polygamous relationships, indicating its widespread acceptance in earlier times.

In the context of the United States, polygamy became notably associated with the early Mormon pioneers. They believed that the practice was a commandment from God and integral to achieving the highest level of celestial glory. However, facing mounting societal and legal pressures, the mainstream LDS Church officially renounced polygamy in 1890. Despite this, various fundamentalist groups continued the practice, often in secluded communities to avoid legal repercussions.

Modern Polygamous Communities

Today, several polygamous communities exist, particularly in the Western United States. These communities, often isolated from the broader society, have their own set of norms, values, and practices. Life within these communities can be vastly different from mainstream society. Education, for instance, might be primarily religious-based, with a strong emphasis on family values and community roles.

However, it's essential to differentiate between consensual polygamous relationships and those where individuals, often young women, are coerced into marriages. The latter has garnered significant media attention and criticism, leading to a skewed perception of polygamy as a whole.

Societal Perceptions and Media Influence

The media has played a significant role in shaping perceptions about polygamous families. Reality TV shows like "Sister Wives" and "Big Love" have brought polygamy into the limelight, offering viewers a glimpse into the daily lives of polygamous families. While these shows have demystified certain aspects, they've also led to sensationalism, often focusing on the controversies and challenges rather than the mundane, everyday life aspects.

Documentaries and news stories, on the other hand, have sometimes showcased the darker side of polygamous communities, such as forced marriages, abuse, and isolation. While these issues are real and concerning, it's crucial to understand that they don't represent the entirety of the polygamous community.

Challenges in the Modern World

Polygamous families in the 21st century face a unique set of challenges:

1. Digital Age and Privacy: With the advent of social media and digital technology, maintaining privacy becomes challenging. Younger members of polygamous families, eager to connect with the broader world, might find themselves torn between their community's values and the allure of the outside world.

2. Economic Challenges: Larger families mean more mouths to feed, more bodies to clothe, and more minds to educate. Economic sustainability becomes a pressing concern, especially in communities where higher education and mainstream jobs are not encouraged.

3. Legal Implications: As mentioned earlier, polygamy is illegal in many jurisdictions. This legal status means families often live in fear of prosecution, leading to a life of secrecy and caution.

The Way Forward: Acceptance and Understanding

For polygamy to be understood, there needs to be a bridge between polygamous communities and mainstream society. Open dialogues, educational initiatives, and cultural exchanges can pave the way for mutual respect and understanding. 

It's also essential for legal systems to differentiate between consensual polygamous relationships among adults and situations involving coercion or abuse. Blanket bans on polygamy might push these communities further into the shadows, making it harder for those who need help to seek it.

Moreover, members of polygamous communities should be encouraged to share their stories, both positive and negative. Authentic narratives, free from sensationalism, can offer invaluable insights and foster genuine understanding.

The bottom line is

Polygamous families, like all families, have their unique challenges and joys. Their stories offer a window into a world that many may not understand, highlighting the universal themes of love, understanding, and the desire for connection. As society continues to evolve, it's essential to approach the topic of polygamy with an open mind, seeking to understand rather than judge.

This article is for Sister Wives, established in 2008, a platform dedicated to the poly community and those seeking to understand and embrace polygamy.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Polygamy, an intricate social and marital construct, transcends temporal boundaries and geographical limits. In contemporary society, opinions on polygamy are as diverse as the practice itself. To truly comprehend its origins, evolution, and current manifestations, one must embark on a comprehensive journey through history, religious interpretations, and contemporary adaptations. In this in-depth exploration, we delve into the historical underpinnings of polygamy, its religious connotations, and the intriguing modern insights provided by platforms such as Sister Wives.

Historical Underpinnings of Polygamy

The historical roots of polygamy are deeply intertwined with power dynamics, societal structures, and economic factors.

Throughout different ancient civilizations, this marital practice took on various forms and meanings:

1. Ancient Mesopotamia: Dating back to the Code of Hammurabi, laws specified the rights and social standings of primary and secondary wives. Polygamy was often a reflection of social hierarchies.

2. Ancient Africa: Numerous African tribes practiced polygamy, with groups like the Maasai and Zulu viewing it as a symbol of wealth and prestige. The more wives a man had, the more cattle and offspring he possessed.

Judaism: Oscillating Between Tradition and Modernity

The Old Testament of the Bible is replete with instances of polygamy:

• Prominent figures like Solomon and David had multiple wives and concubines.

• However, over time, the practice of polygamy waned within Jewish tradition, culminating in a near-complete prohibition by Rabbinic authorities during the Middle Ages.

Christianity: A Journey from the Old to the New

Within Christianity, the stance on polygamy has evolved over time:

• In the Old Testament, figures like Abraham and Jacob practiced polygamy, but it was never explicitly mandated as a religious requirement.

• In contrast, the teachings of Jesus and his disciples in the New Testament leaned towards monogamy, particularly as the Christian Church grew and merged with Roman societal norms.

Islam: Justice, Equality, and Marriage

Islamic tradition provides clear guidelines regarding polygamy:

• The Quran permits men to marry up to four women, with the strict condition of treating them equitably. This allowance was primarily in response to wars that left many women as widows.

• However, it is important to note that polygamy is not mandated, and many Muslim societies predominantly practice monogamous unions.

Hinduism: Epic Narratives and Legal Realities

Historically, polygamy was prevalent within Hinduism, particularly among royalty:

• King Dhritarashtra from the Mahabharata, for instance, had multiple wives.

• Nevertheless, the landscape shifted significantly with the enactment of the Hindu Marriage Act in 1955, which rendered polygamy illegal for Hindus in India, marking a significant legal and societal transformation.

Buddhism: Flexibility and Cultural Contexts

Unlike the Abrahamic religions, Buddhism lacks strict marital directives, allowing it to adapt to various cultural practices:

• In regions such as Tibet and parts of Nepal, polyandry, where a woman has multiple husbands, has been practiced. This phenomenon is more rooted in socio-economic factors than religious mandates.

Pagan and Indigenous Practices: Diverse Narratives

Polygamous practices can also be found in Norse, Celtic, and various indigenous traditions worldwide. These practices are often intertwined with rituals, nature worship, and societal structures, offering unique perspectives on the concept of multiple partners within a marriage.

Mormonism and American Contexts

The 19th century witnessed a resurgence of polygamy, particularly among Mormons:

• While the mainstream LDS Church eventually renounced polygamy, splinter groups like the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) continue to embrace it.

• Contemporary America grapples with polygamy through a multitude of lenses, including legal, religious, societal, and popular culture, making it a topic of enduring fascination.

Sister Wives: Navigating Modern Polygamy

Within the expansive tapestry of polygamous history, Sister Wives emerges as a pivotal modern platform:

• Beyond serving as a platform for polygamous dating, Sister Wives plays a vital role in educating, empowering, and dispelling myths surrounding polygamy.

• In an era fraught with misinformation, Sister Wives provides much-needed clarity, guidance, and a sense of community for those exploring or living the polygamous lifestyle.

The bottom line is

Polygamy is anything but a monolithic concept; it is a complex tapestry woven from a multitude of beliefs, practices, and individual choices. From the opulent courts of ancient kings to the modern-day polygamous families portrayed in Sister Wives, the threads of polygamy are interwoven into the very fabric of human history. These diverse narratives offer profound insights into our shared past and pose intriguing questions about the potential future of intimate relationships and marriage structures.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Polygamy, the practice of marrying multiple spouses, is a controversial topic that has been practiced across various cultures and religions for centuries. One of the foundational arguments in favor of polygamy within certain religious groups rests on the assertion that it is in line with God’s will and His intended design for relationships. This article delves into the faith-based aspect of polygamy, emphasizing the importance of modesty between sister wives and the roles defined by biblical gender principles.

Faith in God and the Practice of Polygamy

Having unwavering faith in God requires adherents to hold steadfast to His word, commandments, and teachings, even when societal norms and values conflict with these. Many supporters of polygamy argue that the Bible contains instances and implicit endorsements of this practice. For instance:

1. Old Testament Patriarchs: Many biblical figures such as Abraham, Jacob, and King David had multiple wives. Their polygamous relationships were neither condemned nor portrayed in a negative light.

2. Fulfilling God's Command: One perspective holds that polygamy might have been a way to fulfill God’s command to "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28).

Yet, it's crucial to note that while the Bible records polygamous relationships, it doesn't necessarily promote them as an ideal. Instances like King Solomon’s numerous wives leading him astray (1 Kings 11:3-4) can be interpreted as cautionary tales.

Modesty in Polygamy

Modesty, in a biblical sense, extends beyond mere clothing. It encompasses humility, propriety, and respectful behavior, especially in the context of marital relationships. Modesty plays a pivotal role in polygamous relationships, particularly among sister wives.

1. Guarding Against Jealousy: With multiple wives, there's potential for feelings of jealousy or competition. Modesty, characterized by humility and selflessness, acts as a guard against such negative emotions.

2. Promoting Unity: Sister wives who adopt modesty in their interactions foster an environment of respect, unity, and mutual understanding. Instead of vying for attention or a higher status, they collectively work towards the well-being of the family.

3. Reflecting Godly Principles: Modesty reflects a heart attuned to God's values. By practicing it, sister wives exemplify the virtues of patience, kindness, and love, strengthening their bond with God and each other.

Biblical Gender Roles in Polygamist Relationships

The Bible outlines specific roles for men and women. In the context of polygamous relationships, these roles are more nuanced.

1. The Patriarch: Biblically, the man is viewed as the head of the household, responsible for the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of his family. In polygamy, this responsibility amplifies, as the patriarch must be a source of stability, ensuring fair treatment, love, and care for all his wives. He must also guide his family in spiritual matters, ensuring that God remains at the center of their collective life.


2. The Sister Wives: The Bible often portrays women as nurturers, helpers, and supporters. In a polygamous setting, sister wives share these roles. They collaborate in raising children, managing the home, and supporting the patriarch. A harmonious relationship among them is crucial for the family's stability. 

The dynamic between a patriarch and his wives should ideally be marked by mutual respect, understanding, and love. Each wife, while maintaining her individuality, must also respect the unity and sanctity of the marital bond she shares with her husband and the camaraderie she should foster with her co-wives.

The bottom line is

Polygamy, when viewed through the lens of faith, offers a unique perspective on relationship dynamics. The biblical examples and teachings provide a blueprint for how such relationships can be navigated with grace, love, and understanding. Central to this is the role of modesty, particularly among sister wives, and an adherence to the gender roles outlined in the scriptures. While the practice of polygamy might not align with mainstream Christian theology, for those who adopt it based on their understanding of the Bible, striving for modesty and following biblical gender roles can lead to harmonious and fulfilling relationships.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

In the sprawling metropolis of the internet, there's a niche for everything—even for a love that prefers to spread its wings just a bit wider. Thanks to the digital age, finding connections tailored to unique relationship structures has never been easier. The rise of the polygamy website is a testament to this intriguing interplay between age-old relationship ideals and modern technology.

A Brief History of Polygamy Online

Let's take a tour down memory lane. While today's youth might think they've revolutionized the dating game (looking at you, swipe generation), early online communities were the original pioneers. These forums, chat rooms, and budding networks laid the groundwork for today's tailored platforms. Picture it: the late 90s, with dial-up tones, baggy jeans, and poly enthusiasts typing away, seeking connections.

Navigating Challenges in the Digital Landscape

Why would someone opt for a polygamy website nowadays when there’s a sea of general dating platforms? For starters, it's a haven where like-minded souls converge, sans the sideway glances. These platforms' specific features, from detailed filters to forums, make searching for that perfect connection (or connections, plural!) a tad easier. And let's be honest, who wouldn’t want to dodge those awkward “so, I’m polygamous” conversation icebreakers on a first date?

However, as with anything online, it's not all rosy pixels and harmonious HTML. From the occasional scam artist to the digital equivalent of unsolicited advice, potential pitfalls abound. But fear not! Staying safe is all about wearing your digital seatbelt: protect personal info, maintain a healthy skepticism, and remember, if a profile seems too good to be true - like claiming they're the lost polygamous prince of a faraway land - it probably is. And the best polyamory platforms will always do their best to protect you and your data.

Exploring Popular Polygamy Websites

In the bustling bazaar of the digital age—websites, the intricate tapestries of human connection are woven and displayed. Let's delve deeper into what makes specific platforms the go-to spots in this ever-growing digital arena.

1.Features Galore

The best websites for polygamy are akin to a Swiss Army knife—versatile, loaded with features, and there when you need them. User-friendly interfaces, advanced search algorithms, and community-driven forums give users a platform to connect and a space to learn and grow.

2.Reviews and Testimonials

Ever stumbled upon a rave review and thought, "Okay, this might be worth a shot?" User reviews and success stories can be the beacon that guides potential users. These personal snippets provide genuine insights, illuminating the real experiences behind the screen.

3.Security and Privacy

In the digital age, where data is the new gold, a top polygamy website prides itself on robust security measures. Encryption techniques, vigilant moderators, and strict privacy policies ensure users can focus on forging connections without fretting over unwanted snooping. On our blogs, you can find some tips about staying safe online.

4.Engagement Beyond Dating

The standout sites often extend beyond the mere realm of matchmaking. Think workshops, webinars, and articles discussing the polygamous lifestyle, its challenges, and its joys. It's like getting a coffee shop, a library, and a cozy fireside chat, all bundled into one digital package.

5.Niche vs. Broad Platforms

While some websites cater to a broad audience, offering a vast sea of potential connections, others hone in on specific niches. Whether by region, age, or particular interests, these platforms ensure users find their tribe, or in this case, their multiple tribes!

6.Mobile Accessibility

Let's be honest; we're a generation on the move. The leading platforms often have mobile versions or dedicated apps, ensuring you can seek connections while waiting for your avocado toast or during that never-ending metro ride. Because why should your quest for love be restricted to desktops?

7. The User Experience

It's a well-known truth (and a rather "21st-century" one): User experience can make or break a digital venture. Leading websites for polygamy are constantly refining their designs for intuitive navigation. From aesthetic appeal to seamless functionality, they ensure that users' digital journey is as exhilarating as their quest for connection.

8. Diversity and Inclusion

Beyond the algorithms and bytes, it's heartening to see platforms championing diversity and inclusivity. Whether you identify as polygamous, polyamorous, or just poly-curious, the best sites offer a welcoming embrace. As love knows no bounds, why should its digital counterpart?

9. Educational Resources

These websites are not just about finding love but also understanding it. With comprehensive resources, including articles, podcasts, and even expert Q&A sessions, they serve as holistic hubs for polygamous education. So, next time your Aunt Karen raises an eyebrow, you'll have an arsenal of knowledge (and maybe a witty retort)!

10. Events and Meetups

Taking the virtual into the tangible realm, several standout sites promote or host events and meetups. Imagine a delightful evening where the conversation flows freely, free from judgment—akin to a regular mixer but with a sprinkle of poly magic.

11. Integrated Blog Sections

While scrolling through potential matches, did you ever need a quick detour? Many sites boast integrated blogs offering everything from relationship advice to real-life experiences. It's like having a best friend (with ample poly experience) just a click away.

12. Community Feedback and Evolution

In the ever-evolving world of polygamy dating, feedback is the compass that steers future development. The top platforms actively engage with their users, taking critiques and innovating based on community needs. It's a collaborative dance where the users themselves orchestrate the music.

The Future of Polygamy Online

Crystal ball, anyone? As we advance into the 21st century, technology's role in polygamous dating will evolve. With advancements like virtual reality and AI, perhaps future polygamy website users will virtually "meet" their matches before a real-world rendezvous. Think about it: holographic double dates, AI matchmakers with sass, and VR venues that let your date night creativity run wild. A futuristic picnic on Mars?

The bottom line is

From humble beginnings in the dial-up era to today's sophisticated platforms, websites have transformed how many seek and foster connections. As with any digital venture, caution and embracing the vast potential are critical. The interweb of love is vast, intricate, and constantly evolving—and isn't that a reflection of love itself?

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

In the ever-evolving story of human relationships, we marvel at how we connect, love, and build lives together. From the steadfast penguin couples in frosty Antarctica to the regal lion and his pride in sun-soaked Africa, nature revels in diversity. But as urban dwellers sipping on our artisanal coffees and navigating the digital age's complexities, where do we stand in this vast spectrum of love? Enter the realm of modern polygamy and polyamory—a fascinating blend of ancient evolutionary drives and contemporary choices. Dive in, dear reader, and discover love's multifaceted journey sprinkled with humor and a dash of science. Because, after all, love isn't just in the air—it's in our very DNA.

Natural Evolution and Advantages of Polyamory

Our animal friends are a bit of a mixed bag regarding relationships. Some animals are die-hard romantics, sticking to one partner for life (yes, I'm looking at you, penguins). Meanwhile, others are playing the field in the vast savannah of love. But here's the thing: just because Mr. Lion has a harem doesn't mean humans have the evolutionary green light for polygamy. And even if parrots can pair for life, it doesn't chain us to monogamy. Nature's got variety; maybe it's her way of saying, "Different strokes for different folks!"

History has a penchant for drama, and relationships are no exception. In the history of polygamy, having several spouses was like the ancient version of LinkedIn—networking galore. Marriages were alliances, status symbols, and reproductive strategies rolled into one. Kings and queens flaunted today’s polygamy long before it was stylish. Think of it as old-school cool. But while their Instagram would've been lit with all their partners, it's vital to understand that love, consent, and equality were not always part of the package.

Let's talk about the evolutionary perks of spreading love. First, there's genetic diversity. Think of it as nature's way of ensuring the human tapestry is as colorful and durable as a hipster's patchwork tote. The more diverse our genes, the better our odds against diseases. Then there's the community aspect. More partners in ancient times might've meant more hands to gather berries or fend off a saber-tooth tiger. Modern polygamy could mean an extra hand in assembling IKEA furniture—equally crucial, in my opinion.

Contemporary Society and Evolutionary Drives

Let's time-travel from the Stone Age to our expensive, urbanized present. Our skyscrapers are taller, our lattes frothier, but our evolutionary instincts? They've tagged along. However, these instincts now dance to the beat of modern norms. We might have ancient drives, but today's modern polygamy reflects more than just biology. It's a blend of personal choice, societal trends, and that ever-enticing quest for authentic connection in a world of right-swipes. But what are the real facts that drive us to engage in polygamy relationships?

The Evolutionary Blueprint

Humans, like all species, come with a set of evolutionary urges. These primal drives evolved to ensure our survival and reproductive success. Think of hunger, the drive to seek shelter, or the innate desire to mate and reproduce.

Modern Interpretations

While our ancestors' primary concerns might have been finding food, shelter, and passing on their genes, today's urbanites grapple with diverse challenges. In the midst of skyscrapers and Wi-Fi signals, our ancient drives now manifest in modern ways, and polygamy is one of these. The desire for shelter could translate into the quest for a dream apartment in a posh neighborhood, and our social instincts might drive us to become not only Instagram influencers or network at exclusive clubs but also very attractive to many mates.

Evolutionary Mismatch

Some researchers argue that our contemporary lives vastly differ from the environments in which our evolutionary drives were formed. This "mismatch" can sometimes lead to maladaptive behaviors in today's society. For instance, our inborn love for sugar and fats (once crucial for survival) now contributes to modern health issues like obesity in a world with abundant high-calorie foods.

The Social Evolution of Relationships

Modern polygamy and other relationship structures might be seen as a response to the complexities of modern living. With increased life expectancy, urban migration, and the blurring of traditional gender roles, new relationship models are emerging. These are not merely about our innate desires to reproduce but more about emotional support, companionship, and mutual growth in a rapidly changing world.

Technology's Role

Evolution didn't prepare us for smartphones, social media, or dating apps. Yet, these tools amplify, modify, and sometimes complicate our ancient drives. The desire to be socially connected, once satisfied by living in close-knit tribes, is now being met (or sometimes thwarted) by platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Avoiding online scams in romance is also about to become an evolutional skill.

The Fluidity of Human Relationships

If relationships were water, humans would be the ultimate shape-shifters, molding their bonds into countless forms. From monogamy to today’s polygamy, our species showcases a heartwarming range of ways to love and be loved. Each state is as unique and valid as the individual choosing it. And while evolutionary cues might steer the ship, remember that we're the captains of our love lives. So, whether sailing solo, with a co-captain, or even a whole crew, ensure there's always enough love (and rum).

Green might be the color of envy, but it's not the most flattering shade on anyone. Evolutionary psychologists hypothesize that jealousy was nature's alarm system, ensuring our ancestors didn't waste resources on someone else's kid: the ‘mate-guarding’ issue. Today, jealousy still exists, but we've got self-awareness and communication tools that our cave-dwelling ancestors lacked. Plus, we have reality TV, which helps us realize our lives might not be that dramatic.

The age-old "till death do us part" has had many humming love songs for eons. Strong, lasting relationships are beautiful, but who said you can't have that bond with more than one person? After all, we've got more than one best friend, right? Pair bonding and polyamory are like the avocado and toast of the relationship world – distinct but harmonious. And hey, more anniversaries might mean more cake! Win-win.

The bottom line is

As we've traversed the intricate landscapes of love, from the primal echoes of our ancestors to the bustling streets of modern cities, one thing remains clear: love refuses to be boxed in. Modern polygamy, while perhaps sounding avant-garde, is simply one hue in the vast spectrum of human connection. It's a testament to our ability to adapt, grow, and redefine societal norms. With every sip of our cosmopolitan lattes, let's toast to the future of relationships—a lot as limitless as our capacity to love. And remember, whichever path the heart chooses, the journey and connections along the way make all the difference.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

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