Chris's article

Many people may find the idea of polyamory strange because monogamy is the standard in today's society. Nonetheless, monogamous people can get important insights from polyamorous relationships. Polyamory is the practice of having multiple intimate relationships with everyone's consent. This way of living necessitates open dialogue, honest conversation, and emotional vulnerability. Here are five lessons a monogamous couple can learn from a polyamorous couple.

The Importance of Open Communication

In any relationship, communication is essential, but for polyamorous couples, it is even more crucial. Couples who are polyamorous must be open and honest about their emotions, needs, and boundaries. Monogamous couples could learn how polyamorous couples regulate their emotions in an open and honest manner. Speaking is only one aspect of communication; other aspects include listening intently, comprehending, and empathizing. Monogamous couples can improve their relationships and handle disagreements more skillfully by adopting these techniques.

Clear-Cut Definition of the Relationship

Polyamorous couples must establish their boundaries and rules from the beginning. To prevent misunderstandings and upset sentiments, this is crucial. This technique can help monogamous couples by giving them a better awareness of their own relationships. It's critical to be aware of the give and take in all relationships. Having a clear-cut definition of the relationship can avoid misunderstandings and unmet expectations. This can eventually save the relationship. 

The Importance of Safe Sexual Practices

Multiple sexual partners are common in polyamorous relationships. It also raises the possibility of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). By engaging in safe sex, polyamorous couples take an active approach to sexual health. According to polygamy dating and matchmaking services, polyamorous partners openly discuss their sexual health with their partners, use condoms, and undergo routine STI testing. This strategy can be advantageous for monogamous couples if they take charge of their own sexual well-being. Safe sex is not just about self-preservation; it also demonstrates respect for one's partner and their wellbeing.

Dealing with Jealousy

In any relationship, jealousy is a normal emotion to feel. Because they have several relationships, polyamorous couples deal with jealousy in a more complicated way. To keep it from turning destructive, they must learn how to control their envy in a healthy way. This strategy can help monogamous couples by teaching them how to control their own jealousy. It's critical to acknowledge your emotions and express them in a positive way. Jealousy is frequently a sign of deeper problems like insecurity or partner loss anxiety. Monogamous couples can improve their marriages and keep jealousy from becoming a significant problem by addressing these topics.

Maintaining a Sense of Independence

The relationships between the partners in polyamorous partnerships are often discrete. They can continue to feel independent and unique because of this. Monogamous couples can benefit from this by appreciating the value of preserving their individual identities while in a committed partnership. It's crucial to have personal interests, hobbies, and friends. This improves the bonding while also empowering the individual. Monogamous couples might benefit from the example of staying dedicated to their partner while maintaining a sense of independence.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Polygyny, the practice of having multiple wives, has been a part of many cultures and religions throughout history. In some communities, having a sister wife, or a wife who is also a sister to another wife, is a common practice. While this arrangement may seem unconventional to some, there are many benefits to having a sister wife in a polygyny-based relationship.

First and foremost, having a sister wife can provide emotional support and companionship for the other wives. Living in a polygynous household can be challenging at times, and having someone to share the workload and responsibilities can be beneficial. In addition, the sister wives can form close bonds and friendships, which can help to foster a sense of community within the household.

This emotional support and companionship can be particularly important for the first wife in a polygynous relationship. According to some scholars, first wives in polygynous relationships can experience feelings of loneliness and isolation due to their husband's attention being divided among multiple wives. Having a sister wife can help to alleviate some of these feelings and provide a support system for the first wife.

Another advantage of having a sister wife is that it can provide financial stability. In many polygynous households, the husband is responsible for supporting multiple wives and their children. Having a sister wife who is also working or has an independent source of income can help to alleviate some of the financial burden on the husband.

Furthermore, having a sister wife can also be beneficial for the children in the household. With multiple wives, there are more adults available to care for and raise the children. Additionally, the children may benefit from having multiple maternal figures in their lives, which can provide them with more emotional support and guidance.

In some cases, having a sister wife can also allow for greater flexibility in the division of household chores and responsibilities. For example, if one wife is particularly skilled at cooking or cleaning, she can take on those tasks while the other wives focus on different aspects of the household.

However, it's important to note that having a sister wife is not without its challenges. Jealousy and competition between the wives can arise, especially if there is a perceived imbalance in attention or affection from the husband. Clear communication and mutual respect are crucial to maintaining a healthy and harmonious relationship between the wives.

One way to address these challenges is to establish clear expectations and boundaries from the outset of the relationship. This can involve discussing issues such as the division of time and attention from the husband, the division of household responsibilities, and the treatment of children within the household.

In addition, the legal and social implications of polygyny can vary depending on the jurisdiction and cultural norms. In some places, polygyny is illegal, and the family may face legal consequences if discovered. Furthermore, the stigma and discrimination against polygynous relationships can result in social isolation and ostracization from the wider community.

Despite the challenges, Sister Wives, the polygamy dating website and app, has been helping to connect people interested in polygynous relationships since its inception in 2008. With its move to in 2016, the platform has continued to provide a space for like-minded individuals to meet and form connections.

One potential benefit of using platforms like Sister Wives is that they can help to connect individuals who may not have access to a community of like-minded individuals in their local area. This can be particularly important for individuals who are living in areas where polygyny is illegal or stigmatized.

Furthermore, these platforms can provide a space for individuals to discuss and explore the complexities and challenges of polygynous relationships with others who have firsthand experience.

Additionally, using a platform like Sister Wives can help individuals to find partners who share similar values and beliefs, which can be important in building a strong and successful polygynous relationship.

It's important to note that while Sister Wives and similar platforms can be helpful in connecting individuals, they should not be relied upon as the sole source of support and guidance in a polygynous relationship. Seeking out counseling or therapy, as well as building a strong support network within the household and local community, can also be beneficial.

Ultimately, the importance of a sister wife in a polygynous relationship lies in the support, companionship, and stability she can provide. By working together and establishing clear expectations and boundaries, the wives and their husband can build a successful and fulfilling polygynous household.

It's important to note, however, that polygyny is not for everyone. It's a complex and challenging relationship structure that requires a great deal of communication, respect, and commitment from all parties involved. It's important for individuals to carefully consider their motivations and desires before entering into a polygynous relationship and to be honest and upfront with potential partners about their expectations and boundaries.

In conclusion, having a sister wife in a polygynous relationship can provide emotional support, financial stability, and additional maternal figures for the children. While there are challenges and complexities involved, clear communication and mutual respect can help to overcome these obstacles and build a successful and fulfilling polygynous household. Platforms like Sister Wives can be helpful in connecting individuals interested in polygynous relationships, but seeking out additional support and guidance is also important. Ultimately, the decision to enter into a polygynous relationship should be carefully considered and entered into with honesty and commitment from all parties involved.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Polygamy is a lifestyle choice that has been practiced by many cultures throughout history. It involves having more than one spouse or partner at the same time. While it is not legally recognized in many countries, modern polygamy and polygamy dating have gained more attention and acceptance in recent years.

One of the main reasons people choose to practice polygamy is the sense of community and belonging it provides. Polygamous relationships can create a strong sense of family and community, with all partners working together to build a happy and healthy household. This sense of belonging can be particularly important for those who do not fit into traditional monogamous relationships or feel isolated from mainstream society.

Polygamy also allows individuals to have multiple partners, which can fulfill different emotional and physical needs. In monogamous relationships, one partner is expected to fulfill all of their partner's emotional and physical needs, which can be a significant source of pressure and stress. Polygamy allows individuals to have more variety in their relationships and can lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment.

Another benefit of polygamy is the potential for increased financial stability. With multiple partners, there is a greater pool of resources and income, which can lead to greater financial security for the household. This is particularly beneficial for families with children, as it provides a more stable and secure environment for them to grow up in.

Despite the many benefits of polygamy, it is not without its challenges. One of the main challenges is the need for open and honest communication between partners. In polygamous relationships, there are often multiple partners involved, which can lead to more complex and challenging communication dynamics. It is essential that all partners are able to communicate effectively and openly to ensure the relationship is healthy and fulfilling for everyone involved.

Another challenge of polygamy is the potential for jealousy and competition between partners. While jealousy and competition can arise in any relationship, these emotions can be particularly challenging in polygamous relationships where there are multiple partners involved. It is essential that all partners are able to manage their emotions and work together to create a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.

In addition to these challenges, polygamy faces legal challenges in many countries. In some countries, polygamy is illegal and can result in legal consequences for those who practice it. This can create a sense of fear and secrecy among those who practice polygamy, which can further isolate them from mainstream society.

Despite these challenges, modern polygamy and polygamy dating offer a unique and alternative lifestyle choice for those interested in exploring love and relationships beyond traditional monogamy. While it may not be for everyone, those who choose to practice polygamy believe that it offers many benefits, such as a sense of community and belonging, increased financial stability, and greater emotional and physical satisfaction. With open communication, honesty, and trust between partners, polygamy can be a fulfilling and satisfying lifestyle choice for those who choose it.

Sister Wives is a dating service that caters to those interested in modern polygamy and polygamy dating. They offer a safe and welcoming community for those who practice polygamy or are interested in exploring it as a lifestyle choice. By providing a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, Sister Wives is helping to break down the stigma associated with polygamy and promote greater understanding and acceptance of this alternative lifestyle choice.

Modern polygamy is a unique and often misunderstood alternative lifestyle that has been gaining more attention and acceptance in recent years. This lifestyle is defined as a marriage or relationship involving more than two partners. It can take on various forms, including polygyny (one man with multiple wives), polyandry (one woman with multiple husbands), and group marriages involving multiple partners of any gender.

Polygamy dating is a relatively new concept that has emerged to provide support and connection to those in the polygamous community who are looking for love and companionship. This type of dating is a way for people to connect with others who share their beliefs and lifestyles, and to form meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals.

Sister Wives is a popular polygamy dating service that was founded in 2008 as and is now owned by Matchmakers Inc., a Florida corporation. The website, now known as, is a platform that caters to individuals seeking polygamous relationships. The site's mission is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for those looking to explore and engage in the polygamous lifestyle.

One of the main advantages of polygamy dating is the ability to connect with individuals who share similar values and beliefs. This can be especially important for those who may feel isolated or ostracized due to their lifestyle choices. By joining a polygamy dating site like Sister Wives, individuals can find others who understand and share their desire for a polygamous relationship, and who can provide emotional support and companionship.

Another benefit of polygamy dating is the ability to form meaningful connections with multiple partners. This can provide a level of emotional and physical fulfillment that may not be possible in a monogamous relationship. Polygamous relationships are often characterized by deep emotional connections and a strong sense of community and support among all partners involved.

However, it's important to note that polygamy dating is not without its challenges. One of the biggest obstacles is the stigma and societal norms surrounding polygamy. Despite the increasing acceptance of alternative lifestyles, polygamy is still considered taboo by many, and those who engage in it may face discrimination and judgment from others.

Furthermore, polygamous relationships can be complex and require a significant amount of communication and mutual understanding among all partners involved. This can be a challenging task, particularly for those who are new to the lifestyle or who have not yet established strong communication and trust within the relationship.

In conclusion, modern polygamy and polygamy dating are complex and unique alternative lifestyles that are gaining more attention and acceptance in modern society. Polygamy dating services like Sister Wives provide a safe and welcoming environment for those looking to explore and engage in polygamous relationships. While polygamy dating is not without its challenges, it offers individuals the opportunity to form deep emotional connections with multiple partners and to find companionship and support within a community that shares their values and beliefs.

It's important to note that modern polygamy is not for everyone, and individuals should carefully consider the lifestyle and their personal values before deciding to engage in it. It's also essential for those involved in polygamous relationships to prioritize open and honest communication and mutual respect among all partners.

Despite the challenges and stigma surrounding polygamy, it's important to recognize that alternative lifestyles like polygamy are a valid choice for those who choose to engage in them. The growing acceptance and understanding of polygamy and other non-traditional lifestyles highlight the need for greater diversity and inclusivity in modern society.

Polygamy dating services like Sister Wives play an important role in connecting individuals within the polygamous community and providing them with a supportive and welcoming environment. Through these services, individuals can explore and engage in polygamous relationships while finding companionship and support among like-minded individuals.

Overall, modern polygamy and polygamy dating are complex and unique lifestyles that offer individuals the opportunity to form deep emotional connections with multiple partners and find fulfillment in a community that shares their values and beliefs. With the increasing acceptance and understanding of alternative lifestyles, it's important to continue advocating for greater inclusivity and diversity in modern society.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Two different kinds of marriage practices, bigamy and polygamy both involve multiple spouses and marriage. The following is an examination of a hot topic: Bigamy vs. polygamy.

Two or more spouses are involved in a polygamous marriage – both/all being aware of the other’s union with the spouse. Two or more spouses are involved in a bigamous relationship as well but are usually unaware of each other.

What's more, while bigamy is not typically practiced for religious or cultural reasons, polygamy is. Can one be participated in without participating in the other, however? Technically, you must partake in bigamy to partake in polygamy because bigamy is defined as the following: “While legally married to one person, partaking in a marriage ceremony to another."

That doesn't make them the same, however.


Bigamy can be consensual and intentional. An individual knowingly marries a second spouse, being completely aware that their initial marriage is binding, legally. Everyone involved consents. On the other hand, it can be non-consensual, but still intentional, where the spouses of an individual are completely unaware of each other.

But wait, there's more. As the result of an attempted divorce that was never finalized legally, it can also be unintentional. Regardless, all parts of the United States outlaw bigamy.


When three or more people participate in a general union/marriage, this is referred to as polygamy. In the minds of many people, polygamy is reserved for a situation that involves multiple wives and one man. This is not, however, always the case. Technically speaking, a general description of polygamy involves any gender, with marriage being carried out with multiple partners.

There are several kinds of polygamy including the following:

• Group marriage

• Polyandry

• Polygyny

Let's look at those individually.

Group Marriage

A type of polygamy, group marriage is an arrangement in which a marriage-like agreement is made and participated in by all parties involved. The ratio of male to female is not specified but, rather, determined by the individuals involved.


Here, more than one man can be married to one woman. To break things down even further, there are two types of polyandry:

• Non-Fraternal Spouses: A woman marries husbands that are completely unrelated to each other.

• Fraternal Spouses: A pair of sibling brothers is married to one woman.


Two types of polygyny also exist including the following:

• Nonsororal: Wives that have no relation to each other are chosen by one man.

• Sororal: As his wives, sisters of a family are taken by one man.

Polygamy Versus Bigamy

In both of these, there is a running theme involving multiple partners involved in a union. The following should be noted to distinguish polygamy and bigamy from each other:

• Religious influence (customs)

• Living style (number of households)

• Law classifications (multiple partners are legal in some countries where polygamy is concerned)

• One spouse being aware of another or others

Important Note!

As of February 2020, a bill passed the Utah legislature that states – for the first time in 85 years – that polygamy is not a felony crime. But, some 18 months later, the bigamy law was reinstated by a federal appeals court and a law re-criminalizing bigamy was passed by the Utah State Legislature. The difference now is that Utah views polygamy, more or less, as an "infraction" – similar to a speeding ticket.

Interested in Polygamy as a Lifestyle? Want to Meet Others Who Are as Well?

To whom can you turn if you want to meet other polygamists and/or are in search of a love connection? Answer: Sister Wives. We want to help women become sister wives and/or introduce them to people who also live a polygamist lifestyle. Connections are made online, every day. Check our "Blogs" to see what others have to say.

By attending some of our activities and events, you can become even more familiar with Sister Wives and the polygamist lifestyle. Contact us today to find out more.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

There are numerous alternate lifestyles in existence compared to that of legal marriage in the United States and monogamy. Here, the following will be examined: Polyamory vs. polygamy vs. polyandry. After reading this, you may decide that an alternative lifestyle is something you'd like to dedicate yourself to, or at least try. Later, a service that can introduce you to others involved in polygamy – and how to get in touch with them – will be detailed.

First things first, however, let's learn the difference between polyamory, polygamy, and polyandry.


A person engaging in multiple sexual/romantic relationships is said to be practicing polyamory. If you believe you can love multiple people simultaneously, you may wish to be involved in this “practice/ethical” philosophy that includes responsible, honest, and non-possessive traits. Polyamory, rather than accepting established social norms (monogamy), emphasizes a conscious decision to have more than one partner at one time.

Any sexual orientation goes in relationships such as these, is dictated by the individuals involved in the relationship itself. These are romantic, intimate relationships with numerous consenting members at one time. People of mixed sexual orientations – versus everyone being gay or everyone being straight – can be involved in a polyamorous relationship, too.


When one spouse has more than one mate/spouse, it is referred to as polygamy. Thanks to TV, in part, many people view a polygamous relationship as having one husband and multiple sister wives. This is only partially correct. Anthropologically speaking, it can be a marriage that exists simultaneously between one person and at least two others in general.

One man being married to two women or more is, today, referred to as polygamy. When one woman is married to two or more men, it is referred to as polyandry.


This refers to multiple husbands with one woman. Polyandry does, however, exist in two forms:

Non-Fraternal Spouses: A woman marries husbands that are completely unrelated to each other.

Fraternal Spouses: A pair (or more) of sibling brothers is married to one woman.

In parts of China and Nepal, one wife can be married to two or more brothers, legally, with "sexual access" being available to her where each male party is concerned.

By the Numbers

Due to the fact that many polygamists like to stay just under the radar, numbers are hard to come by. It is thought, however, that today, in the United States, polygamy is practiced by roughly 60,000 people. In addition to your average Americans, these individuals include members of the Pan-African Ausar Auset society, Muslims, Hmong Americans, and other various ethnicities.

It is estimated that roughly 4 to 5% of the United States population practices polyamory.

In America, polyandry is not legal, nor is it widely practiced. This is not to say, however, that it doesn't exist in the United States.

Polygamy, Polyamory, or Polyandry? Which Is Right for You?

If you have questions about polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, and other alternate lifestyles, you are not alone. Questions are not uncommon. You should have access to the answers you need. For questions regarding polygamy and possibly even other lifestyle choices, why not talk directly to the people involved?

Sister Wives can introduce you to polygamists, sister wives, and more. Attend our activities and events or utilize our website for matchmaking services, video chats, search options, detailed profiles, or other fun ways to chat and interact. On our "Blogs", you can find out what people have to say about our service before even trying it yourself. Get started today!

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Maybe you’ve seen TV shows on the polygamist lifestyle. If so, you may be wondering about a number of things. Is polygamy legal in the U.S.? Wherever it is outlawed, why? Might the legal restrictions be changing in the near future?

To answer the first question, right now, polygamy is legally outlawed in every one of the 50 states. In fact, being married to more than one individual is criminalized by the federal government. Of course, it's difficult to enforce these kinds of laws due to many polygamists keeping low and staying under the radar, for the most part. The thing is, with the increase in mixed gender, multiple roommates, laws such as these become very problematic.

Frequently, in the courts, laws built on nothing more than "moral ground" are being challenged more and more. Similar arguments have already been used to decriminalize same-sex marriages and homosexuality. In a sense, many of the "witch hunts" of the past are coming to an end, at least in a legal sense. Will polygamy and polygamists be next?

Anti-Bigamy Laws in Utah

Not long ago, a ruling by a federal judge determined that Utah's anti-bigamy law language was not enforceable because it was so vague. Today, laws such as these are considered, by many, an invasion of privacy and anachronistic. That, in turn, is unconstitutional, violating the 14th and first amendment rights of individuals.

Some misguided people fear that relaxing laws on bigamy, same-sex marriage, polygamy, etc., will somehow go further to affect children. This is not only unrealistic but unreasonable. The citing of such a concern is little more than a tactic used to generate fear and suspicion.

It is important to take note that, as of February 2020, a bill passed the Utah legislature that states – for the first time in 85 years – that polygamy is not a felony crime. But, some 18 months later, the bigamy law was reinstated by a federal appeals court and a law re-criminalizing bigamy was passed by the Utah State Legislature. However, Utah now views polygamy as an "infraction" – similar to a speeding ticket. The future status of polygamy in Utah and other states remains to be seen.

So, the bottom line is that, currently, polygamy is not technically legal in any of the 50 states. Are the laws against polygamy frequently enforced? No, they are not. Does that mean, as a polygamist, you’re safe from prosecution? No, you're not. The good news for polygamists is that these laws may be changing relatively soon; or, at the very least, relaxed even more in some manner.

Legal or Not – Is Polygamy for You?

Contrary to many disillusioned individuals, do you still believe in true love? Do you believe that true love can be shared by more than two people? If so, polygamy may be a lifestyle you would be well served by. You can seek out a sister wife as well as other polygamists through the Sister Wives community.

We can be of assistance to numerous polygamists by helping them make a love connection and/or introducing them to others for socialization. Are you a single seeking a sister wife? Are you a couple looking for another sister wife? Are you unsure about the entire topic? See what other people have to say by clicking on our "Blogs".

By helping people connect online, Sister Wives can enrich the lives of those curious about polygamy and/or those already involved in polygamy. Familiarize yourself with our lifestyle and community by attending some of our activities and events. Our website offers detailed profiles, fun ways to interact and chat, search options, video chat, “matchmaking” services, and more. If you're intrigued, contact us today to find out more. 

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

In the United States, polygamy is illegal. There are no two ways about it. But the severity of the punishment for "breaking" this law differs. In fact, frequently, those involved in polygamy may not even be prosecuted. Is that something that you, as a polygamist, should count on? No. If it is discovered that you are participating in a polygamous relationship, you are – under the law – prosecutable. A good lawyer, however, may be able to get the charges diminished or dismissed – but that's not something you should count on 100%.

Recently, the topic of polygamy in Utah was in the news. What's more, in certain areas of Massachusetts, "polyamorous domestic relationships" are being recognized. This does not mean it's legal to marry more than one person in Massachusetts, however. A "domestic relationship" differs from a legal marriage.

Let's look at both of these states and what's going on.


In Utah, it was determined that the state’s polygamy ban was unconstitutional in "Brown versus Buhman" toward the end of 2013. In 2020, while it was not entirely legalized, polygamy was decriminalized – at least in part. Currently, the offense of polygamy is looked upon, more or less, as an "infraction" – similar to a parking ticket. If you are convicted of being married to more than one person at a time, it may be punishable with community service and fines not to exceed $750.

How does that differ from when polygamy was looked upon as a federal offense? When polygamy was a third-degree felony, you could be sentenced to up to five years of jail time.

Any law that is passed can be struck down. Any legal decision that is made can be reversed. If there's one thing about politics and law that is consistent, it is their propensity for inconsistency. Many polygamists see the recent changes in Utah as a step in the right direction, however.


Apparently, 2020 was a big year for nontraditional relationships. In addition to the changes that took place in Utah, the nation’s first multiple-partner domestic partnership ordinance was passed in Somerville, Massachusetts in 2020.

A domestic partnership is defined by the ordinance as an entity formed by people. Six criteria must be fulfilled, including that those involved:

• Are in a relationship of caring, support, and commitment… 

• … and have every intention of staying in that relationship

• Consider themselves family

• Reside together, etc.

Today, the same privileges and rights afforded to those who are legally married are afforded to those in domestic partnerships. It interprets "family", "marriage", and "spouse" to encompass domestic partnerships in various ordinances of the city.

The following year, a multiple-partner domestic partnership ordinance was passed in Cambridge.

In Utah or Anywhere Else You Decide to Pursue Polygamy – Sister Wives

If you are a polygamist, how do you meet other polygamists? How do you find prospective sister wives? If you are a polygamous couple, how do you find additional sister wives? The answers to these questions lie with the Sister Wives website. We have activities and events at which you can meet other polygamists. Our website offers the opportunity for video chats, search options, matchmaking services, the viewing of profiles, and other fun ways to interact and chat. If you aren’t part of the Sister Wives community, you're missing out! Don't wait another minute to see what you're missing.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Even in America, ethical polyamory/polygamy and non-monogamy are gaining more acceptability and visibility. Along with this developing trend, more and more people are curious about polygamy weddings and how to go about putting one together.

As far as legality is concerned, there is some important information you should know regarding polyamorous or polygamous weddings. Unfortunately, for inspiration and guidance, there are very few resources. Here, we will briefly touch on a number of topics regarding polygamy weddings.

The Legality of a Polygamist Wedding

In America, in all 50 states, polygamy is illegal. These days, it isn't taken quite as seriously in Utah – but it is illegal throughout America, nonetheless. Even if you travel to a location in the world where polygamous marriages are legal, and somehow manage to marry all of your wives there, a legal marriage to each and every wife will not be recognized in America.

In many cases, in America, polygamists legally marry one wife. They then consider their other wives – or refer to them as – spiritual unions/mates. While "domestic relationships" with more than one person may be recognized in certain Massachusetts areas, legal marriage to more than one person still is not.

The Workings of a Polygamist Wedding

Most polygamists’ weddings, due to polygamy being illegal, have no legal backing but are, instead, "commitment ceremonies". No special privileges or rights are provided by these ceremonies, unlike legal civil unions or marriage. To "take the next step" in a relationship and formalize it, ceremonies such as these are, more or less, for the individuals involved in the relationship and their friends/relatives. It's a way to express their commitment.

Wedding Ideas for Polygamists

The wedding ideas for polygamists are, more or less, a mirror image of traditional, monogamous marriage ceremonies with minimal differences. Naturally, the person who will officiate the ceremony will have to be in agreement with the polygamist’s lifestyle. Additionally, anyone who is invited to the ceremony should be supportive.

Just like members of the LGBTQ+ community can have problems finding halls, officiants, cake makers, entertainment, etc. – once they've made it clear what type of relationship is going on – polygamists can run into the same problems.

It's up to the members of the relationship to decide whether or not they want to "come out" to the public and/or to the people/companies they need to work with in order to plan/go through with a polygamous wedding/ceremony.

Vows and Other Traditions

As with a traditional wedding, some polygamists choose to write their own vows. Each participant in the ceremony can recite a vow. There is also the option of a unity ceremony, in which all participants, more or less, recite the same vow together.

Any tradition that would ordinarily be observed at a standard, monogamous wedding can, for the most part, be incorporated into a polygamous ceremony. It all depends on the participants/guests, your venue, and more.

Before You Can Have a Wedding, You Need to Meet New People

Want to meet other polygamists and socialize more? Are you a sister wife looking for love, a man looking for sister wives, or an established couple looking for other sister wives? Regardless, the Sister Wives website is one you should visit soon.

We feature activities and events, chat and video chat opportunities, and search engines. We provide profiles, offer matchmaking services, and much more for today's polygamists. Interested? Contact us today to find out more. We have a convenient online form you can fill out and send in. We'll be in touch.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Currently, polygamy in the USA is illegal. One of the 50 states – Utah – has toyed with the idea of removing polygamy from the list of federal offenses. For whatever reason, after that idea was successfully pursued, it was reversed, somewhat. Polygamy is now considered an "infraction" in Utah – something like a speeding ticket. But if the federal polygamy law can be struck down, even temporarily, what does that say for the future of polygamy in America?

Times are changing. The rights of individuals who wish to pursue a polygamous relationship may one day be supported by the striking down of laws prohibiting this alternate lifestyle.

Polygamists in America

It is estimated that there are between 50,000 and 60,000 polygamists currently living in the United States. The fact that polygamy is against the law doesn't seem to discourage everyone. Are polygamists routinely prosecuted? No, not frequently. Does that mean you don't have to worry about being prosecuted as a polygamist? It does not. Caution and discretion both go a long way toward keeping you and your family safe and free from prosecution or persecution.

Remember that, not too long ago, gay marriage was also outlawed. That has changed where many states/cities are concerned. It is not without its challengers, of course. In many ways, the rights of heterosexual, monogamous United States citizens are seemingly more of a concern to politicians than are the rights of other citizens of America.

Politics aside, if you're going to be a polygamist in America, there are some things you should know.

Legal Versus Illegal – Technically

Because being married to more than one person is still illegal in America, some polygamous relationships describe their relationship in a manner that is more legally acceptable. While a polygamist may consider himself married to all four of his wives (we are just using the number four as an example), he would likely technically be legally married to just one and consider the other's spiritual mates/unions – or something along those lines.

Mixing Sexual Preferences

Group relationships can exist as well, but once again, legal marriage to more than one person in the relationship would not be possible in America. For example, certain couples might be legally married: wife/wife, husband/husband, husband/wife. They may make the decision to cohabit with another couple. In their minds, though not legally, they are all married to each other.

Surprisingly, the 2003 Supreme Court ruling "Lawrence Versus Texas," protects such arrangements (though marriage of all participants to each other is still not legally recognized). This ruling stated: "Liberty presumes an autonomy of self which incorporates the freedom of expression, belief, thought, and certain intimate conduct." Proponents of polygamy insist that this would be a perfect argument for the legalization of bigamy/polygamy.

Rules and Practices

Today, a polygamous relationship is defined as one husband and two or more women. There are also relationships that specify one woman/wife and numerous husbands. This is referred to as polyandry. As stated above, there are also group relationships that can consist of all women, all men, all heterosexuals, all homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals – you name it – or a mixture of any and all.

The rules and practices of a specific relationship – polygamy included – should be derived through discussion and consideration of all parties involved. What works for one group/family of polygamists may or may not work for a different group/family.

Coming Out

Although laws and some opinions have changed drastically in recent decades, some individuals with sexual preferences other than the accepted and/or traditional (in America) are still afraid to "come out". They keep their sexual preferences under wraps because they are fearful of persecution, prejudice, abuse, etc.

The same can be said for polygamists. In addition to being technically illegal, a polygamous lifestyle could, potentially, open the door to prejudice, abuse, and other types of persecution. It is 100% up to the people involved in the relationship whether or not they will "come out" as being involved in a polygamous relationship.

Are You a Polygamist Who Would like to Meet Other Polygamists?

At Sister Wives, any number of opportunities await you. You can find love – either as a sister wife or husband – and enjoy all the website has to offer. Utilize our search options, participate in chats and interactions with others, view profiles, put our dating service to good use, and more. Consider attending our activities and events to socialize with other polygamists. Contact us today to find out more.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

The topic of polygamy in the USA is indeed a hot one. For the most part, all 50 states remain committed to the criminalization of bigamy and, therefore, polygamy. Utah, however, has gone back and forth a couple of times since 2020. Currently, bigamy is once again illegal in Utah, but it is referred to as an "infraction" – similar to a speeding ticket.

Using a number of FAQs, here's a type of guide to polygamy in the USA. Keep in mind that the laws governing polygamy, bigamy, etc., and their enforcement, seem muddier than ever. That said, as of the writing of this piece, it is technically illegal in America.

Polygamy – What Is It?

The custom or practice of having more than one husband or wife at the same time is referred to as polygamy. Two forms have existed, historically:

Polygyny: The practice or state of having more than one female mate or wife at a time.

Polyandry: The practice of having more than one male mate or husband at a time.

Is Polygamy Endorsed by the Bible?

Religion is a touchy subject. People believe different ideals and philosophies, engage in different practices, etc. Technically speaking, (per the Bible) God's original intention for marriage was made clear in the teachings of Jesus: One woman and one man. The tolerance of polygamy (and divorce) in the Old Testament, however, was – in theory – due to the "people's hardness of heart".

For Christians – Is Polygamy a Concern?

Once again, this is a question of religion and people view their “rules and regulations” differently, even within the same religion. There are Christians who believe that alternative lifestyles are not damning but, rather, those involved in them consider themselves devoted Christians.

Is Polygamy a Bona Fide Religious Practice?

Religious or not, in the United States, it's still illegal. On the other hand, in various parts of the world, polygamy is an accepted aspect of religion and/or culture.

Are Bigamy/Polygamy Laws Enforced Rigorously?

In most cases, particularly with polygamists staying just under the radar, the laws are hard to enforce. Many times, officials simply don't bother. Does this mean you can't be prosecuted if you knowingly engage in bigotry or polygamy? Unfortunately, you could be prosecuted if the laws don't change. A good attorney may be able to get the charges lessened or dropped, however, particularly in light of all the changes occurring in the United States regarding such laws.

Where Can You Meet Others Who Agree with Polygamy as an Alternative Lifestyle?

More than one sister wife will be involved in a polygamous relationship. If you'd like to participate in a lifestyle such as this – or if you already do – Sister Wives dating and matchmaking service can be of assistance.

Are you a single seeking a sister wife? Are you a couple seeking another sister wife? Either way, we can help. Curious as to what others have to say about our service? Check out our "Blogs".

We are dedicated to helping people find other polygamists with whom to socialize or assisting people in becoming a sister wife. Online, it's easy to connect with others and become more familiar with a polygamous lifestyle. Consider attending some of our activities and events, as well.

Through our site, you can engage in online chatting and interacting, pursuing search options, looking at detailed profiles, video chat, matchmaking services, and more. Contact us today using our online form

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

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