What is a nesting partner? This refers to your partner in a polyamorous relationship with whom you live. What’s important is that you don’t have to be married, and you can have more than one nesting partner. It all depends on who you live with and who you are in a relationship with. Do you want to learn more? Then read on!
What Is a Nesting Partner in Polyamory
You have probably heard numerous polyamory-related terms, like compersion or a nesting partner, but didn’t know their meaning. After all, there are quite a few poly-specific phrases and terms used to describe what’s going on in relationships. Don’t worry, though; we’re here to help you – let’s explain what a nesting partner is.
This term is quite general and describes a partner with whom you live. You could use it even in a monogamous relationship; after all, not always do people live together while being together. However, in poly, it becomes slightly more important since you may have several partners but share a household only with particular ones.
The meaning of a nesting partner isn’t restricted to your marital status or the type of relationship – it refers to any partner with whom you have a sexual or romantic relationship and with whom you live. It’s also not restricted by numbers – you can have several nesting partners if you’re poly!
How Nesting Partners Work?
Let’s get a bit deeper into the topic of nesting partners. How does this work? Here are the key information:
• Nesting partners can be both secondary and primary partners – the status does not matter.
• Nesting partners might bring up kids together.
• Nesting partners are in a relationship – the fact that you have, for instance, been intimate with your roommate does not make them your nesting partner.
What Are the Benefits of Having Multiple Nesting Partners in a Poly Relationship?
Having several nesting partners might seem like a challenge, but it’s also a great opportunity – this has quite a few advantages. What are they? Take a look below.
Living in a Poly Family
First, we need to look at the benefits of polyamory families in general since this is exactly what you create when having multiple nesting partners. These include:
• emotional fulfillment,
• shared parenting responsibilities,
• diverse perspectives that broaden the horizons.
Financial Stability
Living with more people is often more affordable than doing so on your own or with just one partner. Thus, opting for a nesting partner(s) often comes with more financial stability and a higher disposable income for you to spend on your dates, hobbies, etc..
Is Having a Polyamorous Nesting Partner for You? Potential Challenges
Nesting partners are great, but this kind of relationship might also have its downsides. Hence, do determine whether a nesting partner is for you, let’s look at the potential drawbacks of this option.
Setting Boundaries
If you are both poly, you might also date other people, and there’s nothing wrong with that… until your shared spaces come into play. You might be okay with your partner’s dates in your house, but you might also be completely against it, and so might your nesting partner. This might create conflicts regarding the boundaries that you want to set.
More Dynamic Household
With more people in your household, there is more potential for conflicts regarding your daily lives. Whether someone does not clean up after themselves or plays their music loudly, it might be difficult to come up with a compromise, especially since they aren’t just your roomies – they’re your partners whom you care about.
Time to Nest?
As you can see, nesting partners have their benefits, but there are also some obstacles that you’ll need to overcome. The key is proper communication – with it, you’ll surely make a great family with those you care most about.
Are you looking for new partners? Check out our poly dating app!
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
Ambiamory is yet another poly term, the meaning of which we need to explain. In general, it refers to people who are comfortable with both being polygamous and monogamous. In this article, we shall look at this more closely. We invite you to read on.
What Is Ambiamory? Definition and Meaning
What is the definition of ambiamory? It’s the ability to be equally content with both a polyamorous and a monogamous relationship. It is believed to be a spectrum between these two orientations.
People who are ambiamorous create long-lasting, meaningful relationships, no matter whether mono or poly. What is more, they are equally happy in either of the settings, making the most of their time. Thus, in simple terms, ambiamory does not mean that you strive for both, but rather that you can adjust and be happy in both scenarios.
What Is the History of Ambiamory?
We don’t know exactly when the term was coined and emerged; however, we are able to point out when it was most popular. According to Google Trends, “ambiamory” was most commonly searched for in 2019 and since the middle of 2022, which corresponds to the overall poly boom.
This might have its roots in the way people use the adjective polyamorous when dating. For example, if you find a profile on a poly dating site with “ambiamorous” written in it, the person actually wants to show you that they are open to both options. However, is somebody like this truly ambiamorous? Not always – it might be so that such a person will prefer one of the options in the long run and that it only seems to them that they are fully comfortable with both, so take such profiles with a pinch of salt.
The Challenges of Being Ambiamorous
While being ambiamorous might seem great – you can have either of the worlds – there are some challenges associated with it. What are they in particular?
Firstly, returning to the example from the previous section, since not all people who claim to be ambiamorous truly are ambiamorous, poly and mono people might simply… not trust them. For such potential partners, it always feels like a risk, which later builds mistrust and communication issues and causes conflicts. Hence, being 100% honest with ambiamory might often cause a backlash.
Secondly, ambiamorous people are often perceived as cheaters (which is a hurtful myth). Many people believe that truly ambiamorous partners will seek both worlds and, in the end, will build a seemingly mono relationship while sleeping with other partners.
The Truth About Ambiamory
What is the truth about ambiamory regarding the above challenges and myths? It equals flexibility. It’s not monogamy nor polygamy; it’s a completely separate relationship style that lets the person easily adjust to the dynamics of their partner(s). Hence, despite what the popular opinions lead to say, it’s nothing bad – quite the opposite, it opens up new dating opportunities.
Ready to Explore Your Own Spectrum?
We hope that we have explained the meaning of ambiamory to you thoroughly enough that you understand this concept now. After all, it’s quite important since it proves that there are spectrums between monogamy and polyamory and that these two are not fully contradictory. In the end, it’s important to note that many poly people might actually be ambi; just think about yourself – did the fact that you tried going poly cause you not to want a monogamous relationship ever again, or would you consider it and feel comfortable if it was with the right person?
You might also read: Know Your Poly Terms and Conditions
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
How many seasons of Sister Wives are there? 18 in total. Despite its bumpy road and a short hiatus, the TV series has been aired since 2010, with the latest season dropping in 2023. In this article, we will take a closer look at all of the seasons and answer all your questions regarding the series. Did we spark your attention? Then read on!
How Many Seasons of Sister Wives Aired Already?
Sister Wives has had a bumpy road ever since its release in 2010. While it gained a lot of popularity ever since, we must not forget the 2018 hiatus, when there were even rumors about the end of the series. Thankfully, this was all fake news, and TLC did not cancel Sister Wives, though we must admit that even we here were tricked by the fake information, at least at the start. So, how many Sister Wives seasons have been aired already?
The answer is eighteen. However, we are waiting with high anticipation for the nineteenth season, which, according to IMDb, has been confirmed by Christine Brown. When will it be aired? Rumor has it that sometime by the end of 2024. However, this remains to be seen.
There’s also one more question about the show's 19th season – how will it tackle the death of its main characters? Garrison Brown passed away this year (2024), and we don’t know whether this topic will be tackled in the series or marginalized.
Preparing for Season 19 – Let’s Recap The Past Few Seasons
Knowing how many seasons of Sister Wives there are, you might probably feel overwhelmed with the amount of material and find it difficult to remember everything. Don’t worry – here’s a brief recap of the last two seasons to prepare you for the upcoming premier.
Season 17
This season is marked by significant tension and emotional upheavals, especially surrounding Christine's decision to break up with Kody and the family. Her departure marks a pivotal moment in the series, highlighting the strains within the relationships and the differing perspectives on family and loyalty.
Kody grapples with the fallout from Christine's departure, expressing feelings of betrayal and reflecting on the implications for the family's unity. Meanwhile, the varying reactions of the other wives are shown:
• Janelle supports Christine's decision and struggles with her own relationship with Kody.
• Meri tries to find her place within the family dynamics despite her long-standing issues with Kody.
• Robyn, often seen as Kody's favorite, feels the pressure of maintaining the family's cohesion.
The children also play a significant role this season, with many of them voicing their opinions on the separation and its impact on their lives. The older children, in particular, provide insight into how the family’s lifestyle has affected them growing up. The season concludes with the Browns attempting to find a new normal amidst the ongoing changes, setting the stage for further developments in their relationships and individual paths.
Season 18
This season continues to explore the aftermath of Christine's departure and its ripple effects throughout the Brown family. Kody's relationships with his remaining wives face unprecedented challenges as they each reassess their roles and connections within the family. Janelle's and Kody's relationship becomes increasingly strained, leading to frank discussions about their future together.
Robyn finds herself increasingly isolated, feeling the pressure to hold the family together while dealing with her own fears and insecurities. Meri continues to struggle with her place in the family, facing the reality of her distant relationship with Kody and the other wives. The season also highlights the wives' individual pursuits and how they balance these with their family responsibilities.
The children again provide a critical perspective, with some expressing relief over the changes while others struggle to cope. The season includes significant milestones and personal achievements, such as new business ventures, educational pursuits, and personal growth journeys, offering a comprehensive look at how each family member is adapting to the new family structure.
Ready for the Next Season?
How many seasons of Sister Wives are there? 18, though a 19th season is on its way. We can expect a lot of things happening in the lives of the Brown family, so we can’t wait to see the next season, which should be aired sometime by the end of this year!
Don’t know what to do while waiting for the new season? Read some books about polyamory!
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
What is the TLC show Sister Wives about? It’s a reality series about the Brown family, with Kody Brown being the main character. Kody is a polygamist, living with his wives and 18 children in Utah. The TV series is focused on their lives and struggles in the polygamic setting, with most attention paid to Kody’s ties to his current and past wives. Do you want to learn more? Then keep reading!
What Is TLC Show Sister Wives About?
Sister Wives is a popular show on TLC that first aired in 2010 and has been actively shot ever since. How many Sister Wives episodes are there now? Currently, eighteen. The number of seasons of the show is the perfect proof of how good this series is and how many fans it has gathered, and the general poly boom in 2018 is yet another, probably caused (at least partially) by this exact show. So, what is Sister Wives about?
The show depicts the lives of Kody Brown, his current wives, and eighteen of their children. The family lives in Utah, and the TV series deeply explores their relationship. It does not only focus on the links between Kody and his current (and past) wives but also on the children and how they are affected by the poly lifestyle.
We need to mention here that it’s reality TV, meaning that the situations in the show are unscripted, though naturally, the show is edited. Moreover, over the course of the 14 years that the show aired, there have been a lot of changes to the family. We could show you the most important timeline, but we won’t since we don’t want to spoil the series for you if you’re just about to start it.
Sister Wives – More Than Just Entertainment
Knowing what Sister Wives is about, you can clearly see that it’s more than just entertainment – it’s a valuable example of polygamy in real life. Naturally, each person will be different, and the challenges that the Brown family faces might not be exactly the same as the obstacles that you’ll need to overcome in your poly relationships. Still, it’s good to watch the series just to see what potential problems might occur in your relationship.
This is especially true about the latest seasons, where we could see the reactions of each of Kody’s wives to a major event (we won’t tell you what event – no spoilers here!) and how their relationship with the whole family differs. Hence, don’t treat Sister Wives as your primary polyamory resource, but do treat it as one.
Engage Yourself in Sister Wives
Naturally, as a long-running TV series, Sister Wives is extremely engaging – you will find yourself on the edge of your seat, waiting for the next episode to find out what has happened. Currently, there is a lot going on in the family, both regarding the last season and what is in store for season 19, so no matter whether you are poly or not, we strongly recommend it.
When will the next season be? It will probably be sometime by the end of 2024. This means that you still have a couple of months to catch up and binge-watch the previous seasons.
Time to Binge!
Knowing what the TLC show Sister Wives is about, you should absolutely watch it. We guarantee you that it will be both entertaining and educational, so do not hesitate!
And if you’re looking for opportunities to meet new people and extend your poly network, check out our polyamory dating app!
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
Polyamory makes it a bit more tricky to fulfill the communication and emotional needs of each partner since more people are involved. Yet, with openness and honesty, clear boundaries, active listening, and compersion you can make sure that every partner’s needs are met and that everybody feels comfortable in your relationship. Find out more!
Meeting Communication and Emotional Needs in Polyamory: Openness and Honesty
The first step towards ensuring that your and your partners’ emotional needs are fulfilled is being open and honest with each other. Like in monogamous relationships, this builds trust, so important when more than one partner is involved.
Don’t conceal your feelings; be open about them, but also listen to what your partners say, and don’t take their words for granted. Even if their emotions might seem unreasonable for you, you cannot change how someone else feels, so being honest and finding solutions together is the only way to ensure that you all feel comfortable in your relationship.
Boundaries – The Cornerstone of Any Relationship
Whether you have one partner, two partners, or even ten, you need to set clear boundaries in your relationship. Why does it matter?
Boundaries in polyamory help build trust but also ensure that everybody feels comfortable. If you and all your partners state what works for each of you and what does not, it will be easier to meet every person’s emotional needs in your poly relationship, thus making everybody happier.
Boundaries are also an opportunity to compromise. When setting them, it might occur to you that your partner’s and your needs are slightly contrary to each other. As a result, you can come up with the middle ground right away.
Active Listening and Its Impact on Meeting Communication Needs in Polyamory
Good communication and meeting one’s emotional needs in polyamory requires active listening. But what does it mean in practice?
This term refers to listening attentively, understanding what your partner is saying, responding to them and reflecting on their thoughts and feelings, and finally remembering the information for longer. Some good practices regarding it involve:
• paying full attention to your partner (e.g., by putting your phone away),
• maintaining eye contact,
• noticing body language and facial expressions,
• paraphrasing what your partner said and reflecting on it,
• focusing on understanding what your partner is saying rather than responding to them.
Compersion – A Way to Battle Jealousy and Improve Communication
Jealousy is one of the main blockers in relationships. At the same time, it’s natural that we feel it from time to time. Therefore, you need to put conscious effort into getting rid of this emotion, as doing so is crucial to meeting communicating needs in polyamory. How to do this?
You should embrace compersion in polyamory. In a nutshell, this means deriving joy from your partners’ happiness. It helps you turn situations that would naturally cause negative feelings into positive ones. This might be a bit difficult at the beginning since it requires you to look into yourself, understand your emotions, reason through them, and work on your empathy. But in the end, it’ll pay off in a much healthier relationship, with you being more sensitive to other partners’ emotional needs and meeting them.
Ready to Make It Work?
Follow our tips, and you’ll find it easier to meet everyone’s needs in your polyamorous relationship. And if you’re looking to grow your network, be sure to check our poly dating app – a great place to meet more like-minded people.
You might also read: Poly Love and Money
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
How to create trust in a polyamorous relationship? Embrace compersion, make sure that your partners’ emotional needs are met, be honest, set boundaries and support them emotionally. Do you want to find out more? Then keep reading!
How to Create Trust in a Polyamorous Relationship? 5 Tips
Rebuilding broken trust in polyamory is always hard. Thus, you should prevent this from happening, and create trust from the very start of your relationship. How to do this? Here are our 5 tips.
To build trust in a relationship you need to show your trust first. That’s why you need compersion – the feeling of happines when something positive happens to your partners.
It’s normal for people to feel jealous, but if you let these emotions consume you, it will feel as if you do not trust your partners. As a result, they won’t trust you either. Therefore, you need to start with compersion in polyamory relationships.
Meeting Your Partners’ Emotional Needs
Compersion is helpful also in other steps on our list, one of which is meeting your partners’ emotional needs. If you respect the feelings of your significant others, and care to fulfill them, this will automatically build trust in your polyamorous relationship.
Why is it important? Focusing on emotional needs in polyamory shows your partners that you are dedicated to them, that you put your relationship as one of your main priorities. Seeing signs that you want the best for them, they will understand that you have good intentions, hence building trust more quickly.
Being Honest
If you conceal your feelings or any information from your partner, you won’t build trust – sooner or later, they will uncover your secrets, which might make them feel disappointed with the fact that you don’t trust them enough or even cause them to lose trust to you. Thus, one of the most important tips regarding polyamory and trust that we have to you is: be honest.
Even if you are ashamed of something, you made a stupid mistake, or don’t want to put a lot of emotional baggage on your partners, don’t lie and be open. Your partners are there to help you, so you shouldn’t be afraid of being honest with them.
Set Boundaries
How to create trust in a polyamorous relationship? You need to set clear boundaries and respect them. Like in the case of emotional needs, this will show your partners that your intentions are good – if you put their boundaries first, despite some of them being unnatural for you, you’ll be able to show how much you care about your partners, hence evoke trust.
After all, one significant part of trust is feeling comfortable with the other person, no matter what happens or what you tell them – setting and keeping to the boundaries helps with that.
Emotional Support
Another key element of trust is knowing that you can count on the other person. Therefore, you ought to show yout partners that it’s so with you.
Did something unpleasant happen to one of your partners? Comfort them. Are they going to have a really stressful day? Make them a breakfast or give them a small gift. Even small gestures will do, it’s the timing that really matters – you will build trust in polyamory by simply being there for your partners when they truly need you.
Ready to Build Real Trust?
Building trust is easier than rebuilding broken trust, especially in polyamory. Therefore, follow our tips and avoid making mistakes that could cause your partners to lose trust. It’s the cornerstone of any relationship, so don’t overlook it!
Do you feel that you need some support in your freshly new relationship? Here are 5 polygamy quotes to inspire you!
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc