Chris's article

Polyamory is a non-traditional relationship style that allows people to have numerous romantic and sexual partners at once, as long as everyone is aware of and agrees to it. Even though polyamory has grown in acceptance recently, telling friends and family about your polyamorous lifestyle can still be difficult. Here are some areas to be prepared for and advice on how to handle these conversations.

Do Not Expect Everyone to Support Your Polyamorous Lifestyle

First of all, it's critical to recognize that some individuals continue to stigmatize polyamory. Only 21% of Americans, according to YouGov research, think consensual non-monogamy is morally acceptable. This implies that you can have unfavorable responses from relatives and friends who don't comprehend or support your way of life.

Be Prepared for All Sorts of Resistance

It's important to be ready for resistance when revealing your polyamorous lifestyle to your loved ones. Some people might think you're just seeking an excuse to cheat or incapable of a committed relationship. It is crucial to clarify that polyamory is about having sincere and mutually agreeable relationships with several partners rather than infidelity or a lack of commitment.

Guide Your Family and Friends to Useful Resources

Providing your friends and family with resources and information is one approach to making sure they understand your polyamorous lifestyle. For those who want to understand more about polyamory, Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert's book "More Than Two" is a great resource. You can also help them surf through polygamy dating and matchmaking services websites for a better understanding. Sharing articles or videos that break down the fundamentals of polyamory with your loved ones can also make it easier for them to grasp your way of life.

Not Everyone Needs to Be Aware of Your Relationship

You should also keep in mind that not everyone needs to be aware of your polyamorous lifestyle. You don't have to tell everyone you know about it, just as you wouldn't discuss the private aspects of your monogamous relationship with them. You are in charge of determining with whom and how much you wish to share this information.

Consider Your Partner’s Interests and Emotions

When choosing whom to notify in a polyamorous relationship, it's equally critical to take your partners' wants and feelings into account. It's important to respect the preferences of any partners who may not feel comfortable with their family or friends learning about the relationship.

Be Aware of the Legal Aspects of Polyamory

Polyamorous people may encounter hostility from friends and family in addition to prejudice in many facets of life. For instance, in several US jurisdictions, it is acceptable to prosecute someone for having many partners. It's critical to be informed of the legal safeguards at your disposal and to fight for your rights.

It can be difficult to open up to loved ones about your polyamorous lifestyle, but it's a necessary step in living your truth. Provide tools and information, be ready for potential resistance, and keep in mind that not everyone needs to be aware of your lifestyle. Be mindful of your legal rights and respect your partners' needs as well as their feelings. You can handle these discussions and lead a fulfilling polyamorous lifestyle if you have patience and understanding.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Ups and downs mark our life, but what remains constant in every person’s experience is our desire to interact with people we can connect with emotionally. For some, these connections may come through classic monogamous relationships, culminating in children, while other people seek a different kind of emotional support and turn to polygamous marriages. Polygamy is not a common practice in the United States, but it is becoming increasingly accepted and is beginning to attract the attention of more and more people. Are you a person who wants to meet sister wives? Would you like to start a family where your children will be raised by several mothers simultaneously? If so, our website can be the perfect tool for your requirements.

But polygamy is a complex subject, fraught with controversy and misconceptions. Do you know what the characteristics of modern polygamy are? Do you know what are some of the differences between polyamorous relationships and polygamous marriages? Are you interested in learning more about the legality of this topic? All these questions need detailed and pertinent answers, and we are here to inform you. Therefore, in the following pages, we will deep dive into the mysterious world of polygamous relationships, list some of the advantages of this type of partnership, and present ways polygamy can be practiced successfully in the 21st century.

Is it Legal? 

Polygamy is not legal in the United States, and the outlook for this to change in the coming years is uncertain. But when discussing polygamy, we strictly talk about legally marrying more than one person. So, in the eyes of the law, polygamy and bigamy are conceptually related practices. But nothing can stop you, for example, from finding sister wives with the help of our website and living with them in an unofficial concubinage. Polygamous couples do not have the right, at least in most of the Western world, to marry legally. Still, they can participate in religious ceremonies that bind their destinies to divinity. Suppose you are a religious person who practices polygamy because of the Christian doctrine of the Old Testament or because of Islamic teachings. In that case, this is probably the only consideration that has any meaning for you.

Polygamy is practiced by thousands of people in the United States, which seems like a lot at first glance, but it is a drop in the ocean when you count the hundreds of millions of people living in our country. The number of people interested in polyamorous relationships, on the other hand, is much higher, though the unofficial nature of these relationships makes their percentage more challenging to predict. What are the characteristics of this type of partnership?

The boundaries and restrictions in polyamory may be subjective and apply exclusively to the needs of the individuals involved. While polygamy is characterized by multiple spouses, in a polyamorous relationship, there are virtually no restrictions. The relationships between individuals can be complex and personal, depending on what was discussed at the beginning. From a legal point of view, there is nothing to stop you from having more than one partner simultaneously, as long as you do not want to take things to the next level and join your destinies on paper.

Why is Polygamy Practiced? 

Polygamy is an ancient practice with origins synonymous with the beginning of our modern culture. If we speak strictly from an evolutionary point of view, polygamy has advantages regarding the distribution of resources and benefits the positive upbringing of children. In a polygamous household, daily duties are shared efficiently, and in case of an unfortunate accident, children can still be raised by the other partners involved in the family.

Resources are more systematized, and the general wealth of the family can be distributed to the issues that matter, such as providing food or educating children. All of these aspects are probably not of increased relevance now in the Western world of the 21st century, and for this reason, polygamy is quite rare. However, for certain groups, such as those in the rural areas of Western or Central Africa, they still have major significance. Polygamy, for many populations, is a symbol of wealth and a way for communities to make their collective efforts more effective.

But in the Western world, things are a little different. If you are a person who is looking for sister wives, then you are most likely a religious type and want to follow the example of prominent figures of the Old Testament. Or you are a follower of Islam and are prepared to take care of four wives simultaneously. Whatever your reasons, if you are prepared to find sister wives, you probably have solid convictions and consider the role of a man in the family essential. But it is necessary that in such a relationship, you respect women's freedom and do not infringe on their rights. Modern polygamous relationships should be characterized by respect and equality, and the difference between genders should be eliminated.

What are the Advantages of Polyamorous Relationships? 

Monogamous relationships are the norm in most Western countries, but they can learn a thing or two from multi-partner relationships. In a polyamorous partnership, the emotional support of the partners involved can be high, and depending on the relationship between individuals, there may be less fighting and more understanding. A monogamous marriage is characterized by fidelity between partners, and surprisingly for many, polyamorous relationships are the same. Even though we are talking about multiple partners at once, there are clear boundaries regarding intimate interactions with people outside of the relationship, and secrets and lies are deal breakers, just like in a traditional monogamous partnership.

From this point of view, polyamorous relationships can help you experience sexuality and emotional intimacy with more than one person without there being a break of trust between individuals. And the number of partners you can have in a polyamorous relationship may depend on your preferences and the understanding you have reached with the other people involved. Some such partnerships are organized as a family, where there is no leading partner, and all the members involved are equal and have intimate connections with each other. On the other hand, most polyamorous relationships have a well-established hierarchy in which there is one leading partner and several secondary ones, who are living together, but do not engage intimately with each other.

Why Use Our Website? 

Our website can be one of the most effective ways to contact people interested in the polygamous lifestyle. Are you looking for sister wives or want to try a polyamorous relationship? Then our platform is where you can learn about this lifestyle and interact with people interested in your personality. Our forum section can help you find the answers to your most pressing questions, and our frequently updated articles can be a great way to find out the latest information on the legality of polygamy in the United States.

Modern polygamous relationships are no longer comparable to ancient practices where women's role in the partnership was degraded. 21st-century polygamous relationships are a testament to individual freedom and the fluidity of the emotional support concepts between people. Polygamous and polyamorous relationships must, first and foremost, be characterized by respect, understanding, communication, and individual freedom. And all these pillars are also the main features of a quality monogamous relationship. Multi-person relationships require work, but they can be rewarding, and in many cases, they can be the perfect lifestyle for you.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Like a good number of Americans, your current priority is probably to connect with people you can relate to on an emotional level. But unfortunately, this is not possible for many of us for various reasons. Are you a hard-working person who doesn't have the free time to focus on a relationship? Do you feel that you don't have the patience and emotional maturity to commit to a partnership? All these things can affect us all, which is why more and more people are turning to online dating services, which can streamline sorting out compatible people according to our personalities. And the same goes for people interested in relationships with multiple partners simultaneously.

A polygamy relationship can be more complex because the potential dating pool is also significantly smaller. Why should you use our website? Because online dating is the most efficient way to find compatible people in no time, and since people interested in polyamorous relationships are much rarer than those interested in monogamous partnerships, technology is mandatory for your efforts to be fruitful. We all need help and deserve to find love, no matter what form it takes, and this is where can be your ally. But what are the advantages of a dating site, and what are some aspects of polyamorous relationships that you should keep in mind? We propose to find out in the pages below.

Why Should You Use a Dating Website? 

So, you are interested in a polygamy relationship. In this case, we can deduce that you either wish to settle down in a relationship reminiscent of ancient biblical teachings or are keen on exploring your freedom in the company of like-minded individuals. Whatever your reasons, our website can help. Why us? Because we are one of North America's largest platforms dedicated to polygamous dating. 

With nearly 200,000 members and over 34,000 relationships formed with our help, could be the perfect place to find your next partners. Our platform implements the highest cyber security measures so that the risks you take are minimal and your privacy is and will always remain at the highest standards found in the industry. Moreover, our forum can allow you to find out anything that concerns you about a polygamy relationship and interact with individuals who are experienced in this topic.

At the same time, our detailed search functions can assist you in finding the perfect partner for your personality. Want to interact face-to-face with your potential spouses? Then our website can help you with video and audio chat functions, while our personalized matchmaking algorithm could put you in direct contact with people who will complement you. Last but not least, our platform is available as an app for iOS and Android devices, allowing you to be permanently connected with your potential matches. Approximately 5% of all people living in the United States are involved in a polyamorous relationship, and it's safe to assume that a good portion of these people found their match with the help of a professional dating platform.

A Great Way to Educate Yourself 

Globally, polygamy is a rare practice, reaching its highest level in Sub-Saharan Africa, where no less than 11% of all official relationships are in polygamous form. But for most of the Western world, a polygamy relationship is unmentionable, and this is due to the many stereotypes that exist about this type of lifestyle. You are probably aware of some of these stereotypes. However, since you are an educated and open-minded person, you want to personally inform yourself about the ins and outs of this lifestyle. And here, our website can be an invaluable resource in your search for knowledge. is home to a wealth of information about the hidden world of polygamous partnerships. And this abundance of resources could help you gain a new perspective on this lifestyle. The articles written by our experts are in tune with the latest American legislative changes, and our FAQ section has all the information you need to decide if this type of partnership can work for you. Our active forum could be a way for you to ask questions to individuals who have been practicing this lifestyle for years. At the same time, the community support offered on our site could be a tool for individuals who feel ashamed of their physical and emotional desires.

What Aspects Should I Be Aware Of? 

Polygamous partnerships can have different boundaries depending on each person, and freedom and acceptance between individuals must be the pillars of their success. A polygamous relationship does not necessarily allow outsiders in your lifestyle, and cheating and lies are strict no-goes, just as they would be in a monogamous arrangement. Also, a polyamorous relationship may require more careful communication between partners. And because of this, it can only work for emotionally mature people.

Moreover, polygamous relationships come in many forms or shapes, varying according to regional cultural differences or depending on the individuals' beliefs. Are you looking for sister wives? Then you are most likely a person who is following Mormon teachings and want to be part of a polygyny marriage, where you are the central patriarchal figure. Are you instead a woman and want to have relationships with several men simultaneously? Then polyandry is the solution for you. Do you want to be part of an open relationship where all partners are equal? Then this might be possible in polyamory. Multi-partner partnerships are complex, and our website has all the resources you need to understand the structures that define these types of relationships.

Our Website is the Key to Your Happiness

Polygamy is still viewed negatively by the majority of Americans, and although these views are changing rapidly, likely, you cannot comfortably discuss the concept of polygamy with your friends or family. Our site is not only a platform where you can find the right partners for a polygamy relationship but also a safe space that allows you to interact securely with people interested in this lifestyle. The professional services of our site could be a convenient way to find individuals that match your personality, and our high number of users can be a crucial asset in finding the people that best fit your requirements.

Our site is characterized by diversity, acceptance, security, and information, all of which have become the pillars of our business over the years. Modern polygamy is a choice that involves the active and constant involvement of all parties. Our goal is to educate the general public about the positive aspects of these relationships and help people interested in this lifestyle find the ideal partners for their needs.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

The practice of polyamory, which involves being in numerous romantic relationships at once with everyone's consent, has grown in acceptance in recent years. While some people and couples find fulfillment and satisfaction in polyamorous relationships, others have doubts about how successful this way of living really is. We shall examine the statistics on polyamory success rates based on some studies conducted in the past. 

Studies by the Journal of Sex Research 

A 2017 survey by the Journal of Sex Research found that 20% of Americans have, at some point in their lives, participated in consensual non-monogamy of some kind. One of the most prevalent types of non-monogamy is polyamory, and its acceptance is growing. There hasn't been much study done on how successful polyamorous relationships are, despite the fact that more and more people are identifying as polyamorous.

People in polyamorous relationships expressed higher levels of relationship satisfaction than those in monogamous relationships, according to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Sex Research. The study also discovered that individuals in polyamorous relationships had stronger communication skills and were less likely to experience envy than individuals in monogamous partnerships.

Although these studies provide the impression that polyamorous relationships can work, it's crucial to remember that not all of them do. In fact, compared to monogamous partnerships, several studies have indicated that polyamorous couples are more likely to end up in divorce.

Studies by the University of Michigan 

People in consensual non-monogamous relationships reported higher levels of satisfaction, trust, and commitment than those in monogamous relationships, according to a 2015 study from the University of Michigan. However, this study's generalizability was constrained by the sample size and lack of a focus on polyamorous relationships.

In contrast to persons in monogamous relationships, those in consenting non-monogamous partnerships—including polyamorous couples—were more likely to experience relationship disintegration, according to a 2017 study from the University of Michigan. The study also discovered that those in polyamorous partnerships were more likely than individuals in monogamous relationships to report feeling uneasy and less satisfied with their relationships.

Studies by the University of Utah

People in polyamorous partnerships reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction than those in monogamous relationships, according to a 2018 study from the University of Utah. However, the study also discovered that individuals in polyamorous relationships had higher conflict and jealousy rates than individuals in monogamous partnerships.

These contradictory results imply that a number of variables, such as the parties involved, the partners' communication abilities, and the degree of commitment to the relationship, may influence the polyamory success rate. 

Final Thoughts

It is also crucial to remember that the likelihood of any relationship, whether monogamous or polyamorous, succeeding depends on the needs, wants, and expectations of each individual. While some people may prefer monogamous relationships, others may find happiness and fulfillment in polyamorous relationships.

Polyamorous partnerships might have a higher chance of dissolution and might have a special set of difficulties of their own. The success of any relationship ultimately depends on a number of variables, including the partners' communication skills, their level of commitment, and their unique needs and expectations. It's crucial to be open with your partner(s) and honest about your expectations and boundaries if you're thinking about entering a polyamorous relationship. Polyamorous partnerships can succeed with open communication and dedication to the union.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

More people are engaging in polyamory than ever before, and it is being discussed more widely. For polyamorous persons, this year, in particular, has seen some significant legal advancements (in triad dynamics, at least). California recently legalized three-parent adoption. In June 2020, a Massachusetts municipality chose to formally recognize triads as domestic partnerships, giving them the same legal protections enjoyed by married couples, such as access to health care and visitation privileges in hospitals. Nevertheless, polyamorous individuals often don’t know how to talk about polyamory with their loved ones, as it is still a difficult notion for many. Monogamy is still firmly regarded in society as the norm, and any deviation from it can raise suspicion or cause discomfort.

In polyamorous partnerships, this poses a challenging issue. You'll probably want to incorporate that relationship into the rest of your life if the dynamic is positive. So, how should those who don't understand polyamory be handled? Here are some pointers to help the discussion go easily.

Concentrate on the Dynamic's Advantages

Focusing on the advantages of the dynamic is one of the greatest ways to approach the discussion about your polyamorous relationship. Tell your family and friends that having several partners can help you build stronger relationships, explore your emotions and needs, and have a more interesting and meaningful love life. You can assist your friends and family in understanding that polyamory is not about being promiscuous or unfaithful but rather about forming sincere and meaningful connections with a number of people by focusing on the good parts of your relationship.

Do Not Get Offended by Questions

It's crucial to be ready for questions when discussing polyamory with those who are unfamiliar with the notion, some of which may be stupid or even offensive. It's crucial not to become defensive or offended in response to these queries. Instead, attempt to use them as a chance to explain your relationship to your loved ones and help them better comprehend it. Keep in mind that many individuals might have misconceptions regarding polyamory, and it's your responsibility to change their perceptions. You may guide them to polygamy dating and matchmaking services to have a better picture of the whole scenario. 

Do Not Try to Convert or Preach to Others

While you could be enthusiastic about your polyamorous lifestyle, it's crucial to refrain from lecturing or trying to persuade your loved ones to adopt your point of view. Instead, concentrate on openly and respectfully communicating your thoughts and feelings about your relationship. Instead of putting pressure on your loved ones to accept or concur with your relationship style, just ask for their support and understanding.

Contemplate Why You Want to Discuss It with Your Loved Ones

Consider your motivations for telling them about polyamory before you begin the conversation with your loved ones. Do you want their sympathy and assistance? Do you desire to invite your partners to family events? Or do you just want to be truthful about who you are and your life? Whatever your motivations, it's critical to be upfront and honest about them when you strike up a conversation. This can assist you in maintaining focus and preventing detours from unexpected responses or questions.

Be Genuine to Yourself

The last thing to remember is to be genuine while discussing polyamory with your friends and family. Keep in mind that you have a right to live your life in a way that feels genuine and rewarding to you and that your relationship style is a real and significant aspect of who you are. Be open, courteous, and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. If necessary, set limits or pause the conversation. The most crucial thing is to speak in a way that feels genuine to you and enables you to forge ties with your loved ones that are more solid and encouraging.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

The practice of having multiple romantic relationships with everyone's consent is known as polyamory. Although some people used to find this unusual, the practice has gained massive popularity over time. The rise in the number of polygamy dating and matchmaking services globally is direct proof. Most people only think of polyamory in terms of romantic relationships, whereas there is an increasing tendency among individuals to explore polyamory with friends. We'll discuss what to anticipate from a polyamorous relationship with friends in this article.

A Deeper Connection Can Be Established

The emotional connection you might create when you choose polyamory with friends is among its most important advantages. An emotional level of intimacy frequently comes along with being in a romantic relationship with someone. A polyamorous relationship between friends is comparable. It will be possible for you to create strong emotional bonds with a variety of people, which may be tremendously gratifying.

More Support Is Available

When you have more than one partner, your network of emotional support widens. In a standard monogamous relationship, you rely on your partner for this support. When you are in polyamory with friends, this is especially true. You'll have a network of people you can lean on for support, counsel, and direction. This can be really helpful, especially in challenging situations.

Increased Communication Is Possible

Any successful relationship must have open lines of communication, but this is especially true with polyamorous friendship relationships. You must be forthright and honest with your friends about your thoughts, feelings, and needs. While at times difficult, this is crucial for developing and maintaining wholesome relationships. Your relationships will strengthen as a result of increased communication with your pals.

Variety Can Be Enjoyed in All Aspects

The variety it may bring to your life is one of the major benefits of being polyamorous with friends. If you have several companions, you can discuss various interests and pastimes with each one of them. You may learn new things about your friends and yourself as a result. Also, you'll be able to share various forms of closeness and affection with each individual, which may be immensely rewarding.

Precise Boundaries Can Be Set

polyamorous friendship relationship needs limits just like any other kind of relationship. It's crucial to talk about what you're at ease and uncomfortable with. This will lessen the chance of miscommunication and wounded sentiments. Boundaries can be established by deciding with whom you feel comfortable having intimate relations and how frequently you want to see each other. Making sure that everyone involved feels appreciated and valued can be accomplished by having defined limits.

Time Management Is Crucial

When you have several relationships, it might be difficult to manage your time, especially if your schedule is busy. It's crucial to prioritize your time depending on your needs and desires and to be open and honest with your friends about your availability. Planning specific times to spend with each friend or group of friends can be one way to do this. When planning time with several partners, it's crucial to be adaptable and willing to make concessions.

Jealousy May Appear

Jealousy is a common emotion that can appear in any kind of relationship, including a polyamorous one between friends. It's critical to acknowledge that envy is a common emotion and to openly discuss it with your friends. Together, you can develop strategies to handle jealousy in a healthy way and address its underlying causes. Setting limits or taking a brief break from the relationship may be necessary.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

In our society, it appears that platonic love is infinite, but romantic love is finite. No one would blink if they heard someone say they loved several family members or friends. If someone said they were deeply in love with multiple romantic partners—and everyone knew about it—moral panic would almost certainly ensue. How widespread is the desire for polyamorous relationships in which partners have multiple emotional and sexual relationships? For decades, national polling surveys have tracked Americans' dating habits. However, these studies have ignored relationships that are consensual deviations from monogamy.

There has been an increase in web searches for polyamorous relationships over the last decade, as well as media stories about couples openly discussing such relationships. Let’s check out how common the concept of polyamorous relationships is among Americans.

What Is Polyamory?

Polyamory is defined as "committed, sexual, and romantic relationships with multiple people at the same time.”  The willingness to engage and prior involvement in polyamory are both common in the US and other parts of the world. One in every six people wishes to engage in polyamory, and one in every nine has done so at some point in their lives. To put this into perspective, the number of people who want to engage in polyamory is comparable to the number of Americans who want to move to another country. In the United States, prior involvement in polyamory is as common as obtaining a graduate degree.

While the desire for and prior engagement in polyamory appears to be widespread among Americans, polyamorous relationships are highly stigmatized. Only a minority of partners who are not personally interested in polyamory seem to respect people who engage in polyamory. That is, the vast majority of those who are not personally interested in polyamory have a negative attitude toward it. 

Previous research shows that polyamorous and other forms of consensually non-monogamous relationships are stigmatized by many people (for example, open relationships, swinging, etc.). Polyamorous relationships are perceived as having low relationship quality, being immoral, being harmful to children, and having a slew of other negative connotations.

Research into Polyamorous Relationships

A growing body of research indicates that the general public has misconceptions and judgments about polyamory. According to popular polygamy dating and matchmaking services, polyamorous people report similar levels of passionate love, attachment, and satisfaction with multiple partners. Furthermore, people in polygamous and monogamous relationships report similar levels of relationship quality, such as commitment and satisfaction. In some cases, polygamists experience less jealousy than monogamists and enjoy unique benefits, including diversified fulfillment of needs. 

In many places, polyamorous people are stereotyped as being responsible for the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Even though people who engage in polyamory have a greater number of sexual partners, they prefer safer sexual practices than those in monogamous relationships and have similar STI contracting rates.

Social studies research has largely ignored various types of intimate relationships. It turns out that a desire for and prior involvement in polyamory is common—probably more common than you thought.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Polyamory, a term referring to the practice of engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with multiple people simultaneously, has become increasingly common in recent years. While many people still view monogamy as the only acceptable form of a romantic relationship, more and more individuals are coming forward to share their experiences with polyamory. In this article, we will highlight eight polyamorous celebrities who have publicly discussed their non-monogamous relationships.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Actress Jada Pinkett Smith is perhaps best known for her role in the TV show "Gotham" and her marriage to actor Will Smith. However, Pinkett Smith has also been open about her experiences with polyamory. In a 2018 episode of her Facebook Watch series "Red Table Talk," Pinkett Smith revealed that she had been in a non-monogamous relationship with musician August Alsina while still married to Smith.

Bella Thorne

Actress and musician Bella Thorne has been open about her experiences with polyamory, even appearing in a documentary about the topic called "Her & Him." In a 2019 interview with Good Morning America, Thorne stated that she is "a very open person" and that she has been in consensual non-monogamous relationships in the past.

Nico Tortorella

Actor and LGBTQ+ activist Nico Tortorella has been an outspoken advocate for polyamory, writing about their experiences with non-monogamy in their 2018 book "Space Between." Tortorella has also discussed their polyamorous relationships in various interviews, stating that "love is not a finite resource."

Tilda Swinton

Oscar-winning actress Tilda Swinton has been in a polyamorous relationship with artist Sandro Kopp and writer John Byrne for several years. Swinton has described her relationships as "loving and open" and has stated that she sees no reason why people should be restricted to loving only one person at a time.

Willow Smith

Singer and actress Willow Smith, the daughter of Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, has also been open about her experiences with polyamory. In a 2019 episode of "Red Table Talk," Smith discussed her desire to be in a polyamorous relationship, stating that she believes "the history of marriage and the history of relationships" needs to be reevaluated.

Megan Fox

Actress Megan Fox has been in a polyamorous relationship with musician Machine Gun Kelly and her estranged husband, Brian Austin Green. In a 2020 interview with Nylon, Fox discussed her desire for "a partner who is also your teammate" and her belief that "you can have multiple people in your life that you love."

Evan Rachel Wood

Actress Evan Rachel Wood has been open about her experiences with polyamory, stating in a 2019 interview with Nylon that she is "very open to exploring different types of relationships." Wood has also described herself as "pansexual" and has been an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community for many years.

Amber Heard

Actress Amber Heard has been in a polyamorous relationship with artist Tasya van Ree and her ex-husband Johnny Depp. In a 2011 interview with Elle, Heard discussed her experiences with non-monogamy, stating that "I don't believe in doing anything that isn't honest."

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

There is no relationship model in polyamory, which is one of its outstanding features. While hierarchical poly couples are frequently featured in the media, not all poly people are part of a pair. There are a lot of single polyamorous persons, solo-polys (those who view themselves as their primary partner), and on the other end of the spectrum, triad and quad members. But, being a part of a polyamorous person has its own distinct set of misconceptions and reactions, regardless of whether you consider yourself to be one or are simply perceived that way by outside onlookers.

Most people can rationalize poly singles as "simply dating around" in their minds. Perhaps the message they have heard their entire lives is that sexual exclusivity is required for a relationship. Unfortunately, this isn't always true, which frequently results in people passing negative comments about a polyamorous person they come by. Some such comments are based on destructive myths and norms, while some remarks are just amusingly ignorant. Being part of a civilized society, it is important to respect relationships around us, irrespective of whether you like it or not.

Here are seven negative comments to stop making about polyamorous people. 

“Can I Join You Guys Too?”

When it comes to group sex, poly individuals have different preferences than mono people. While some couples are open to having a guest star in the bedroom, others find it to be completely offensive. Also, it is an arrogant and disrespectful act to pose such a question!

“Are You into Poly Because of Your Partner’s Poor Performance in Bed?”

No, poly doesn't really revolve around sex. Recall that asexual people exist and that a polyamorous person or couple has lives outside the bed too! 

“Aren’t You Concerned That Your Partner Will Leave You for Someone Else?”

A polyamorous person is usually less anxious than a monogamous couple since their partner doesn't have to leave to pursue a new interest. In addition, a lot of non-monogamy couples discover that being open to one another strengthens their bond.

“Don't You Feel Envious?”

Yes! Again, we're not some homogeneous bunch; poly individuals are susceptible to various degrees of envy, just as mono folks. Jealousy is a normal human emotion; thus, we all experience it occasionally. Simply said, poly people prefer to react to it in different ways.

“What About Children?”

Many polyamorous people have children, but many others do not. It’s an absolutely personal decision that no outsider has to interfere with!

"I Wouldn't Allow My Partner to Do It"

Nobody, irrespective of the nature of the relationship, owns their partner. No one has authority over their mind and body. It’s common to see guys congratulating each other on their girlfriends “letting’ them sleep with other women, giving it a sense of material accomplishment! Not just in poly, but also in other relationships, patriarchy can be destructive. 

“Ah, I See You're Free Then”

You shouldn't hit on someone who seems to be in any sort of relationship. Whether it be poly or monogamy, give and take respect. That’s merely common sense when living in an educated society. 

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

Many people may find the idea of polyamory strange because monogamy is the standard in today's society. Nonetheless, monogamous people can get important insights from polyamorous relationships. Polyamory is the practice of having multiple intimate relationships with everyone's consent. This way of living necessitates open dialogue, honest conversation, and emotional vulnerability. Here are five lessons a monogamous couple can learn from a polyamorous couple.

The Importance of Open Communication

In any relationship, communication is essential, but for polyamorous couples, it is even more crucial. Couples who are polyamorous must be open and honest about their emotions, needs, and boundaries. Monogamous couples could learn how polyamorous couples regulate their emotions in an open and honest manner. Speaking is only one aspect of communication; other aspects include listening intently, comprehending, and empathizing. Monogamous couples can improve their relationships and handle disagreements more skillfully by adopting these techniques.

Clear-Cut Definition of the Relationship

Polyamorous couples must establish their boundaries and rules from the beginning. To prevent misunderstandings and upset sentiments, this is crucial. This technique can help monogamous couples by giving them a better awareness of their own relationships. It's critical to be aware of the give and take in all relationships. Having a clear-cut definition of the relationship can avoid misunderstandings and unmet expectations. This can eventually save the relationship. 

The Importance of Safe Sexual Practices

Multiple sexual partners are common in polyamorous relationships. It also raises the possibility of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). By engaging in safe sex, polyamorous couples take an active approach to sexual health. According to polygamy dating and matchmaking services, polyamorous partners openly discuss their sexual health with their partners, use condoms, and undergo routine STI testing. This strategy can be advantageous for monogamous couples if they take charge of their own sexual well-being. Safe sex is not just about self-preservation; it also demonstrates respect for one's partner and their wellbeing.

Dealing with Jealousy

In any relationship, jealousy is a normal emotion to feel. Because they have several relationships, polyamorous couples deal with jealousy in a more complicated way. To keep it from turning destructive, they must learn how to control their envy in a healthy way. This strategy can help monogamous couples by teaching them how to control their own jealousy. It's critical to acknowledge your emotions and express them in a positive way. Jealousy is frequently a sign of deeper problems like insecurity or partner loss anxiety. Monogamous couples can improve their marriages and keep jealousy from becoming a significant problem by addressing these topics.

Maintaining a Sense of Independence

The relationships between the partners in polyamorous partnerships are often discrete. They can continue to feel independent and unique because of this. Monogamous couples can benefit from this by appreciating the value of preserving their individual identities while in a committed partnership. It's crucial to have personal interests, hobbies, and friends. This improves the bonding while also empowering the individual. Monogamous couples might benefit from the example of staying dedicated to their partner while maintaining a sense of independence.

Published By: Sister Wives 

Matchmakers Inc

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