Before you can explore ENM dating, you have to know what it means. ENM stands for ethical non-monogamy. What that boils down to is being involved in a relationship that is romantic and dedicated – but with more than one person at a time. In other words, multiple romantic relationships. Each person in the relationship(s) is in agreement and has given consent.
A number of relationship types can fall under this umbrella term – think polygamy, polyamory, etc.
Are there rules? When it comes to non-monogamy in an ethical manner, the rules are relatively loose. The people involved in a defined relationship will likely live by their own set of rules. The look of the relationship dynamic should be agreed upon ahead of time, after being discussed with the people involved.
Tips for the Beginner
If you are new to ENM dating, here number of steps to consider taking to introduce yourself to the lifestyle:
• Do some research and self-examination to make sure that multiple relationships will work for you.
• Seek out others who are either looking for multiple relationships or, even better, can fill you in on the basics. Someone who's been there and has successfully pursued ENM relationships could be a priceless resource right about now.
• Seek prospective individuals for a relationship – possibly through a dating site. Make sure the dating site is well reviewed, trusted, etc.
• Always make sure you are 100% honest with anyone you intend to pursue an ENM relationship with.
• Remember these types of relationships are committed and romantically based. Keep in mind, as well, that those not involved in these types of relationships may be somewhat disapproving and/or judgmental. You may experience some backlash from friends, relatives, and others.
• The situation could be further complicated if you're already in a committed relationship. In that case, see the next section.
Please keep in mind that a step-by-step guide to any kind of dating is a relatively ridiculous concept. For each and every person, dating is different. Throw in the fact that there will be multiple people involved, and you bring in even more differences, opinions, ideals, etc. ENM dating – as with any kind of dating relationship – should be handled on a person by person, individualized basis.
Introducing ENM Dating To an Existing Relationship
Though this may or may not fly with your current partner, if you want to introduce the concept of ENM dating to them, here are some steps to consider taking:
• Self-reflection should be your first step. Make sure this is what you want before talking about it with your partner.
• See that your expectations are realistic. This is the kind of discussion that may not go over well with everyone, your partner included.
• The time and place for your discussion should be carefully thought out and planned. This is a topic that will be emotionally loaded, so you may want to avoid a scene in public.
• In the conversation, outline what your expectations, intentions, desires, and more are – for not only the talk you're having, but for your future.
• Listen carefully to what your partner has to say. You want them to be open-minded, but you need to be open to their feelings as well.
• Recognize the separation between your individual needs and the needs of the relationship.
• Help your partner out by giving them resources to become better acquainted with the relationship you're talking about and give them time to process the situation. How much time? That will depend on your partner.
Ready to pursue an ENM relationship?
Loving More Than One Wife at a Time
If polygamy is a way of life you want to consider, and now you're ready to commit to it, we, at Sister Wives, can help.
To find out what others have to say about our site and services, check out our Blogs. Whether you are seeking sister wives or would like to become a sister wife, yourself, we can be of assistance. Our site supplies users with profiles, videos, chat opportunities, and much more. In fact, look over some of our activities and events to see if there's one in your area. It never hurts to get to know others involved in polygamy before you explore it, or if you've already started.
For more information, please fill out our convenient online form and send it in. We'll get back to you ASAP. Meanwhile, why not check us out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social networking sites?
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
Including ethical non-monogamy (ENM) and monogamy, there are numerous kinds of relationship styles in existence. As an example, one method through which to participate in ethical non-monogamy is referred to as being solo polyamorous. What does that mean? If you practice solo polyamory, you don't necessarily mesh the lives of your partners with other partners, though you have relationships with multiple people.
Let's explore this further and, by doing so, you may be able to decide whether or not this lifestyle is right for you (and your partner or partners).
Solo Polyamory
If you're having intimate relationships with a number of people, solo polyamory refers to each of you living a single life, despite the numerous relationships you're involved in. You may also hear the term solo poly. People involved in this relationship don't all necessarily have children with each other, marry each other, share finances, live together, etc.
Any number of individuals who consider themselves a solo poly believe that commitment to one's self is most important – they are their own partner. They do they not identify as a member of a polyamorous pod, “throuple”, or couple.
On the other hand, a solo poly person may not be in a romantic relationship at all.
Might the Solo Poly Life Be for You?
If the following apply to you, you may want to give solo polyamory a shot:
• The importance of your romantic relationships mirrors the importance of your friendships. They are equal.
• Rather than focusing on a romantic relationship, you'd rather focus your efforts on your own mental health, career, hobbies, and personal growth.
• The "relationship escalator" is not of any interest to you. You do not wish to live with a partner, marry, etc.
• You believe that your primary commitment is (or should be) to you, yourself.
Ask Yourself the Following Questions
To further drive home the impression that a solo poly lifestyle is for you, a little self-examination is needed. Ask yourself these questions:
• Do you find it appealing to live a traditional lifestyle involving the "relationship escalator"?
• How does a romantic relationship feel and look in your mind?
• Compared to other types of relationships, is a committed romantic relationship something you receive “more” from, in some manner?
• With a life partner, are you interested in having children? No children?
• Do you want marriage? What are your values where marriage is concerned?
There is no wrong or right answer to any of the above-stated questions. Over time, in fact, your answers may well change. The answers will, however, help you gain better insight as to what you're all about, what you want out of a relationship, what you see for yourself in the future, and more.
Are You Interested in Pursuing a “Non-Traditional” Relationship? Connect with Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service
If you are new to the idea of relationships with more than one person, you probably have numerous questions and wonder how to meet others of the same frame of mind. Sister Wives can help you meet other individuals interested in a polygamous lifestyle. We can show you how to meet people through our activities and events – or by allowing us to assist you to find suitable people to date. Check out our Blogs, upon which you will find profiles, videos, chat opportunities, and much more.
When you're ready to speak with someone, feel free to use our convenient online form to open the lines of communication. You can follow us on social networks like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
If you find yourself tending toward romantic relationships with more than one person at a time, you may well be polyamorous – or polyamory would be a good lifestyle for you to consider. What, exactly, does polyamory consist of? Polyamory is the act of having romantic relationships with multiple individuals. Whether or not you choose to become openly polyamorous may depend on whether you feel you’ll be accepted.
People who are involved in a polygamous or polyamorous way of life may try to fly under the radar due to the fact that monogamy seems to be normalized by society more than anything else. You may be hesitant to admit that polyamory would be a good fit due to this same set of circumstances.
If, however, you have feelings for more than one person at one time, or you feel that monogamous relationships trap you, polyamory may be your best bet.
Let's look at specific signs that point to you fitting into a polyamorous way of life/relationship more so than one that is monogamous.
Commitment Issues
Have you been told, possibly by an ex, that you "have commitment issues"? Maybe it seems daunting, the idea of committing to one person. If you're worried that you'll lose dating freedom if you commit to a single relationship, polyamory may be your preferred lifestyle.
Monogamy Is a Trap
If you feel completely trapped by monogamy, you might be polyamorous. It's not surprising you feel trapped if someone has told you, in no uncertain terms, "We're going to be monogamous or we are not going to have a relationship at all."
At One Point in Time, You Have Multiple Romantic Interests or Crushes
Should it really feel odd or abnormal to love more than one person at once considering that humans have an infinite amount of love to give? Many people believe that emotional, devoted attachments can be possible between a number of people, at the same point in time. These people may be well suited for polyamorous relationships.
"Feel Free to Date Others"
If you've said the above to a partner, but you truly cared about that partner, you will probably function well in a polyamorous relationship. You understand you can love someone but still be comfortable with you or them being in a relationship with someone else, too. That's what polyamory is all about.
Ready for a polyamorous relationship or polygamy?
Polygamy Dating For Polyamorous Individuals
If you are polyamorous and would like to pursue a polygamous marriage with a number of sister wives, we can help introduce you to others who are in the same boat. With videos, profiles, chat opportunities, and more, Sister Wives can help you locate not only other polygamists, but prospective future wives.
If you would like to become a sister wife, we can be of assistance there as well. See what others have to say about our service on our Blogs.
Perhaps you’d like to become more familiar with the lifestyle. Consider attending our activities and events to associate with others who have chosen polygamy. You may find you have more in common than you thought.
To find out more, please contact us today. Fill out and send in our convenient online form, and we'll be in touch. In the meantime, feel free to follow us on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites.
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
You may have seen the television show called Sister Wives. It, and other recent programs, introduced many to polygamy for the first time.
Numerous legal issues arise where polygamy marriage is concerned, particularly in United States. Polygamy is not technically legal in the US. If, however, you have met a woman whom you would like to include as one of your wives in your polygamist relationship – and she lives out of the country – how do you legally bring her into the United States?
Under traditional circumstances, a fiancée visa could be acquired, thus allowing her to enter the state and legally marry you. But the problem arises with the legality of polygamous marriage.
Legally Marrying
In this situation, where you're bringing someone into the country on a fiancée visa, in order for her to legally marry the person designated as her fiancé, that fiancé would first (technically) need to divorce his other wives. That way he'd be available to marry the woman entering the country. Of course, that's probably not going to happen in a polygamous relationship.
Not being able to legally marry all of the wives in a polygamous relationship can also present problems when it comes to adopting children, insurance benefits for children, extending benefits or security to wives, etc.
Security for Sister Wives
While, legally, not a lot of security is provided to sister wives courtesy of laws and the government, much of the "security" experienced by them revolves around the man in the relationship. His character will have everything to do with how loved and/or secure each sister wife feels.
A lot of things need to be decided upon ahead of time, before entering into a polygamous relationship. In this type of “marriage” it is not uncommon for some members to feel needy, experience jealousy, anger, and more. Some of the immediate security of sister wives can come into question due to simple human emotion.
Actual financial security, especially if something should happen to the husband, is another matter. Technically, unless at least one of the wives is legally married to the husband, very little in the way of financial security will automatically be guaranteed. Even if it were, it would only apply to the legally married wife. In a will, of course, a husband can leave his estate (or parts of it) to anyone he chooses.
There are a lot of technical and legal issues involved with polygamous relationships. Your best bet is to hire an attorney who is on your side. Yes, they do exist.
Assistance with Your Legal Issues
To make sure you're doing everything as aboveboard as possible, retain a lawyer who is familiar with polygamy and all of the legal problems that can arise with the lifestyle. While the attorney will not be able to find a way for you to legally marry all of your wives, you may be able to work out a plan that will see to the security of your wives and/or children.
While we will not promote one particular attorney here, by Googling something on the lines of "attorneys who can assist polygamists with legal issues", you should be able to locate a handful of attorneys who can be of assistance. Many will even provide a free consultation.
Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service Can Be the First Step Toward Polygamy Marriage
Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service provides matchmaking services, video chats, detailed profiles, search options, fun ways to chat and interact, and more. We value the privacy of our members as a highly trusted service. Feel free to check us out on social networks like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Contact us today, using our convenient online form, to find out more.
Why not become more familiar with the Sister Wives and our lifestyle by attending one of our activities and events? You can also find out what others have to say on our "Blogs".
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
Polygamy has its benefits – even beyond what you would likely think of right off the bat. One such benefit of a polygamous family is the fact that all of the children have a father figure. In many homes today, a "dad" is lacking for various reasons. This is not the case in a polygamist family, where there can be a number of sister wives, many children, and one husband/father.
For the male member of a polygamous relationship, time management can be challenging, to say the least. Though everyone has agreed, ahead of time, to the circumstances involved in a polygamous relationship, human emotions can still present problems. Feelings of neglect, jealousy, and more can end up causing a rift in the family. If the husband can give equal attention to all parties concerned, however, everyone stands a better chance of getting along successfully.
Is that even possible?
Family First
One of the most important things for a husband and father to remember is that family time trumps all other things. Naturally, a career is a very important aspect of life because it helps to support the family and maintain a desirable lifestyle. By when the chips are down, a husband and father must be available to his family over anything and everything else to maintain a successful family unit.
Managing Time and Relationships
Setting up some “rules” (for lack of a better word) will help manage time and attention. Naturally, everyone involved should be part of this and agree to all of these rules:
• Figure out how much sharing among others will be agreeable (having dinner with more than just one person, for example).
• Always allow for some one-on-one time with each person in the relationship.
• Boundaries must be set and agreed upon (example: don't text or call the wife or husband when they are spending quality time together).
• All partners must show respect for each other.
• Set realistic expectations.
• Open and constant communication and honesty is of the utmost importance.
• Don't forget to spend some "me time" with yourself, even though you’re spread pretty thin trying to spend time with others.
As crazy as it may sound – or not – you might even want to set up an actual schedule on a calendar or in your computer. At the beginning of the week, everyone sits down with the schedule and tries to work out a way that makes each person in the relationship happy and fulfilled.
Combining Quality Time
While spending one-on-one time with a wife or a child is, obviously, preferable to most individuals, some polygamous families have achieved great success by combining the time they spend with family members. For example, take several or all of the children out for a fun day so you can spend quality time with all of them – versus just one. The same can be done with two or more wives. Plan a romantic getaway, dinner, a weekend, etc. with two or more wives instead of just one.
The best way to look at this is that combined time is better than no time at all. You're all grown-ups. You've all agreed to this type of relationship. You have to work together. Sacrifices may need to be made on occasion. It's all part of the agreed-upon lifestyle.
Thinking about Starting a Polygamous Family? First Check Out Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service
Would you like to meet prospective sister wives or other polygamists? If so, we can help. We are Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service.
Sister Wives consistently receives positive client reviews. On our website, you will find a vast selection of options and extras. Use our convenient online form to find out more. What’s more, you can follow us on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Not sure about the polygamous lifestyle? Find out what others have to say on our "Blogs".
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
Some of today's matchmaking services and/or dating websites go far above and beyond offering a simple photograph. Many today employ video chat or Facetiming. While the process to engage in video chats may vary slightly from site to site, they all operate on a pretty basic level.
Here, we will go through some of the steps involved – again, at a basic level – and then give some pointers for those who aren't particularly familiar with this incredible option.
Video Chatting – How to Start
So, you've decided to video chat. Good for you. As a very basic example, here's how to enable the video chat on a dating site:
• A VIP membership may be required, so check
• Go to the person's profile with whom you wish to chat
• At the top of the screen, locate the video icon
• Tap the icon
• To unlock the face-to-face future, slide the toggle
• After the feature has been enabled by both parties, the app will likely display a confirmation message
• Confirm
• At the top of the chat screen, tap the video call button to begin your call
Remember: These steps can vary depending on the app, site, service, etc. Make sure that the device you're using has a camera and the lens is not blocked.
Before You "Chat"
Remember, when you’re video chatting, you're doing more than just talking. You're going to be able to actually see each other, so you should look the part. Here are some things to keep in mind:
• Choose the perfect location. Consider lighting, your background, possible distractions, etc.
• Carefully go over the person's profile before you start chatting with them. You might even make some notes to refer to during your chat.
• Look your best. You don't have to go over the top, by any means, but comb your hair, brush your teeth, put on a little makeup (if that's something you do), wear a nice shirt or blouse, etc.
• Have something handy to drink in case you get dry during the conversation.
• Look in the mirror to figure out what your best angle is and then face the camera/computer/phone in that manner.
Extra Pointers
During your video chat, keep the following in mind:
• Pay attention to your body language (take a hint from the body language of your match)
• Stay positive
• Don't eat or chew gum
• Wear headphones
• Don't fidget
• Don't stare at yourself
• Awkward silences aren't always a bad thing – don't get nervous
• Try to end on a high note
The Dating Site You've Been Looking For – Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service
Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service is so much more than just your basic dating site. We bring people together who have a common interest/lifestyle: polygamy.
We carefully monitor our site for fakes, offer easy sign-up, have a VIP membership option, and much more. You'll get more than just a profile and picture, too. We also offer video chat opportunities and other fun ways to chat and interact.
Contact us for more information. We offer a convenient online form you can send in. We'll be in touch. You can also join through Facebook and/or follow us on social networks like Instagram and Twitter.
Become more familiar with Sister Wives and our lifestyle by attending one of our activities and events. Meanwhile, find out what others have to say on our "Blogs".
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
Whether you are already a polygamist, or you're considering polygamy as a way of life, sooner or later, you'll likely have to "come out" to friends and family. Of course, LGBT+ community members have been dealing with this for decades. But polygamy is in the spotlight more now than ever with television shows like Sister Wives and others. Unfortunately, those don't always give an accurate picture of what the polygamist’s lifestyle is all about. So, when you do "come out", you're probably going to end up dealing with all of the misconceptions people have gleaned from those programs. That can take an already dicey situation and make it even worse.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you're already a polygamist and you've decided to let your family and friends in on your little secret. What's the best way to go about it? Here's some advice (which may not be perfect for everyone but will hopefully help some people).
When Will You Drop the Bomb?
"The Bomb" is, of course, the news that you are a polygamist. You'll want to decide on a time you feel is best for sharing your news. The responses can, in some cases, be influenced by how long you've waited to fill people in. The sooner the better, in most cases. People may feel like they've been deceived if you've been doing this for years and have finally decided to be "truthful".
If you're not quite yet in a serious relationship, you may want to hold off just a little while until you're actually in one. It's a personal choice.
Questions and More Questions
Once the cat is out of the bag, some people will ask question after question. That's a good thing, however. The more curious they are, the better you can explain your situation. If they’re curious, they're less likely to condemn you, and more likely to accept or at least respect your decision.
Share Your Feelings Honestly
The reasons why you decided on polygamy may be personal but sharing them honestly with others may help them understand your choice. Even if they don't agree with it, they may be able to respect it, depending on your delivery, their frame of mind, and more. The important thing is to be as upfront and honest as you possibly can. Be equally prepared for honesty from them, however.
Prepare Yourself For Varied Reactions
Not everyone will react the same to your news. Some people will be angry, some people will be shocked, others will be happy, and some may feel disappointed. Prepare yourself ahead of time for any reaction you could possibly imagine.
You may want to begin your sharing sessions with the people you feel will be the most supportive. The same goes for introducing your partners to others, should you choose to do so.
Partner Involvement
Again, this is going to be a personal choice. Not everyone will think it's a good idea. You may choose to involve your partner(s) in the discussions you have with family and friends. Of course, they (your partners) have to be on board with this as well.
Be Understanding and Take It Slowly
This is big news to most people and they're going to react in various manners. Try to see it from their standpoint, even if they're having a hard time seeing things from yours. People don't always do well with new things or change.
Sharing the news about your lifestyle is good, but don't feel like you have to reveal every single personal aspect – at least not at first (if ever). There's lots of time to delve into the aspects of a polygamous lifestyle, so don't rush it.
Remember, you are not the only polygamist to ever come out to family and friends. You may take the time to speak to others in your community who have already "come out", before sharing your big news with others.
When You're Ready to Come out As a Polygamist – Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service
If you're looking for fellow polygamists, either romantically or otherwise, Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service can introduce you to them.
Use our convenient online form to get in touch with us. To get to know us a little better, in the meantime, you can always follow us on Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc. You may also be interested in attending one of our activities and events.
If you'd like to find out what others have to say about polygamy and/or our service, check out our "Blogs".
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
In this day and age of "everything Internet", if it isn't happening online, it's not happening. Oddly enough, that includes dating. Actually, it's not that surprising if you think about it. It's just easier to use apps and websites to find a potential partner. Before you even meet someone, you can learn a lot about them. No more beating around the bush – just put it out there online.
If you're considering looking into dating and/or matchmaking services and apps, here are some of the things you can expect.
Many Are Theme Based
What is meant by a "theme"? For example, if you're 50 years of age and up – and prefer dating people your age – you could explore matchmaking through a dating site called "Our Time". Others may be centered around a gay theme, polygamy/polyamory, or another lifestyle/theme.
Everybody Uses Them
Okay, not everybody. But more people today are using matchmaking services and dating apps than ever before. It's no wonder. It can be difficult, at best, to meet people you have a lot in common with when relying on old-school dating methods. Services such as these can streamline the process significantly.
They Adapt to You
Just like, based on your purchases, Amazon suggests products – dating services look at who you've messaged and people who are similar to you before they make suggestions (depending on the website). People with similar beliefs, interests, etc. are more likely to be introduced to each other on these types of sites.
The Questionnaires Can Be Lengthy
Though the questionnaires for these services are lengthy, they serve an important purpose. They're trying to find out as much as they can about you so a better match can be made. It makes sense. As long as you allow yourself the time to go through the questionnaire honestly and thoughtfully, you should be able to achieve good results eventually.
Long-Term Relationships Are Possible!
Yes… it is possible to find the love of your life after being initially introduced through a dating app or matchmaking service. Granted, you may have to sift through some rocks before you find that gem – but he or she is out there.
You May Not Immediately Find Your Perfect Match
Most things worthwhile take time. Don't get discouraged. If you don't find that perfect match right off the bat, remember, a special someone could be waiting right around the corner. Take your time. Enjoy the experience.
You Have To Be Careful of Scams
Scams and frauds are everywhere you look today. The Internet makes it easier for them, in many cases. Always research an app or a site before you get involved. While the website itself may be legit, some of the "players" may not. Most dating and matchmaking services try to weed out the fakers, but some sneak by on occasion. If you find one, please report them to the site.
Some of Them Charge For Their Services
A paid membership is the best way to access all of the features provided by some dating apps. There's likely a free trial period, but then a charge may be applied. Then again, you may be able to view profiles and see matches, but for messaging, you'll have to pay for a membership.
Note: One of the biggest things to remember is that the online dating process is what you put into it.
Matchmaking Services That Work – Sister Wives Dating And Matchmaking
At Sister Wives, we believe in the importance of finding others who live a polygamous lifestyle and getting connected. Now that you know what to expect from dating apps in general, here's what you can expect from Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking, specifically:
• We are constantly monitoring for fakes.
• It's easy to sign up.
• We feature activities and events, have active groups, women, and couples.
• With a VIP membership, you have free access and other options.
Download our app today! In the meantime, you can find out what others have to say on our "Blogs".
Interested? Contact us today to find out more. We have a convenient online form you can send in. We'll be in touch. You can also join through Facebook and follow us on networks like Instagram and Twitter.
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
Whether dating in a heterosexual manner, dating as a member of the LGBT community, involved in polyamory or polygamy dating, or something else, dating can be somewhat stressful. Granted, the process has been exceptionally streamlined thanks to today's dating apps, matchmaking services, etc. But the fact remains, meeting someone new, in the interest of pursuing a relationship, can be a stressful experience.
Let's look at some general dating tips and then narrow it down just a bit further by offering some advice for successful polygamy dating. We are not talking about advice like "wear a nice outfit", "don't use too much makeup", "make sure you brush your teeth", etc. This goes a bit deeper.
General Dating Advice
For successful dating and "getting to know you" sessions, here are some very general tips. This doesn't apply to any particular lifestyle – it's just the basics:
• What do you want? It's an important question to ask yourself before you start dating.
• In return, what are you willing to give? Don't oversell or undersell yourself – be honest.
• What are your expectations from this meet-up? Looking for marriage? Kids? Serious relationship? Just sex? Again, be honest and upfront.
• What does the person you're going on a date with want? If you haven't already established this, get it out of the way soon.
• Know your options. Is the person you're going to date interested in the same relationship type or lifestyle you're hoping for? Might they be willing to experiment?
You should have an idea, before you get too far into the date, as to whether or not this is going to work out. To develop a deeper relationship, of course, it will take more than one meeting. Don't waste each other's time, however, if too many things don’t match-up between the two of you.
Polygamy Dating
Before dating as a polygamist – either for the male or the female – a very important decision needs to be made. Is this a lifestyle in which you feel you can't participate? For successful dating as a polygamist, we offer the following advice:
• Intuition goes a long way. Listen to yours. Say something if things don't feel right.
• Feelings of reservation can be expected, so appreciate them if they surface – either on the part of the person you're dating or on your part. Enter into this gradually and patiently.
• Be trustworthy and supportive.
• There are other partners that will be involved here, but it's important to try to steer clear of drama whenever possible. If tension surfaces, you'll need to get to the bottom of its cause before you can figure out what to do about it.
• Do a self-check as to your extreme neediness, possible feelings of resentment, inclination toward jealousy, etc. Check the other person as well. There is no room in a polygamous relationship for those kinds of feelings.
• You may have to ask yourself if you are willing to share this new person with others. Are they willing to share you?
• Have fun but be safe!
Most important: Remember that communication and honesty go a long way.
For Your Best Chance at Successful Polygamy Dating – Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service
Are you interested in meeting and dating other polygamists? If so, Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service makes it easy. We bring people together who have a common interests and lifestyles.
Contact us for additional information by filling out and sending in our online form. We'll be in touch. You can also join through Facebook and/or follow us on social networks like Instagram and Twitter.
Get to know Sister Wives and our lifestyle better by attending one of our activities and events. Meanwhile, find out what others have to say on our "Blogs".
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc
Countless individuals are turning to today's online matchmaking services or a dating app to find a relationship. It's not surprising when you consider how much more streamlined the entire dating process can be with the assistance of dating app memberships. While many are initially free to explore, or offer limited free memberships, most provide an extended usage opportunity through a VIP membership.
While the VIP membership does charge a fee, more times than not, it offers exceptional access to the many exclusive features of a dating app or website. Here, we are going to explore some of the benefits you may be introduced to through the purchase of a VIP membership.
Please keep in mind that what you'll get from a VIP membership will differ according to the app or site itself. There is no "one-size-fits-all" membership when it comes to the vast array of matchmaking apps and/or dating sites today.
In general, here's what you might expect from a dating app or matchmaking service VIP membership.
Free Trial
Once you purchase a VIP membership, you will probably have a specific amount of time to cancel the membership free of charge. Make the most of it. Test it out.
Limitless Chat
While time limitations and certain restrictions may apply to someone using a dating site for free, they are usually done away with once a VIP membership is established. Talk to as many people as you want, view as many photos as you'd like, as often as you want.
Find out Who's Interested
With VIP status, anytime you want, you can look at the profiles of people who seem to be interested in you in unlimited quantities. If you're super popular, that could come in handy!
Look at one profile, five, 10, 20… As many as you want. You have unlimited likes.
Get a Boost
Extra visibility, attention, and priority will likely be received by your profile as a VIP member. Compared to regular members, you might be shown twice as often. Keep in mind: The more you're viewed, the more likes you'll get. The more likes you get, the greater the number of matches possible.
Do Overs
If you look at a file, then go past it, you may not be able to get back to it and reconsider without a VIP membership. Whether you passed by as an error or are now rethinking the individual, this could be an important advantage.
Better Search Filters
Don't waste your time looking at people who don't fit your precise criteria. Narrow down the field easily and quickly with advanced search filters (an aspect of VIP membership). Some of the characteristics you may be able to shop by include:
• Verified photo
• Height
• Body type
• Ethnicity
• Interests
• Intentions and more
Explore Additional Locations
When you filled out your form, you probably included your home location. But what if you’re traveling and want to use the site to meet others in the immediate area? With a VIP membership, you may be able to do just that.
Pick and Choose
With a VIP membership, you can pick and choose those whom you don't want to see your profile and those you do. If you're pretty sure you won't be compatible with someone in the first place, why have them looking at your file?
Note: Though, once again, this may vary from site to site and depend largely on who you're talking to, some services boast a 10% better chance of meeting that special someone if you participate in a VIP membership.
Sister Wives Dating and Matchmaking Service – Best Dating App
Looking for a polygamy dating platform? Look no further than Sister Wives. We'd love to help you become a sister wife or find one. The whole point is to use online access to get to know other polygamists. Use either our app or our website – both are trusted poly matchmaking and dating services.
With our VIP membership, you'll enjoy free access, as well as various other options. To get the most out of polygamy dating, we recommend our VIP membership, though it's free to join the Sister Wives Dating website.
On our site, can also discover activities and events through which you can become more familiar with sister wives and the lifestyle. Interested? Contact us today to find out more. We have a convenient online form you can fill out and send in. We'll be in touch. You can also join through Facebook and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks.
Not sure about this lifestyle? Find out what others have to say on our "Blogs".
Published By: Sister Wives
Matchmakers Inc